Dr. Mohd Syahiran Abdul Latif
Dr. Mohd Syahiran Abdul Latif
Senior Lecturer
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Growth and prospect of Islamic finance in Malaysia
MZM Zin, S Ishak, ARA Kadir, MSA Latif
International Proceedings of Economics Development & Research 5 (1), 180-184, 2011
Education quality enhancement via multimedia technology
MZM Zin, MSA Latif, A Bhari, R Sulaiman, AA Rahman, AF Mahdi, ...
Asian Social Science 8 (10), 103, 2012
Mekanisme Wakaf: Gagasan Awal Terhadap Pembangunan & Pembiayaan Pusat Penyelidikan & Pengembangan Islam Borneo
HB MSA Latif, WA Wan Yon
Jurnal Pengurusan JAWHAR 2 (2), 63-86, 2008
Covid-19 In Islamic theology and its impact on socio-religious affairs in indonesia
IFA Nasution, M Anzaikhan, MSA Latif
European Journal of Science and Theology 18 (1), 51-65, 2022
Ethical issues between workforce and religious conviction
MZM Zin, AF Mahdi, AA Rahman, MSA Latif, R Sulaiman, NK Khalid, ...
Asian Social Science 8 (11), 50, 2012
Maqashid al-Syari’ah al-Syatibi: In The Paradigm Muslim Society as Methodology of Zakat Law
N Khoiri, I Harahap, MSA Latif
FITRAH: Jurnal Kajian Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman 8 (1), 175-188, 2022
Relationship between Muslim Accountability Enhancement and Religious Practices Appreciation
MZM Zin, MSA Latif, NA Ahmad, R Sulaiman
Journal of Multidisciplinary Islamic Studies eISSN 2785-9223 1 (2), 7-14, 2021
Potensi dalam pembangunan tanah wakaf di negeri Melaka
MSA Latif, H Bahrom
The Journal of Muamalat and Islamic Finance Research, 197-226, 2008
The Practice of Sufism And Religious Moderation In The Kauman Pesantren Communities, Central Java, Indonesia
B Irawan, RS Widjajanti, MSA Latif
Religia 26 (1), 21-39, 2023
The Legal and Cultural Provisions regarding Hadana Conflict and the Limits of the State in Contemporary Aceh, Indonesia
A Nasution, A Imron, MSA Latif, IFA Nasution
ICONIS: International Conference on Islamic Studies 5, 307-320, 2021
Membongkar rahsia pendidikan Islam
ARA Kadir, MSA Latif, SA Omar, MZM Zin, S Bujang, MM Musa, MZ Abidin, ...
Pusat Penerbitan Kolej Universiti Perguruan Ugama Seri Begawan, 2012
Green Sufism Argument as Environmental Ethics (Philosophical Analysis)
B Irawan, MSA Latif, IFA Nasution
Religia 25 (1), 2022
Realiti Keperluan Asnaf Fakir dan Miskin di Sarawak
MSA Latif, SA Omar, MZM Zin
Journal of Multidisciplinary Islamic Studies eISSN 2785-9223 1 (1), 11-17, 2021
Aktiviti pemakmuran masjid di Samarahan: kajian terhadap kemampuan pendakwah
A Abdul Rahman, MS Abdul Latif, WA Wan Yon
Universiti Teknologi MARA Sarawak, 2009
Zakat dan Kemiskinan: Cadangan Ke Arah Pemerkasaan Sistem Agihan Zakat
MSA Latif, ARA Kadir, SA Omar, A Amnan
Proceedings Borneo Islamic International Conference eISSN 2948-5045 14, 9-13, 2023
Integriti Islam dalam Tenaga Kerja Muslim Profesional
MZM Zin, MSA Latif, NA Ahmad, R Sulaiman
Proceedings Borneo Islamic International Conference eISSN 2948-5045 13, 388-391, 2022
Pemilikan Emas Perhiasan di kalangan Wanita Islam Sarawak
SA Omar, MSA Latif, S Bujang
Journal of Multidisciplinary Islamic Studies eISSN 2785-9223 1 (1), 18-24, 2021
Proceeding International Conference on Halal Industry and Halal Guarantee Systems, Pengembangan Industri Halal dan Jaminan Produk Halal di Indonesia dan Malaysia
S Prabowo, M Latif, S Abdul, L Andar Yuni, S Aini, Z Arifin, A Pagala, ...
Pusat Kajian Halal (PUKAHA) Fakultas Syariah UIN Sultan Aji Muhammad Idris …, 2021
Kadar Keperluan Asas Daruriyyat Berdasarkan Nilai Emas dalam Agihan Zakat Terhadap Asnaf Fakir dan Miskin
SBSA MSA Latif, S Tapah
Islam di Borneo 1, 3-12, 2017
Epidemiology study of giardia duodenalis infection among orang asli school children in Sekolah Kebangsaan Penderas, Pahang/Syifaa’Liyana Mohd Latif
M Latif
Universiti Teknologi MARA, 2015
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