Zulfiadi Zulhan
Zulfiadi Zulhan
Metallurgical Engineering - Bandung Institute of Technology
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A novel utilization of ferronickel slag as a source of magnesium metal and ferroalloy production
Z Zulhan, N Agustina
Journal of Cleaner Production 292, 125307, 2021
Pembuatan nickel pig iron (NPI) dari bijih nikel laterit Indonesia menggunakan mini blast furnace
W Astuti, Z Zulhan, A Shofi, K Isnugroho, F Nurjaman, E Prasetyo
Seminar Insentif Riset SINas. Jakarta: Asdep Relevansi Program Riptek, p …, 2012
Economic and environmental assessments of an integrated lithium-ion battery waste recycling supply chain: A hybrid simulation approach
M Wasesa, T Hidayat, DT Andariesta, MG Natha, AK Attazahri, ...
Journal of Cleaner Production 379, 134625, 2022
Evolution of ferronickel particles during the reduction of low-grade saprolitic laterite nickel ore by coal in the temperature range of 900–1250° C with the addition of CaO-CaF …
Z Zulhan, W Shalat
International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials 28, 612-620, 2021
Aspek teknologi dan ekonomi pembangunan pabrik pengolahan bijih besi menjadi produk baja di Indonesia
Z Zulhan
Majalah Metalurgi, hal, 105-120, 2013
EAF-based flat-steel production applying secondary metallurgical processes
M Huellen, C Schrade, U Wilhelm, Z Zulhan
Ironmaking Steelmaking Conference, Linz, Austria, 2006
Desulphurization of Molten Steel in RH-Degasser by Powder Blowing to Produce Non Grain Oriented (NGO) Silicon Steel
Z Zulhan, C Schrade, YA Patriona
SEAISI Quarterly Journal 42 (4), 32-36, 2013
Secondary metallurgy for BOF steelmaking
H Arnold, A Vollmers–HKM, GC Schrade, M Huellen, D Talhoff, Z Fuchs
HKM-Iron & Steelmaking Conf, 7.3, 2006
Vacuum treatment of molten steel: RH (Rurhstahl Heraeus) versus VTD (vacuum tank degasser)
Z Zulhan, C Schrade
2014 SEAISI Conference and Exhibition, on May 26-29, 2014, Kuala Lumpur, 2014
Solid-state reduction of an Indonesian iron sand concentrate using subbituminous coal
Z Zulhan, IBGS Adhiwiguna, A Fuadi, N Saleh
Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly 60 (1), 12-20, 2021
The ferromanganese production using Indonesian low-grade manganese ore using charcoal and palm kernel shell as reductant in mini electric arc furnace
YI Supriyatna, Z Zulhan, Y Triapriani
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 285 (1), 012022, 2018
Ferro-silico-manganese production from manganese ore and copper smelting slag
Z Zulhan, IM Fauzian, T Hidayat
Journal of Materials Research and Technology 9 (6), 13625-13634, 2020
New concepts for high-productivity RH plants
C Schrade, M Huellen, Z Zulhan
Metallurgical Research & Technology 103 (10), 445-451, 2006
Iron nugget formation from iron sand/coal composite pellets under isothermal-temperature gradient profiles
Z Zulhan, F Lo
Ironmaking & Steelmaking 48 (9), 1022-1029, 2021
Hilirisasi komoditas nikel
Z Zulhan
Webinar Keprofesian Teknik Metalurgi “Masa Depan Nikel Indonesia, 2020
Utilization of gypsum byproduct as fuming agent for tin smelting slag
Z Zulhan, IGPA Ryanta
Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy 4, 388-394, 2018
Direct reduction of low grade nickel laterite ore to produce ferronickel using isothermal–temperature gradient
Z Zulhan, I Gibranata
AIP Conference Proceedings 1805 (1), 2017
Thermodynamic simulation and validation experiment of neodymium oxide reduction into metallic neodymium by metallothermic process
I Rodliyah, A Septiarani, HE Mamby, Z Zulhan, CA Sitompul
Indonesian Mining Journal 21 (1), 21-34, 2018
Iron and steelmaking slags: are they hazardous waste
Z Zulhan
Department of Metallurgical engineering Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB …, 2013
Sulfur removal and iron extraction from natrojarosite residue of laterite nickel ore processing by reduction roasting
Z Zulhan, Z Adzana, M Munawaroh, AH Yusro, JD Christian, AD Saputri, ...
Metals 13 (1), 52, 2022
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Articles 1–20