prihartini widiyanti
prihartini widiyanti
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Poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA)-chitosan-collagen electrospun tube for vascular graft application
IA Fiqrianti, P Widiyanti, MA Manaf, CY Savira, NR Cahyani, FR Bella
Journal of functional biomaterials 9 (2), 32, 2018
High prevalence of HIV-1 CRF01_AE viruses among female commercial sex workers residing in Surabaya, Indonesia
T Kotaki, SQ Khairunisa, SD Sukartiningrum, MV Arfijanto, T Utsumi, ...
PLoS One 8 (12), e82645, 2013
Synthesis and characterization of injectable hydrogels with varying collagen–chitosan–thymosin β4 composition for myocardial infarction therapy
AD Shaghiera, P Widiyanti, H Yusuf
Journal of functional biomaterials 9 (2), 33, 2018
Synthesis and characterization biocomposite collagen-chitosan-glycerol as scaffold for gingival recession therapy
AF Rosdiani, P Widiyanti, DI Rudyarjo
Journal of International Dental and Medical Research 10 (1), 118, 2017
Bacterial cellulose-chitosan-glycerol biocomposite as artificial dura mater candidates for head trauma
RS Angtika, P Widiyanti, A Aminatun
Journal of Biomimetics, Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering 36, 7-16, 2018
Composite of Chitosan-Collagen-Aloe vera for Scaffolds Application on Skin Tissue
A Isfandiary, P Widiyanti, D Hikmawati
Journal of Biomimetics, Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering 32, 82-89, 2017
Poly (ethylene glycol) dimethacrylate–nanofibrillated cellulose bionanocomposites as injectable hydrogel for therapy of herniated nucleus pulposus patients
P Widiyanti, MA Amali
Journal of Materials Research and Technology 9 (6), 12716-12722, 2020
Hierarchical approach for fusion of electroencephalography and electromyography for predicting finger movements and kinematics using deep learning
T Das, L Gohain, NM Kakoty, MB Malarvili, P Widiyanti, G Kumar
Neurocomputing 527, 184-195, 2023
Antibacterial activity of water hyacinth (Eichhornia Crassipes) leaf extract against bacterial plaque from gingivitis patients
A Krismariono, EM Setiawatie, RY Rachmawati, YA Setiawan, ...
Journal of International Dental and Medical Research 15 (3), 966-971, 2022
Study of mechanical and thermal properties in nano-hydroxyapatite/chitosan/carboxymethyl cellulose nanocomposite-based scaffold for bone tissue engineering: the roles of …
Aminatun, D Hikmawati, P Widiyanti, T Amrillah, A Nia W, IT Firdania, ...
Applied Sciences 10 (19), 6970, 2020
Screening for Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus among febrile Indonesian Hajj pilgrims: A study on 28,197 returning pilgrims
M Amin, A Bakhtiar, M Subarjo, EB Aksono, P Widiyanti, K Shimizu, Y Mori
Journal of infection prevention 19 (5), 236-239, 2018
Tingkat Kondisi Fisik Atlet Sepakbola Puslatda Jatim (Study akhir priode persiapan kusus)
H Maulana, M Faruk
Jurnal Prestasi Olahraga 4 (9), 1-9, 2021
Carbonate hydroxyapatite-hyaluronic acid as bone healing accelerator: in-vitro and in-vivo studies on the alveolar bone of wistar rats
EM Setiawatie, P Widiyanti, M Ryan, M Rubianto
Journal of International Dental and Medical Research 12 (4), 1280-1286, 2019
Using learning vector quantization method for automated identification of mycobacterium tuberculosis
E Purwanti, P Widiyanti
Indonesian Journal of Tropical and Infectious Disease 3 (1), 26-29, 2012
Physical characteristic of brown algae (Phaeophyta) from madura strait as irreversible hydrocolloid impression material
P Widiyanti
Dental Journal-Majalah Kedokteran Gigi 45 (3), 177-180, 2012
The effect of glycerol concentration on biocomposite bacterial cellulose-chitosan characterization as dura mater artificial
FR Bella, P Widiyanti, A Aminatun
Journal of Biomimetics, Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering 45, 40-48, 2020
The role of chitosan on polyvinyl chloride (PVC)-glycerol biocomposites for blood bag application
NM Zahra, S Siswanto, P Widiyanti
Journal of Biomimetics, Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering 37, 94-106, 2018
In silico screening and biological evaluation of the compounds of justicia gendarussa leaves extract as interferon gamma inducer: A study of anti human immunodeficiency virus …
R Sinansari, PEW Bambang, P Widiyanti
African journal of infectious diseases 12 (1S), 140-147, 2018
Digital detection system design of Mycobacterium tuberculosis through extraction of sputum image using neural network method
F Arisgraha, P Widiyanti, R Apsari
Indonesian Journal of Tropical and Infectious Disease 3 (1), 35-38, 2015
Antiviral activity of Justicia gendarussa Burm. f. leaves against HIV-infected MT-4 cells
A Widodo, P Widiyanti, B Prajogo
African journal of infectious diseases 12 (1S), 36-43, 2018
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Articles 1–20