Dr. Wenny Artanty Nisman, S.Kep.,Ns.M.Kes
Dr. Wenny Artanty Nisman, S.Kep.,Ns.M.Kes
school of nursing faculty of medicine Universitas Gadjah Mada
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Lima menit kenali payudara anda
WA Nisman
Yogyakarta: CV. Andi Offset, 2011
Change in contraceptive methods following the Yogyakarta earthquake and its association with the prevalence of unplanned pregnancy
ED Hapsari, WA Nisman, L Lusmilasari, R Siswishanto, H Matsuo
Contraception 79 (4), 316-322, 2009
Faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan tingkat dismenorea di SMP Negeri di Yogyakarta
A Gunawati, WA Nisman
Jurnal Kesehatan Reproduksi 8 (1), 8-17, 2021
AnalisisFaktor–Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Ketidakpatuhan Ibu Hamil dalam Mengkonsumsi Tablet Besi
S Purwaningsih, A Akhmadi, WA Nisman
Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan 1 (2), 72-81, 2004
Panduan Pintar Ibu Menyusui
WA Nisman, ME Mera, A Sandi, S Lesmana
Yogyakarta: ANDI, 2011
Pelayanan kesehatan peduli remaja menurut perspektif remaja di Kota Magelang
R Rohmayanti, IT Rahman, WA Nisman
Jurnal Kesehatan Reproduksi 2 (1), 2015
Hubungan harga diri dengan kualitas hidup wanita menopause
AN Subagya, W Artanty, ED Hapsari
Jurnal Persatuan Perawat Nasional Indonesia (JPPNI) 2 (3), 177-193, 2018
Upaya peningkatan keterampilan konseling kesehatan reproduksi mahasiswa melalui pelatihan konselor sebaya
R Harini, I Rahmat, WA Nisman
Jurnal Ners 9 (2), 173-182, 2014
Pengaruh konseling laktasi terhadap pengetahuan kemampuan dan keberhasilan ibu dalam pemberian ASI
A Liliana, ED Hapsari, WA Nisman
Jurnal Keperawatan Respati Yogyakarta 4 (2), 189-193, 2017
Quality of life of cervical cancer patient with support from nuclear family and extended family in Dr. Sardjito general hospital, Yogyakarta Indonesia: a comparative study
H Pradjatmo, WA Nisman, Y Fatmawati, Y Fatmawati
Int J Res Med Sci 5 (8), 3554-3559, 2017
Upaya Penurunan Aktivitas Seksual Pranikah Melalui Pendidikan Kesehatan Reproduksi Berbasis Kesetaraan Gender
I Parmawati, WA Nisman, W Lismidiati, S Mulyani
Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (Indonesian Journal of Community …, 2020
Experience and social support needs of becoming a mother in adolescence in Yogyakarta City
C Oktaviyana, I Nurjannah, WA Nisman
Berita Kedokteran Masyarakat 34 (2), 80-87, 2018
The experience of chronic sorrow among Indonesian mothers who have suffered recent perinatal loss
E Samutri, W Widyawati, WA Nisman, J Gittelsohn, H Hadi, EC Lewis, ...
Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences 10 (T8), 114-121, 2022
How does health reproduction education based on gender equality influence knowledge, attitudes, and self-efficacy in adolescents?
WA Nisman, I Parmawati, TW Setyoharsih, RVF Gita, R Annisa
Enfermería Clínica 30, 11-15, 2020
Knowledge enhancement about pregnancy complications: Optimizing the role of high risk pregnancy prepared cadres
I Parmawati, A Sandhi, WA Nisman, W Lismidiati, A Rustiyaningsih, ...
Journal of Community Empowerment for Health 3 (1), 18-27, 2020
Role of mother support group (KP-Ibu) on behavior of exclusive breastfeeding in work area primary health care (Puskesmas) of Ngoresan Surakarta
A Nurrohmah, S Prawitasari, W Artanty
International Journal Of Research In Medical Sciences 3 (1), 141-149, 2015
Infant feeding practices and analysis of factors affecting exclusive breastfeeding
WA Nisman, D Aryas, E Ratnasari, M Widya, N Yonanta, S Rahmasari, ...
Jurnal Keperawatan Soedirman 16 (3), 2021
Manfaat Latihan Relaksasi Hypnobirthing Pada Proses Persalinan Kala I
Y Nuryanti, WA Nisman, R Siswosudarmo
Jurnal Persatuan Perawat Nasional Indonesia (JPPNI) 1 (3), 200-206, 2017
Kualitas Hidup, Nyeri, dan Kecemasan pada Wanita Penderita Kanker Serviks dan Kanker Ovarium di RSUP Dr. Sardjito Yogyakarta: Studi Komparasi
MSR Wulandari, C Effendy, WA Nisman
Tesis.(https://etd. repository. ugm. ac. id) diakses: 23 Agustus2020, 2017
Pengaruh breastfeeding self efficacy treatment (best) terhadap perlekatan dan respon ibu-bayi selama proses menyusui di Puskesmas Ngampilan Dan Wirobrajan Yogyakarta
A Saputra
Masker Medika 7 (1), 42-66, 2019
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