Rahadian Zainul
Rahadian Zainul
Departemen Kimia FMIPA Universitas Negeri Padang
Email yang diverifikasi di fmipa.unp.ac.id - Beranda
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Herbal combination from Moringa oleifera Lam. and Curcuma longa L. as SARS-CoV-2 antiviral via dual inhibitor pathway: A viroinformatics approach
VD Kharisma, A Agatha, ANM Ansori, MH Widyananda, WC Rizky, ...
Journal of Pharmacy & Pharmacognosy Research 10 (1), 138-146, 2021
Design and modification of copper oxide electrodes for improving conversion coefficient indoors lights (PV-Cell) photocells
R Zainul
Der Pharma Chemica 8 (19), 338-395, 2016
Effect of temperature and particle motion against the ability of ZnO semiconductor photocatalyst in humic acid
R Zainul
Der Pharmacia Lettre 15 (8), 120-124, 2016
Thermal and Surface Evaluation on The Process of Forming a Cu2O/CuO Semiconductor Photocatalyst on a Thin Copper Plate
R Zainul, B Oktavia, I Dewata, J Efendi
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 335 (1), 012039, 2018
Determination of the half-life and the quantum yield of ZnO semiconductor photocatalyst in humic acid
R Zainul
Der Pharmacia Lettre 15 (8), 176-179, 2016
Bioactive compounds from mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) as an antiviral agent via dual inhibitor mechanism against SARSCoV-2: an in silico approach
ANM Ansori, VD Kharisma, AA Parikesit, FA Dian, RT Probojati, ...
Pharmacognosy Journal 14 (1), 2022
Design of Photovoltaic Cell with Copper Oxide Electrode by using Indoor Lights
Rahadian Zainul, Admin Alif, Hermansyah Aziz, Syukri Arief, Syukri, Edison Munaf
Research Journal of Pharmaceutical Biological and Chemical Science 6 (4 …, 2015
A Review Chemical Vapor Deposition: Process And Application
AA Dinata, AM Rosyadi, S Hamid, R Zainul
OSF, 2018
A review pemanfaatan teknologi sonikasi
D Candani, M Ulfah, W Noviana, R Zainul
INA-Rxiv, 2018
Photoelectrosplitting Water for Hydrogen Production Using Illumination with Indoor Lights
AY Rahadian Zainul, Admin Alif, Hermansyah Aziz, Syukri Arief, Syukri
Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research 7 (9), 57-67, 2015
A Review Solid Stated: Principles and Methode
SS Febriani, T Yolanda, VA Arianti, R Zainul
INA-Rxiv, 2018
Measurement of glycemic index of West Sumatera local rice genotypes for healthy food selection
A Anhar, R Sumarmin, R Zainul
Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research 8 (8), 1035-1040, 2016
Utilization of secondary metabolites in algae Kappaphycus alvarezii as a breast cancer drug with a computational method
AF Dibha, S Wahyuningsih, ANM Ansori, VD Kharisma, MH Widyananda, ...
Pharmacognosy Journal 14 (3), 2022
Modifikasi dan Karakteristik I-V Sel Fotovoltaik Cu2O/Cu-Gel Na2SO4 Melalui Illuminasi Lampu Neon
R Zainul, A Alif, H Aziz, S Arief, S Darajat
EKSAKTA Berkala Ilmiah Bidang MIPA 2 (2), 50, 2015
Development of e-learning courses for subjects about ‘learn and learning’with Moodle-based for prospective teacher in Indonesia
R Zainul, M Adri, N Wahyuningtyas, A Wedi, E Surahman, EN Aisyah, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1594 (1), 012023, 2020
Zinc/aluminium–quinclorac layered nanocomposite modified multi-walled carbon nanotube paste electrode for electrochemical determination of bisphenol A
R Zainul, N Abd Azis, I Md Isa, N Hashim, MS Ahmad, MI Saidin, ...
Sensors 19 (4), 941, 2019
Microstructural analysis and optical properties of nanocrystalline cerium oxides synthesized by precipitation method
GE Putri, S Arief, N Jamarun, FR Gusti, R Zainul
Rasayan J. Chem 12 (1), 85-90, 2019
Characterization of PCC Cement by Addition of Napa Soil from Subdistrict Sarilamak 50 Kota District as Alternative Additional Material for Semen Padang
M Mawardi, D Deyundha, R Zainul
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 335 (1), 012034, 2018
Disain Geometri Reaktor Fotosel Cahaya Ruang
R Zainul, A Alif, H Aziz, S Arief
Jurnal Riset Kimia 8 (2), 131, 2015
Pengembangan e-modul berbasis inkuiri terbimbing pada materi sifat keperiodikan unsur untuk SMA/MA kelas X
VK Cheva, R Zainul
Jurnal Edukimia 1 (1), 28-36, 2019
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