Jeffrey P. Boichuk
Jeffrey P. Boichuk
Ivey Business School at Western University
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Know your customer: How salesperson perceptions of customer relationship quality form and influence account profitability
RR Mullins, M Ahearne, SK Lam, ZR Hall, JP Boichuk
Journal of Marketing 78 (6), 38-58, 2014
Learned helplessness among newly hired salespeople and the influence of leadership
JP Boichuk, W Bolander, ZR Hall, M Ahearne, WJ Zahn, M Nieves
Journal of Marketing 78 (1), 95-111, 2014
Engaging dissatisfied retail employees to voice promotive ideas: The role of continuance commitment
JP Boichuk, B Menguc
Journal of Retailing 89 (2), 207-218, 2013
Customer orientation dissimilarity, sales unit identification, and customer-directed extra-role behaviors: Understanding the contingency role of coworker support
B Menguc, JP Boichuk
Journal of Business Research, 2012
Real earnings management in sales
M Ahearne, JP Boichuk, CJ Chapman, TJ Steenburgh
Journal of Accounting Research 54 (5), 1233–1266, 2016
Managing laggards: The importance of a deep sales bench
JP Boichuk, R Bommaraju, M Ahearne, F Kraus, TJ Steenburgh
Journal of Marketing Research 56 (4), 652-665, 2019
Generating and sharing of market intelligence in sales teams: an economic social network perspective
ZR Hall, RR Mullins, N Syam, JP Boichuk
Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management 37 (4), 298-312, 2017
Conditional Median-based Bayesian Growth Mixture Modeling for Nonnormal Data
S Kim, X Tong, J Zhou, JP Boichuk
Behavior Research Methods 54 (3), 1291-1305, 2022
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