Muhammad Cahyadi
Muhammad Cahyadi
Other namesM. Cahyadi, Muhamad Cahyadi
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Cited by
The physical and microbiological quality of chicken meat in the different type of enterprise poultry slaughterhouse: a case study in Karanganyar District
BS Hertanto, CDA Nurmalasari, AMP Nuhriawangsa, M Cahyadi, ...
IOP conference series: Earth and environmental science 102, 012051, 2018
A novel multiplex-PCR assay to detect three non-halal meats contained in meatball using mitochondrial 12S rRNA gene
M Cahyadi, T Wibowo, A Pramono, ZH Abdurrahman
Food Science of Animal Resources 40 (4), 628-635, 2020
Komposisi unsur hara kompos yang dibuat dengan bantuan agen dekomposer limbah bioetanol pada level yang berbeda
RA Bachtiar, M Rifki, YR Nurhayat, S Wulandari, RA Kutsiadi, A Hanifa, ...
Sains Peternakan: Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Peternakan 16 (2), 63-68, 2018
Detection of pork contamination in fresh and cooked beef using genetic marker mitochondrial-DNA cytochrome b by duplex-PCR
A Ni’Mah, Y Kartikasari, AD Pratama, LR Kartikasari, BS Hertanto, ...
Journal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture 41 (1), 7-12, 2016
A major locus for quantitatively measured shank skin color traits in Korean native chicken
S Jin, JH Lee, DW Seo, M Cahyadi, NR Choi, KN Heo, C Jo, HB Park
Asian-Australasian journal of animal sciences 29 (11), 1555, 2016
Egg production traits and egg quality characteristics in black and brown plumage color lines of Japanese quail.
M Cahyadi, R Fauzy, R Dewanti
Specific primer design of mitochondrial 12S rRNA for species identification in raw meats
M Cahyadi, P Puruhita, FH Barido, BS Hertanto
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 102 (2018), 012038, 2018
Identification of quantitative trait loci for the fatty acid composition in Korean native chicken
S Jin, HB Park, D Seo, NR Choi, P Manjula, M Cahyadi, S Jung, C Jo, ...
Asian-Australasian journal of animal sciences 31 (8), 1134, 2018
Produksi dan kualitas susu sapi perah penderita mastitis yang mendapat pengobatan antibiotik
J Riyanto, S Sunarto, BS Hertanto, M Cahyadi, R Hidayah, W Sejati
Sains Peternakan: Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Peternakan 14 (2), 30-41, 2017
Association of MC1R genotypes with shank color traits in Korean native chicken
S Jin, HB Park, DW Seo, M Cahyadi, NR Choi, KN Heo, C Jo, JH Lee
Livestock Science 170, 1-7, 2014
Body Weight and Body Measurement Characteristics of Seven Goat Breeds in Indonesia
RY Kusminanto, A Alawiansyah, A Pramono, S Sutarno, M Cahyadi
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 478 (1), 012039, 2020
Identification of pork contamination in meatball using genetic marker mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b gene by duplex-PCR
E Novianty, LR Kartikasari, JH Lee, M Cahyadi
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 193 (1), 012002, 2017
Association of variation in the mc4r gene with meat quality traits in a commercial pig population
K Kwon, M Cahyadi, HB Park, DW Seo, S Jin, SW Kim, YI Choi, KS Kim, ...
Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University 60 (1), 113-118, 2015
Genetic parameters for growth-related traits in Korean native chicken
M Cahyadi, HB Park, DW Seo, S Jin, N Choi, KN Heo, BS Kang, C Jo, ...
Korean Journal of Poultry Science 42 (4), 285-289, 2015
Partisipasi petani dalam pelatihan pembuatan pupuk organik berbasis kotoran sapi di Desa Kaliboto
E Rusdiyana, M Cahyadi, A Pramono, AW Budiman
Qardhul Hasan: Media Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 6 (2), 127-133, 2020
Dampak Sistem Pemeliharaan Intensif dan Semi Intensif Terhadap Ukuran Tubuh Sapi Bali Jantan di Balai Pembibitan Ternak Unggul (BPTU) Sapi Bali
SD Volkandari, P Sudrajad, D Prasetyo, A Prasetyo, J Pujianto, ...
Balai Besar Pengkajian dan Pengembangan Teknologi Pertanian, 2020
Color and texture analyses of meatballs made from beef, pork, rat, dog meats, and their mixtures
FR Tathma, T Wibowo, IM Taufik, M Cahyadi
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 633 (1), 012029, 2019
Development of mitochondrial 12S rRNA gene for identification of dog and rat in beef using multiplex PCR.
M Cahyadi, IM Taufik, A Pramono, ZH Abdurrahman
The effect of various decomposers on quality of cattle dung compost
NS Alfadlli, S Noor, BS Hertanto, M Cahyadi
Buletin Peternakan 42 (3), 250-255, 2018
Variance component quantitative trait locus analysis for body weight traits in purebred Korean native chicken
M Cahyadi, HB Park, DW Seo, S Jin, N Choi, KN Heo, BS Kang, C Jo, ...
Asian-Australasian journal of animal sciences 29 (1), 43, 2016
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