Arie Afriansyah
Cited by
Cited by
Penanggulangan Pencemaran Sampah Plastik Di Laut Berdasarkan Hukum Internasional
GD Wahyudin, A Afriansyah
Jurnal IUS Kajian Hukum dan Keadilan 8 (3), 529-550, 2020
Kebijakan kelautan Indonesia dan diplomasi maritim
I Kusumawardhani, A Afriansyah
Jurnal Kertha Patrika 41 (3), 266, 2019
Kewenangan Negara Pantai dalam Mengelola Wilayah Laut
A Afriansyah
Jurnal Hukum dan Pembangunan Tahun ke 45 (4), 2015
Paris Agreement: Respon Terhadap Pendekatan Prinsip Common but Differentiated Responsibilities and Respective Capabilities Dalam Kyoto Protocol
A Bilqis, A Afriansyah
Environmental Law 2 (7), 2020
Refugee resettlement: A review of Indonesian laws and practices
A Afriansyah, EA Zulfa
Indon. L. Rev. 8, 203, 2018
The Adequacy of International Legal Obligations for Environmental Protection during Armed Conflict
A Afriansyah
Indon. L. Rev. 3, 55, 2013
Indonesia and the global compacts on refugees and migration
A Afriansyah
International Journal of Refugee Law 30 (4), 684-686, 2018
Indonesia's Practice in Combating Illegal Fishing: 2015-2016
A Afriansyah
Asian Yearbook of International Law 22, 283-301, 2018
Asylum seekers and refugee management:(im) balance burden sharing case between Indonesia and Australia
A Afriansyah, HR Purnama, AK Putra
Sriwijaya Law Review 6 (1), 70-100, 2022
Foreigners Land Rights Regulations: Indonesia’s Practice
A Afriansyah
Mimbar Hukum-Fakultas Hukum Universitas Gadjah Mada 27 (1), 98-116, 2015
Enforcing Law in Undelimited Maritime Areas: Indonesian Border Experience
A Afriansyah, AR Darmawan, A Pramudianto
The International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law 37 (2), 282-299, 2022
Indonesian legal challenges regarding electronic contracts in international trade
NK Wardani, A Afriansyah
3rd International Conference on Law and Governance (ICLAVE 2019), 23-30, 2020
Extraterritoriality of data protection: GDPR and its possible enforcement in Indonesia
I Pramesti, A Afriansyah
3rd International Conference on Law and Governance (ICLAVE 2019), 83-94, 2020
Comparative law enforcement model at sea: lesson learned for Indonesia
YK Dewi, A Afriansyah, AR Darmawan
Indonesian J. Int'l L. 18, 83, 2020
The Struggle of Becoming the 11th Member State of ASEAN: Timor Leste's Case
M Windraskinasih, A Afriansyah
Brawijaya Law Journal 5 (1), 74-101, 2018
Regulation of Crypto Currency in World Trade Organization
RP Sholihah, A Afriansyah
3rd International Conference on Law and Governance (ICLAVE 2019), 39-45, 2020
Free Papua Organization: Belligerent, Combatant, or Separatist?
I Kusumawardhani, A Afriansyah
3rd International Conference on Law and Governance (ICLAVE 2019), 311-319, 2020
Legal framework and mechanism of marine fisheries subsidies in the aspects of international trade and sustainable development
A Yusuf, MK Ariadno, A Afriansyah
Indon. L. Rev. 5, 291, 2015
Analisis Definisi Kapal (Penangkap) Ikan Dalam Perlindungan Awak Kapal Pada Konvensi Stcw-F
A Afriansyah, D Baskoro, C Imanuel
Masalah-Masalah Hukum 50 (2), 209-221, 2021
Fighting the Giants: Efforts in Holding Corporation Responsible for Environmental Damages in Indonesia
A Afriansyah, A Jayadi, A Vania
Hasanuddin Law Review 4 (3), 325-338, 2018
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Articles 1–20