Aditya Hanafi
Aditya Hanafi
Politeknik Negeri Batam
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Cited by
A simple aerial photogrammetric mapping system overview and image acquisition using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs)
W Anurogo, MZ Lubis, H Khoirunnisa, D Hanafi, F Rizki, G Surya, ...
Geospatial Information 1 (1), 11-18, 2017
Distribution of benthic habitat using Landsat-7 Imagery in shallow waters of Sekupang, Batam Island, Indonesia
MZ LUBIS, W Anurogo, A Hanafi, H Kausarian, HM TAKI, S Antoni
Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity 19 (3), 1117-1122, 2018
Interactive modelling of buildings in Google Earth and GIS: A 3D tool for urban planning (Tunjuk Island, Indonesia)
MZ Lubis, W Anurogo, A Oktavianto Gustin, A Hanafi, D Timbang, F Rizki, ...
Journal of Applied Geospatial Information, 2017
Karakteristik suhu permukaan laut dan kecepatan angin di perairan batam hubungannya dengan Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD)
G Surya, H Khoirunnisa, MZ Lubis, W Anurogo, A Hanafi, F Rizky, ...
Dinamika Maritim 6 (1), 1-6, 2017
Penerapan Teknologi Pengideraan Jauh di Bidang Pesisir dan Lautan
MZ Lubis, O Gustin, W Anurogo, H Kausarian, K Anggraini, A Hanafi
Oseana 42 (3), 56-64, 2017
Penggunaan citra landsat 8 untuk pemetaan persebaran lamun di pesisir Pulau Batam
MZ Lubis, DP Sari, T Aprilliyanti, AK Daulay, A Hanafi, F Ananda, ...
Dinamika Maritim 6 (1), 7-11, 2017
Determination and Classification of Benthic Habitat With Lyzenga Algorithm in Tanjung Piayu Waters, Riau Islands
MZ Lubis, A Hanafi, W Anurogo, BA Prasetyo, A Mufubi, B Subhan, ...
2020 3rd International Conference on Applied Engineering (ICAE), 1-5, 2020
Split Beam Echo Sounder in Acoustic Systems for Determine Abundance of Fish in Marine Fisheries
MZ Lubis, G Surya, D Timbang, F Rizki, S Ardian, A Hanafi, DA Saragih, ...
Journal of Ocean, Mechanical and Aerospace-science and engineering- 40 (1 …, 2017
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