Sylvia Yazid
Sylvia Yazid
Universitas Katolik Parahyangan
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Dampak pandemi terhadap mobilitas manusia di Asia Tenggara
S Yazid, LDJ Lie
Jurnal Ilmiah Hubungan Internasional, 75-83, 2020
Religion in Indonesia's Elections: An Implementation of a Populist Strategy?
R Widian, PANIP Satya, S Yazid
Politics and religion 16 (2), 351-373, 2023
Indonesia's Civil Society in the Age of Democratization: NGO-responses on the Issue of Labor Migration
S Yazid
Nomos, 2013
Tata Kelola Remitansi Buruh Migran Indonesia oleh Pemangku Kepentingan di Tingkat Nasional dan Akar Rumput: Praktik Baik, Peluang dan Tantangan
EAS Dewi, S Yazid
Jurnal Hubungan Internasional 6 (2), 177-187, 2018
Women refugees: An imbalance of protecting and being protected
S Yazid, AL Natania
Librello, 2017
Activism of Indonesian NGOs on the issue of women migrant workers: Engaging in national and international co-operation
S Yazid
School of Political and Social Inquiry Monash University, 2008
Protecting Indonesia’s women migrant workers from the grassroots: a story of Paguyuban Seruni
E Dewi, S Yazid
Women’s Economic Empowerment in the Indian Ocean Region, 76-91, 2018
Indonesian labour migration: Identifying the women
S Yazid
Cakra Studi Global Strategis, 2016
Enhancing the role of remittances through social capital: Evidence from Indonesian household data
R Pratikto, S Yazid, E Dewi
Asian and Pacific Migration Journal 29 (1), 30-54, 2020
The prospect of ASEAN migration governance
S Yazid, I Septiyana
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences and Humanities 9 (2), 95-112, 2019
Democratization in Indonesia: Strong state and vibrant civil society
S Yazid, A K. Pakpahan
Asian Affairs: An American Review 47 (2), 71-96, 2020
Challenges in norm-localization at the city level: the case of localizing the human rights city concept in Bandung, Indonesia
MM Karman, R Widian, S Yazid
Asian affairs: an American review 50 (1), 1-26, 2023
Labour Migration from Indonesia to South Korea: Challenges in Maximizing Potentials
S Yazid
Jurnal Hubungan Internasional 6 (1), 72-80, 2017
Tantangan Mewujudkan Kesetaraan Gender di Tataran Lokal. Studi Kasus: Upaya Pemberdayaan Sosial dan Ekonomi Komunitas Perempuan Penyintas Kekerasan
SR Apresian, S Yazid, ES Dewi
Indonesian Journal of International Relations 1 (2), 2017
Women on the steering wheel: Identifying the potentials of women in improving the protection of Indonesian women migrant workers
S Yazid, ES Dewi
Journal of ASEAN Studies 3 (2), 102-115, 2015
Responding to Democratisation and Globalisation: NGOs Influence on Indonesia's Policies on Labour Migration
S Yazid
Monash University, 2010
Practicing Democracy in Indonesia: The Involvement of NGO in the Process of Making and Implementing Policies on Labor Migration
S Yazid
Indonesia's Search for Democracy, 211-232, 2013
Implementation of Human Rights City Concept in Bandung and Its Potential Contribution to the Fulfillment of Sustainable Development Goals.[Conference Paper]
S Yazid, MM Karman, R Widian, G Kartasasmita
World Human Rights City Forum, 2019
Identifikasi potensi perempuan di akar rumput dalam upaya perlindungan buruh migran perempuan Indonesia
YP Hermawan, S Yazid, E Dewi, MR Azalia, RM Nurdiandra, GG Ginanjar
Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat UNPAR, 2015
Identifikasi potensi perempuan dalam upaya perlindungan buruh migran perempuan Indonesia
YP Hermawan, S Yazid, EAS Dewi, R Dipananda, MR Azalia, ...
Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Katolik …, 2014
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Articles 1–20