Pemilihan kepala daerah (pilkada) dan tantangan demokrasi lokal di Indonesia S Suyatno Politik Indonesia: Indonesian Political Science Review 1 (2), 212-230, 2016 | 59 | 2016 |
Digital-Based Islamic Religious Education (IRE) Learning Model at Senior High School AH Nasaruddin, S Ladiqi Indonesian Journal of Islamic Education Studies (IJIES) 6 (1), 79-92, 2023 | 18 | 2023 |
Globalization and the rise of cosmopolitan shariah: The challenge and opportunity of Halal tourism in Indonesia S Ladiqi, B Wardhani, IS Wekke, AFA Rahim Herald NAMSCA 1, 904-907, 2018 | 15 | 2018 |
Implementation of learning curriculum in integrated independent campus learning program case study on KKNT village project I Prabawati, Y Riyanto, N Hariyati, A Indrasetianingsih, S Ladiqi International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research 22 (3 …, 2023 | 13 | 2023 |
MUSLIM MINORITY IN MYANMAR: A CASE STUDY OF MYANMAR GOVERNMENT AND ROHINGYA MUSLIMS. IS Wekke, M MAWARDIN, S Ladiqi, MA Salleh Walisongo: Jurnal Penelitian Sosial Keagamaan 25 (2), 2017 | 13 | 2017 |
Demokrasi di era digital: Pertautan antara Internet dengan politik S Ladiqi, IS Wekke Diandra Kreatif, 2018 | 12 | 2018 |
Bugis and Madura migration in Nusantara: religiosity, harmony, and identity from eastern Indonesia IS Wekke, S Ladiqi, R Bustami Ulul Albab 20 (1), 1, 2019 | 11 | 2019 |
Relawan: Dari Gerakan Sosial ke Proyek Politik UM Alam, E Arditama, C Seftyono Religion, State and Society: Exploration of Southeast Asia, edited by …, 2017 | 11 | 2017 |
Gambaran Demokrasi, Demokrasi, dan Perkembangan S Ladiqi, IS Wekke Yogyakarta: Penerbit GB [Gawe Buku]. Tersedia secara online juga di: http …, 2018 | 10 | 2018 |
Policy Model of Thematic Village Development Based Pentahelix in Realizing Sustainable Development Goals M Hazin, MT Yani, RJ Rosyanafi, NWD Rahmawati, S Ladiqi, M Nurcholiq International Journal of Religion 5 (9), 153-163, 2024 | 9 | 2024 |
LAW, POLITICS & SOCIETY: The Unravelling of Malaysia and Indonesia Potentiality S Ladiqi, SH Suparto Wijoyo, A Mustaffa, DRP Thalib, MH SH Airlangga University Press, 2021 | 8 | 2021 |
Extending Indonesian Gastrodiplomacy: Blending Geographical Indication (Gi) and" Kopi Indonesia" A Trihartono, S Ladiqi IIUMLJ 30, 69, 2022 | 7 | 2022 |
The Meaning of Happiness and Religiosity for Pre-Prosperous Family: Study in Manado, Bandar Lampung, and Yogyakarta A Rajafi, NA Hamhij, S Ladiqi AL-IHKAM: Jurnal Hukum & Pranata Sosial 15 (1), 50-66, 2020 | 7 | 2020 |
State Capacity and Public Trust in Handling the COVID-19 Outbreak in Malaysia Kapasitas Negara dan Kepercayaan Publik dalam Penanganan Wabah Covid-19 di Amerika Tengah serta … S Ladiqi Global and Strategis 14 (2), 257-274, 2020 | 7 | 2020 |
Demokrasi Elektoral dan Pilkada Langsung: Tinjauan Teori dan Sisi Gelapnya A Sutisna Suyatno Ladiqi, Ismail Suardi Wekke, Cahyo Seftyono 115, 2017 | 7 | 2017 |
GOOD PARTY GOVERNANCE: Praktik Partai Politik di Indonesia dan Malaysia dalam Tata Kelola Pemerintahan yang Baik Warjio, MF Othman, S Ladiqi Gerhana Publishing, 2021 | 5* | 2021 |
Democracy and responsiveness in Maritime Country: Interrelations between ‘blusukan’of jokowi and the development of instrastructure of ocean toll S Ladiqi, MA Salleh IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 156 (1), 012048, 2018 | 5 | 2018 |
Assessing the Effectiveness of the National Counter Terrorism Agency (BNPT) in Indonesia YA Ulyana, S Ladiqi, MA Salleh, A Riyansyah International Journal of Advances in Social Sciences and Humanities 2 (2 …, 2023 | 4 | 2023 |
The Theories of Transnational Terrorism, Relative Deprivation and Fundamentalism in Terrorism Act: The Case Study in Indonesia. YAU Ulyana, S Ladiqi, MA Salleh, A Riyansyah International Journal of Business, Economics and Social Development 2 (3 …, 2021 | 4 | 2021 |
Community-based peacebuilding in Malaysia: Penang experience A Khairi, MKA Mior Jamaluddin S. Ladiqi, IS Wekke and C. Seftyono, eds, 151-165, 2017 | 4 | 2017 |