Sari Rahayu
Sari Rahayu
Faculty of Forestry, Universitas Gadjah Mada
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Research trend: Hidden diamonds–The values and risks of online repository documents for forest policy and governance analysis
S Rahayu, D Laraswati, AA Pratama, DB Permadi, MAK Sahide, ...
Forest policy and economics 100, 254-257, 2019
Bureaucratizing non-government organizations as governmental forest extension services in social forestry policy in Indonesia
S Rahayu, D Laraswati, AA Pratama, MAK Sahide, DB Permadi, ...
Forests, Trees and Livelihoods 29 (2), 119-129, 2020
Nongovernmental organizations as interest groups and their roles in policy processes: Insights from Indonesian forest and environmental governance
D Laraswati, M Krott, E Soraya, S Rahayu, MR Fisher, L Giessen, ...
Forest and Society 6 (2), 570-589, 2022
Problem-method fit in forest policy analysis: Empirical pre-orientation for selecting tested or innovative social-qualitative methods
D Laraswati, S Rahayu, AA Pratama, E Soraya, MAK Sahide, A Maryudi
MethodsX 7, 100794, 2020
Only a Noise? The Role of Non-governmental Organizations in the Policy Processes of a New Social Forestry Model in Indonesia
S Rahayu, D Laraswati, DB Permadi, MA Sahide, A Maryudi
The anachronistic category of non-government organisations: moving from normative to empirical-based definitions for identifying organized interest groups in forest policymaking
D Laraswati, S Rahayu, MAK Sahide, E Soraya, AA Pratama, M Fisher, ...
Forest Policy and Economics 112, 102106, 2020
Problem-method fit in forest policy analysis: Empirical pre-orientation for selecting tested or innovative social-qualitative methods. MethodsX, 7, 100794
D Laraswati, S Rahayu, AA Pratama, E Soraya, MAK Sahide, A Maryudi
Semburat Cahaya Istimewa: Inovasi dan Kreasi Pengelolaan Hutan KPH Yogyakarta
ASB Nurjaman, A Adiwinata, A Maryudi
Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Gadjah Mada, 2021
Representation-Influence Framework (RIF) for analyzing the roles of organized interest groups (OIGs) in environmental governance
D Laraswati, M Krott, MAK Sahide, E Soraya, AA Pratama, S Rahayu, ...
MethodsX 8, 101335, 2021
Private forest in facing the timber legality regime in Indonesia: the NGOs’ role
D Laraswati, S Rahayu, AA Pratama, E Soraya, MAK Sahide, A Maryudi
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 449 (1), 012053, 2020
How NGO fulfill the complex scheme of social forestry: a resume of SF scheme in Indonesia
S Rahayu, D Laraswati, AA Pratama, DB Permadi, MAK Sahide, ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 449 (1), 012051, 2020
The Role of Local Governments in Supporting Social Forestry Implementation in Indonesia: A Social Network Analysis and Evidence from Eastern Indonesia
S Rahayu, N Sakuntaladewi, BK Sumirat, TS Widyaningsih, ...
Forest and Society 8 (1), 154-178, 2024
KPH Yogyakarta: Membangun model pengelolaan hutan yang mendiri dan profesional
ASB Nurjaman, AA Nawir, A Maryudi, DB Permadi, AA Pratama, ...
Investasi Sektor Hilirisasi Sumber Daya Hutan
AN Sari Rahayu
Kementerian Investasi/BKPM, 2023
Perlunya Digitalisasi Basis Data & Pemasaran Produk Hutan
Sari Rahayu, Christine Wulandari, Sutrisno, Ali Sofiawan, Yudha AN, 2021
Gotong Royong Selamatkan Gajah di Tesso Nilo
Sari Rahayu, Christine Wulandari, Sutrisno, Ali Sofiawan, Yudha AN, 2021
Aroma wangi kayu putih: Menyulap lahan kritis menjadi bisnis
S Rahayu, D Laraswati
CIFOR, Fakultas Kehutanan, Universitas Gadjah Mada, dan KPH Yogyakarta, 2020
Meniti jalan terang: Hubungan kelembagaan kesatuan pengelolaan hutan (KPH)
ASB Nurjaman, AA Nawir, A Maryudi, DB Permadi, AA Pratama, ...
Harum semerbak alam: Ekowisata berbasis masyarakat di KPH Yogyakarta
ASB Nurjaman, AA Nawir, A Maryudi, DB Permadi, AA Pratama, ...
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Articles 1–19