Nunung Yuniarti
Nunung Yuniarti
Department of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Gadjah Mada
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Cited by
Antioxidant activity, total phenolic, and total flavaonoid of extracts and fractions of red fruit (Pandanus conoideus Lam)
A Rohman, S Riyanto, N Yuniarti, WR Saputra, R Utami, W Mulatsih
International Food Research Journal 17 (1), 97-106, 2010
PyPLIF: Python-based protein-ligand interaction fingerprinting
M Radifar, N Yuniarti, EP Istyastono
Bioinformation 9 (6), 325, 2013
Prevalensi dan evaluasi kesesuaian penggunaan antibiotik pada pasien dengan infeksi methicillin resistant Staphylococcus Aureus di RSUP Dr. Soeradji Tirtonegoro Klaten
A Nuryah, N Yuniarti, I Puspitasari
Majalah Farmaseutik 15 (2), 123-129, 2019
Application of k-means clustering algorithm in grouping the DNA sequences of hepatitis B virus (HBV)
A Bustamam, H Tasman, N Yuniarti, F Frisca, I Mursidah
AIP conference proceedings 1862 (1), 2017
PyPLIF HIPPOS: A molecular interaction fingerprinting tool for docking results of AutoDock Vina and PLANTS
EP Istyastono, M Radifar, N Yuniarti, VD Prasasty, S Mungkasi
Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 60 (8), 3697-3702, 2020
PyPLIF-assisted redocking indomethacin-(R)-alpha-ethyl-ethanolamide into cyclooxygenase-1
M Radifar, N Yuniarti, EP Istyastono
Indonesian Journal of Chemistry 13 (3), 283-286, 2013
The importance of ARG513 as a hydrogen bond anchor to discover COX-2 inhibitors in a virtual screening campaign
N Yuniarti, Z Ikawati, EP Istyastono
Bioinformation 6 (4), 164, 2011
Binary quantitative structure-activity relationship analysis in retrospective structure based virtual screening campaigns targeting estrogen receptor alpha
EP Istyastono, N Yuniarti, M Hariono, SH Yuliani, FDO Riswanto
Asian J. Pharm. Clin. Res 10 (12), 206-211, 2017
Docking of 1-phenylsulfonamide-3-trifluoromethyl-5-parabromophenyl-pyrazole to cyclooxygenase-2 using plants
SL Prasojo, FAD Hartanto, N Yuniarti, Z Ikawati, EP Istyastono
Indonesian Journal of Chemistry 10 (3), 348-351, 2010
Determination of antioxidant activity of dehydrozingerone through hydroxy radical scavengers using deoxyribosa method
AE Nugroho, N Yuniarti, EP Estyastono, HL Supardjan
Majalah Farmasi Indonesia 17 (3), 116-122, 2006
Phagocytosis Activity of binahong (anredera cordifolia (tenore.) steenis) from secang, magelang, central java, Indonesia
DS Sakti, PP Haresmita, N Yuniarti, S Wahyuono
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Community 16 (1), 7-13, 2019
In vitro and in silico studies on curcumin and its analogues as dual inhibitors for cyclooxygenase-1 (COX-1) and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2)
N Yuniarti, PA Nugroho, A Asyhar, S Sardjiman, Z Ikawati, EP Istyastono
ITB J. Sci. A 44, 51-66, 2012
The Analgesic Effect of a Curcumin Analogue 1, 5-bis (4’-hydroxy-3’-methoxyphenyl)-1, 4-pentadien-3-on (Gamavuton-0) in acute and persistent pain
Z Ikawati, N Yuniarti, SA Margono
Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 4 (8), 048-051, 2014
Fermentation of Soybean Seeds Using Rhizopus oligosporus for Tempeh Production and Standardization Based on Isoflavones Content
Y Dwiatmaka, E Lukitaningsih, N Yuniarti, S Wahyuono
Preprints, 2021
Prevalensi multidrug-resistant Klebsiella pneumonia dan evaluasi kesesuaian antibiotik empiris berdasarkan nilai prediksi farmakokinetik terhadap outcome klinis di RSUP Dr …
RN Khasanah, I Puspitasari, T Nuryastuti, N Yuniarti
Majalah Farmaseutik 16 (1), 27-33, 2019
Efek estrogenik dari ekstrak etanol daun sambung nyawa (Gynura procumbens (Lour.) Merr.) pada tikus
IP Sari, Y Nunung
Majalah Farmasi Indonesia 15 (4), 158-162, 2004
Systematic Review: Anti-Osteoporosis Potential Activities Of Phytoestrogen Compounds In Chrysophyllum cainito L., Elaeis guineensis Jacq., Lannea acida Rich., Marsilea crenata …
B Ma'arif, S Suryanto, FA Muslikh, A Suryadinata, B Fauziyah
Jurnal Farmasi Sains dan Komunitas (JFSK) 19 (1), 41-52, 2022
Prenatal exposure to suberoylanilide hydroxamic acid perturbs corticogenesis
N Yuniarti, B Juliandi, C MuhChyi, H Noguchi, T Sanosaka, K Nakashima
Neuroscience Research 77 (1-2), 42-49, 2013
PyPLIF HIPPOS-assisted prediction of molecular determinants of ligand binding to receptors
EP Istyastono, N Yuniarti, VD Prasasty, S Mungkasi
Molecules 26 (9), 2452, 2021
Development of a Graphical User Interface Application to Identify Marginal and Potent Ligands for Estrogen Receptor Alpha
EPI Nunung Yuniarti(1), Sudi Mungkasi(2), Sri Hartati Yuliani(3)
Indonesian Journal of Chemisty 19 (2), 531-537, 2019
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Articles 1–20