Irwan Iskandar
Irwan Iskandar
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Controlling factors and driving mechanisms of nitrate contamination in groundwater system of Bandung Basin, Indonesia, deduced by combined use of stable isotope ratios, CFC age …
A Taufiq, AJ Effendi, I Iskandar, T Hosono, LM Hutasoit
Water Research 148, 292-305, 2019
Variations in the concentration of magnetic minerals and heavy metals in suspended sediments from Citarum river and its tributaries, West Java, Indonesia
S Sudarningsih, S Bijaksana, R Ramdani, A Hafidz, A Pratama, W Widodo, ...
Geosciences 7 (3), 66, 2017
Impact of excessive groundwater pumping on rejuvenation processes in the Bandung basin (Indonesia) as determined by hydrogeochemistry and modeling
A Taufiq, T Hosono, K Ide, M Kagabu, I Iskandar, AJ Effendi, LM Hutasoit, ...
Hydrogeology Journal 26 (4), 1263-1279, 2018
Specifying recharge zones and mechanisms of the transitional geothermal field through hydrogen and oxygen isotope analyses with consideration of water-rock interaction
RM Shoedarto, Y Tada, K Kashiwaya, K Koike, I Iskandar
Geothermics 86, 101797, 2020
Distinguishing potential sources of arsenic released to groundwater around a fault zone containing a mine site
I Iskandar, K Koike
Environmental Earth Sciences 63, 595-608, 2011
On the origin and evolution of geothermal fluids in the Patuha Geothermal Field, Indonesia based on geochemical and stable isotope data
Y Rahayudin, K Kashiwaya, Y Tada, I Iskandar, K Koike, RW Atmaja, ...
Applied Geochemistry 114, 104530, 2020
Identifying groundwater arsenic contamination mechanisms in relation to arsenic concentrations in water and host rocks
I Iskandar, K Koike, P Sendjaja
Environmental Earth Sciences 65, 2015-2026, 2012
Investigation of meteoric water and parent fluid mixing in a two-phase geothermal reservoir system using strontium isotope analysis: A case study from Southern Bandung, West …
RM Shoedarto, Y Tada, K Kashiwaya, K Koike, I Iskandar, D Malik, ...
Geothermics 94, 102096, 2021
Characteristic and Mixing Mechanisms of Thermal Fluid at the Tampomas Volcano, West Java, Using Hydrogeochemistry, Stable Isotope and 222Rn Analyses
I Iskandar, FA Dermawan, JY Sianipar, Suryantini, S Notosiswoyo
Geosciences 8 (4), 103, 2018
Isotope hydrology and hydrochemistry of water resources in the banana plain (mungo-division) of the Cameroon Volcanic line
AA Ako, J Shimada, K Ichiyanagi, K Koike, T Hosono, GET Eyong, ...
J. Environ. Hydrol 18, 1-20, 2010
Overpressure Characteristics in Pertamina's Area in The North Sumatra Basin
LM Hutasoit, W Suseno, D Siahaan, AM Ramdhan, N Goulty, M Syaiful, ...
Indonesian Petroleum Association, 2013
Advanced characterization of hydrothermal flows within recharge and discharge areas using rare earth elements, proved through a case study of two-phase reservoir geothermal …
RM Shoedarto, Y Tada, K Kashiwaya, K Koike, I Iskandar
Geothermics 105, 102507, 2022
Development of drain hole design optimisation: a conceptual model for open pit mine slope drainage system with fractured media using a multi-stage genetic algorithm
LE Widodo, TA Cahyadi, Z Syihab, S Notosiswoyo, I Iskandar, ...
Environmental earth sciences 77, 1-16, 2018
Contribution of coal mine and coal fired power plant to CO2-emission in Indonesia
S Notosiswoyo, I Iskandar
Kyushu University G-COE program" Novel Carbon Resource Sciences" secretariat …, 2011
Nano-enhanced materials for reclamation of mine spoils
D Pramudita, I Iskandar, A Indarto
Bio-geotechnologies for mine site rehabilitation, 201-214, 2018
Magnetic characterization of sand and boulder samples from citarum river and their origin
S Sudarningsih, L Maulana, S Bijaksana, A Hafidz, A Pratama, W Widodo, ...
J. Math. Fundam. Sci 49, 116, 2017
Controls on the mineralogical and geochemical dispersion in soil and water around a tailing storage facility in the epithermal gold–silver mine in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia
AY Al Hakim, I Iskandar, CP Septianto, R Suwarman, A Fajrin, TA Putri
Geochemistry 83 (1), 125921, 2023
Estimation of Fluid-rock Interaction Process and Recharge Area of the Tampomas Geothermal Field, West Java, Indonesia by Water Chemistry
Y Rahayudin, K Kashiwaya, A Susmanto, Y Tada, I Iskandar, K Koike
Proceedings 43rd Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering Stanford …, 2018
Groundwater and solute transport modeling at Hyporheic zone of upper part Citarum River
I Iskandar, H Farazi, R Fadhilah, C Purnandi, S Notosiswoyo
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 71 (1), 012011, 2017
Modeling Spatial Distribution of 3D Isotropic Hydraulic Conductivity Based on HC-System for Fractured Groundwater Flow Media using Neural Network Case Study Grasberg Open Pit …
TA Cahyadi, LE Widodo, I Iskandar
INA-Rxiv, 2015
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Articles 1–20