Communication in Biomathematical Sciences
Communication in Biomathematical Sciences
Indonesian Bio-Mathematical Society
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Modeling simulation of COVID-19 in Indonesia based on early endemic data
N Nuraini, K Khairudin, M Apri
Communication in Biomathematical Sciences 3 (1), 1-8, 2020
On the analysis of Covid-19 transmission in Wuhan, Diamond Princess and Jakarta-cluster
E Soewono
Communication in Biomathematical Sciences 3 (1), 9-18, 2020
An analysis of Covid-19 transmission in Indonesia and Saudi Arabia
MZ Ndii, P Hadisoemarto, D Agustian, AK Supriatna
Communication in Biomathematical Sciences 3 (1), 19-27, 2020
Mathematical models of dengue fever epidemiology: multi-strain dynamics, immunological aspects associated to disease severity and vaccines
M Aguiar, N Stollenwerk
Communication in Biomathematical Sciences 1 (1), 1-12, 2017
How Many Can You Infect? Simple (and Naive) Methods of Estimating the Reproduction Number
H Susanto, VR Tjahjono, A Hasan, MF Kasim, N Nuraini, ERM Putri, ...
Communication in Biomathematical Sciences 3 (1), 28-36, 2020
A new modified logistic growth model for empirical use
Windarto, Eridani, UD Purwati
Communication in Biomathematical Sciences 1 (2), 122-131, 2018
SHAR and effective SIR models: from dengue fever toy models to a COVID-19 fully parametrized SHARUCD framework
M Aguiar, N Stollenwerk
Communication in Biomathematical Sciences 3 (1), 60-89, 2020
Dynamics of a fractional-order predator-prey model with infectious diseases in prey
HS Panigoro, A Suryanto, WM Kusumawinahyu, I Darti
Commun. Biomath. Sci 2 (2), 105-117, 2019
Forecasting COVID-19 epidemic in Spain and Italy using a generalized Richards model with quantified uncertainty
I Darti, A Suryanto, HS Panigoro, H Susanto
Commun. Biomath. Sci 3, 90-100, 2020
Comparison of dengue transmission in lowland and highland area: Case study in Semarang and Malang, Indonesia
IS Fauzi, M Fakhruddin, N Nuraini, KP Wijaya
Communication in Biomathematical Sciences 2 (1), 23-37, 2019
Dynamics of COVID-19 epidemic model with asymptomatic infection, quarantine, protection and vaccination
RR Musafir, A Suryanto, I Darti
Communication in Biomathematical Sciences 4 (2), 106-124, 2021
Dynamical analysis of mathematical model for Bovine Tuberculosis among human and cattle population
D Aldila, SL Latifah, PA Dumbela
Commun. Biomath. Sci 2 (1), 55-64, 2019
Investigating the impact of social awareness and rapid test on a covid-19 transmission model
MA Balya, BO Dewi, FI Lestari, G Ratu, H Rosuliyana, T Windyhani, ...
Communication in Biomathematical Sciences 4 (1), 46-64, 2021
A multiscale approach for spatially inhomogeneous disease dynamics
M Schmidtchen, OTC Tse, S Wackerle
Communication in Biomathematical Sciences 1 (2), 62-87, 2018
Comparison of the differential transformation method and non standard finite difference scheme for solving plant disease mathematical model
MZ Ndii, N Anggriani, AK Supriatna
Communication in Biomathematical Sciences 1 (2), 110-121, 2018
Mitochondrial Genomes of Two Thaparocleidus Species (Platyhelminthes: Monogenea) Reveal the First rRNA Gene Rearrangement among the Neodermata
D Zhang, H Zou, I Jakovlić, SG Wu, M Li, J Zhang, R Chen, WX Li, ...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 20 (17), 4214, 2019
Peristaltic-Ciliary Flow of A Casson Fluid through An Inclined Tube
S Ramachandran, K Vajravelu, S Prasad, K.V., Sreenadh
Communication in Biomathematical Sciences 4 (1), 23-38, 2021
The COVID-19 outbreak in Germany â Models and Parameter Estimation
P Heidrich, M Schafer, M Nikouei, T Gotz
Communication in Biomathematical Sciences 3 (1), 37-59, 2020
The role of top-predator in the preservation of coral reefs ecosystem
R Ratianingsih, N Ismawati, JW Puspita, AI Jaya
Commun. Biomath. Sci 1, 54, 2017
Successive approximation, variational iteration, and multistage-analytical methods for a SEIR model of infectious disease involving vaccination strategy
S Mungkasi
Communication in Biomathematical Sciences 3 (2), 114-126, 2020
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Articles 1–20