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A Study On Malaysian Language Learners' Perception Towards Learning Arabic Via Online Games.
MS Sahrir, NA Alias
GEMA Online Journal of Language Studies 11 (3), 2011
Employing Design and Development Research (DDR): Approaches in the Design and Development of Online Arabic Vocabulary Learning Games Prototype.
MS Sahrir, NA Alias, Z Ismail, N Osman
Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology-TOJET 11 (2), 108-119, 2012
Online Vocabulary Games For Teaching And Learning Arabic.
MS Sahrir, G Yusri
GEMA Online Journal of Language Studies 12 (3), 2012
Scaffolding a conceptual support for personalized arabic vocabulary learning using augmented reality (ar) enhanced flashcards
N Zainuddin, MS Sahrir, RM Idrus, MN Jaffar
Journal of Personalized Learning 2 (1), 95-103, 2018
An evaluation of internship programme in improving graduate skills and marketability among Arabic language students in IIUM from the perspective of Malaysian job market
MS Sahrir, T Ismail, NH Mustapha, RA Bakar, S Man, MA Ahmad, ...
Journal of Education and Human Development 5 (1), 206-212, 2016
Pembangunan laman web EZ-Arabic sebagai alternatif pembelajaran maya bahasa Arab bagi pelajar sekolah rendah Malaysia
MF Yahaya, MS Sahrir, MS Nasir
Jurnal Teknologi 61 (1), 2013
Multimedia Courseware for Teaching Arabic Vocabulary: Let's Learn from the Experts.
N Zainuddin, MS Sahrir
Universal Journal of Educational Research 4 (5), 1167-1172, 2016
A design and development approach to researching online Arabic vocabulary games learning in IIUM
MS Sahrir, NA Alias
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 67, 360-369, 2012
An insight on needs analysis towards the development of animated infographic module in Arabic grammar learning
MFA Hamid, ZA Halim, MS Sahrir
Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies 16 (3), 1387-1401, 2020
Mode of delivery, order of birth, parental age gap and autism spectrum disorder among Malaysian children: A case-control study
JAA Galvan, PN Ramalingam, SS Patil, MAS bin Shobri, K Chinna, ...
Heliyon 6 (10), 2020
Digital games based language learning for Arabic literacy remedial
NAM Masrop, H Ishak, G Zainuddin, SR Ramlan, MS Sahrir, H Hashim
Creative Education 10 (12), 3213, 2019
An evaluation of Global Zakat Game (GZG) as edutainment board game in enhancing Zakat education in Malaysia.
AA Rahman, MS Sahrir, N Zainuddin, HA Khafidz
Educational Research and Reviews 13 (5), 166-172, 2018
EZ-Arabic for children: A virtual learning resource tool for Malaysian primary schools
MS Sahrir, MF Yahaya, MS Nasir
Procedia-social and behavioral sciences 90, 396-404, 2013
The effectiveness of ThingLink in teaching new vocabulary to non-native beginners of the Arabic language
NNA Roslan, MS Sahrir
IIUM Journal of Educational Studies 8 (1), 32-52, 2020
Penggunaan Bahasa Arab Lisan Dan Hubungannya Dengan Strategi Pengurusan Sumber.
G Yusri, NM Rahimi, PM Shah, WH Wah, MS Sahrir
GEMA Online Journal of Language Studies 12 (2), 2012
Learning preference among Arabic language learners via mobile learning management system platform (mobile LMS) using i-Taleem
MS Sahrir, N Zainuddin, MS Nasir
International Journal of Current Research in Life Sciences 5 (01), 509-514, 2016
Aplikasi’Konsep 4C’pembelajaran Abad Ke-21 Dalam Kalangan Guru Pelajar Sarjana Mod Pengajian Pendidikan Bahasa Arab Cuti Sekolah UIAM. E-Jurnal Bahasa media. neliti. com, 2020
MS Sahrir, N Osman, IS Muhammad
Prototype Development of Mobile App for Trilingual Islamic Banking and Finance Glossary of Terms via iOS and Android Based Devices.
H Dollah, MFM Ghalib, MS Sahrir, R Hassan, AW Zakaria, Z Omar
International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies 11 (3), 2017
Integration of an interactive program in learning arabic language for non-native speakers via Virtual Tutor
ARA Mahmoud, MS Sahrir
Integration 13 (3), 2013
Analysis, design and development of an online vocabulary game for Arabic elementary learners
MS Sahrir
Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), 2011
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