Amreet Kaur Jageer Singh
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Grammar Errors Made by ESL Tertiary Students in Writing
CKS Singh, AKJ Singh, NQA Razak, T Ravinthar
English Language Teaching 10 (5), 16-27, 2017
Affordances of Wikispaces for Collaborative Learning and Knowledge Management
AKJ Singh, R Harun, W Fareed
GEMA Online Journal of Language Studies 13 (3), 79-97, 2013
Industrial Trainees Learning Experiences of English Related Tasks at the Workplace
AKJ Singh, RNSR Harun
Studies in English Language and Education 7 (1), 22-42, 2020
EFL Writing Teachers’ Practices and Values of Assessment for and as Learning in A Constrained Context
I Fitriyah, I Gozali, U Widiati, NEKAKJ Singh
Computer-Assisted Language Learning Electronic Journal (CALL-EJ) 24 (2), 104-128, 2023
Students’ Experiences and Challenges of Learning English Grammar through Flipped Classroom and Gamification
AKJ Singh, RNSR Harun
Proceedings of EEIC 1 (2), 146-152, 2016
Implementation of “Merdeka Belajar”: Evolving Learner Autonomy and Speaking Skill through Cultural Discovery Learning Model
AKJS Rafiqa, Raida Asfihana, Muhammad Aswad
Script Journal: Journal of Linguistic and English Teaching 8 (1), 54-72, 2023
Peer Instruction in a Flipped Learning Environment: Investigating ESL Students’ Critical Thinking Performance in Argumentative Essay Writing
AKJ Singh, RNSR Harun
Eduvelop: Journal of English Education and Development 4 (2), 51-70, 2021
Learning to Teach through Reflection: Observations of ESL Student Teachers' Recorded Macro and Micro Teaching
RNSR Harun, AKJ Singh
The International Journal of Learning in Higher Education 22 (4), 107-117, 2015
M-Learning in ELT: Avenues and challenges that confront teaching and learning at higher education
S Yuliani, N Kaur, AKJ Singh
International Journal of Language Education 7 (3), 377-392, 2023
Knowledge of general dentists in provision of endodontic treatment to pregnant women in Chitwan
L Shrestha, PK Kayastha, A Singh
J Nepal Dent Assoc 21 (32), 19-24, 2021
A systematic review of multimodal learning in higher education
RNSR Harun, AKJ Singh
Innovative Pedagogical Practices for Higher Education 4.0, 288-303, 2024
Peer Editing Process through Wikispaces in Correcting L2 Students’ Writing
AKJ Singh, RNSR Harun
The Asian Journal of English Language & Pedagogy 1 (2013), 119-147, 2013
A Bibliometric Analysis of English Teaching in Inclusive Education Using Scopus Data
K Kamarullah, N Hasrina, I Istiarsyah, AKJ Singh, R Maulya
Langkawi: Journal of The Association for Arabic and English 10 (2), 148-164, 2024
Learning Technologies in EAP as a Practical Online Course for Teachers: A Participant’s Reflection
AKJ Singh
Eighth International English Language Teaching Conference, Ho Chi Minh City …, 2017
Phase and amplitude perturbations observed on subionospheric VLF signal recorded at Varanasi (L= 1.07) using SoftPAL Receiver
AK Singh, AK Singh
2011 XXXth URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, 1-4, 2011
Peer Instruction in a Flipped Learning Environment: Examining ESL Students’ Participation in Writing Argumentative Essays
AKJ Singh, RNSR Harun
JEELS (Journal of English Education and Linguistics Studies) 8 (1), 69-96, 2021
Using Peer Editing through Wikispaces in Correcting L2 Students' Writing
AKJ Singh
Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, 2012
PAPER FOR THE YOUNG SCIENTIST AWARD 64th CONGRESS OF ISTAM Influence of viscoelasticity on reflection of three dimensional plane waves in highly anisotropic medium
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