pressa perdana surya saputra
pressa perdana surya saputra
Dosen teknik elektro, Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik
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Cited by
Review and comparison of DC-DC converters for maximum power point tracking system in standalone photovoltaic (PV) module
PP Surya, D Irawan, M Zuhri
2017 International Conference on Advanced Mechatronics, Intelligent …, 2017
The prototype of infant incubator monitoring system based on the internet of things using NodeMCU ESP8266
R Firmansyah, A Widodo, AD Romadhon, MS Hudha, PPS Saputra, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1171 (1), 012015, 2019
Sistem Monitoring Debu Dan Karbon Monoksida Pada Lingkungan Kerja Boiler Di Pt. Karunia Alam Segar
F Ardiansyah, M Misbah, PS Pressa
IKRA-ITH Teknologi Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi 2 (3), 62-71, 2018
Kontrol motor brushless dc (bldc) berbasis algoritma ai-pid
D Irawan, PP SS
Jurnal Teknik Elektro dan Komputasi (ELKOM) 2 (1), 41-48, 2020
Combination of Quadratic Discriminant Analysis and Daubechis Wavelet for Classification Level of Misalignment on Induction Motor
PPS Saputra, FD Murdianto, R Firmansyah, K Widarsono
2019 International Symposium on Electronics and Smart Devices (ISESD), 1-5, 2019
Simulation analysis on high impedance temporary short circuit in induction motor winding
IH DA Asfani, PPS Saputra, IMY Negara
QiR (Quality in Research), 2013 International Conference on, 202-207, 2013
Various and multilevel of coiflet discrete wavelet transform and quadratic discriminant analysis for classification misalignment on three phase induction motor
PPS Saputra, R Firmansyah, D Irawan
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1367 (1), 012049, 2019
Rancang Bangun Sistem Kendali Dan Monitoring Sistem Automatic Transfer Switch/Automatic Main Failure (Ats–Amf) Menggunakan Wemos D1 Berbasis Internet Of Things (Iot)
RP Astutik, P Perdana
SinarFe7 4 (1), 15-22, 2021
IoT based temperature control system using node MCU ESP 8266
R Firmansyah, M Yusuf, PPS Saputra, ME Prasetyo, FM Mochtar, ...
International Joint Conference on Science and Engineering (IJCSE 2020), 401-407, 2020
Weather monitoring telemetry system based on arduino pro mini with antenna tracker using transceiver module SV651 and SV611
R Firmansyah, MBA Mustofa, ME Prasetya, PPS Saputra
International Joint Conference on Science and Engineering (IJCSE 2020), 322-330, 2020
Haar and Symlet Discrete Wavelete Transform for Identification Misalignment on Three Phase Induction Motor Using Energy Level and Feature Extraction
PPS Saputra, R Firmansyah, D Lastomo
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1179 (1), 012093, 2019
Surya, Pressa.(2015)
A Asfani, D Yulistya Negara, I Made
Short Circuit Detection in Stator Winding Of Three Phase Induction Motor …, 0
Short Circuit Detection in Stator Winding of Three Phase Induction Motor Using Wavelet Transform and Quadratic Discriminant Analysis
DA Asfani, IMY Negara, P Perdana Surya
Proceedings of the 3rd IIAE International Conference on Intelligent Systems …, 2015
Design of Water PH Quality Monitoring System in PT SIER Industrial Area Based on Internet of Things at Waste Water Treatment Plant
FM Dialaksito, PP Surya
Indonesian Vocational Research Journal 2 (2), 7-22, 2023
Sistem Informasi Desa Berbasis Web Di Kelurahan Sidomukti Kecamatan Kebomas Kabupaten Gresik
PPS Saputra, F Fahrudin, MK Nasikin, U Chotijah, AR Rahim, S Sukaris, ...
DedikasiMU: Journal of Community Service 3 (1), 658-666, 2021
Energy storage system using solar energy resources to optimize charging process for DC lighting nanogrid system
FD Murdianto, I Sudiharto, MAAF Zaqki, K Widarsono, PPS Saputra
2020 International Conference on Applied Science and Technology (iCAST), 465-469, 2020
Economic Dispatch in IEEE 26 Bus System using Quantum Behaved Particle Swarm Optimization
PPS Saputra, FD Murdianto, R Firmansyah, K Widarsono
2020 International Conference on Applied Science and Technology (ICAST), 54-58, 2020
Rancang Bangun Purwarupa Smart Garden Menggunakan Kamera, Sensor Suhu Dan Kelembaban Tanah Berbasis Internet Of Things (IOT) Dengan ESP8266
F Himawan, P Perdana, YA Surya
Jurnal JEETech 2 (2), 78-83, 2021
Edukasi Pencegahan Penularan Virus Corona Dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Memproduksi Jamu Kekebalan Tubuh Di Kelurahan Indro, Gresik
NP Andian, PPS Saputra
Abdimas Galuh 3 (1), 155-162, 2021
Design of Model Predictive Control to stabilize Two-Stage Inverted Pendulum
R Firmansyah, PPS Saputra
2020 Third International Conference on Vocational Education and Electrical …, 2020
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Articles 1–20