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The effects of training methods and achievement motivation toward of football passing skills
A Sukur, V Soniawan
Jipes-Journal of Indonesian Physical Education and Sport 1 (2), 73-84, 2015
The Effect of Five-Week Aerobic Interval Training on The Body Composition of Pencak Silat Elite Athletes
J Lubis, N Thongdaeng, A Haqiyah, A Sukur, D Abidin, AA Irawan, ...
International Journal of Kinesiology and Sports Science 10 (2), 16-24, 2022
The Effect of Knowledge Level (IQ) and Physical Conditions (Power, Flexibility and Coordination) on Smash Technique Learning Skill in Sepak Takraw
J Jufrianis, R Henjilito, H Hernawan, S Sukiri, A Sukur, D Abidin, ...
Jufrianis et al, 2021
Peningkatan kemampuan renang gaya kupu-kupu melalui strategi pembelajaran variatif bagi mahasiswa
RA Gani, A Sukur, S Nugroho
Multilateral: Jurnal Pendidikan Jasmani dan Olahraga 18 (2), 2019
Wearing a fibrous protein (cv-f) cooling vest to reduce fatigue among indonesian pencak silat athletes: Is it effective
J Lubis, A Sukur, EJ Fitrianto, D Suliyanthini, AA Irawan, A Robianto, ...
Journal of Engineering Science and Technology 16 (2), 1402-1415, 2021
Effect of contrast water therapy on blood lactate concentration after high-intensity interval training in elite futsal players
R Pelana, A Maulana, B Winata, W Widiastuti, A Sukur, K Kuswahyudi, ...
Physiotherapy Quarterly 27 (3), 12-19, 2019
Futsal Training Model with Futsal Measurement Tests for College Student-Athletes
R Pelana, MS Taufik, Y Setiakarnawijaya, A Sukur, S Raharjo
Talent Development & Excellence 12 (1), 4398-4410, 2020
Drill Based Model of Forehand Drive Practice in Table Tennis for Beginner Athlete
BS Pane, J Tangkudung, A Sukur
ACTIVE: Journal of Physical Education, Sport, Health and Recreation 9 (1), 48-52, 2020
Korelasi sikap disiplin dan tanggung jawab terhadap indeks prestasi akumulatif mahasiswa fakultas ilmu olahraga peserta kegiatan outdoor based character building (obcb)
M Musa, A Sukur, N Fitranto
Jurnal Ilmiah Sport Coaching and Education 3 (2), 164-172, 2019
Kepatuhan Protokol Kesehatan Untuk Memulai Kembali Olahraga Renang Di Masa Pandemi Covid-19
BF Amin, A Sukur, M Budiningsih
Jurnal Ilmiah Sport Coaching and Education 5 (1), 1-11, 2021
The experiment of physical education teaching style on different categories of student confidence to improve the swimming learning value (Experimental method using design of …
SA Saputra, A Sukur, J Tangkudung, F Dlis, W Widiastuti
Journal of Education, Health and Sport 9 (6), 98-120, 2019
Indeks Masa Tubuh Juara Kejuaraan Renang Pelajar Bulanan Provinsi Dki Jakarta Tahun 2018
BF Amin, A Sukur
Jurnal Ilmiah Sport Coaching and Education 4 (2), 50-53, 2020
Analysis of energy expenditure during walking using the oxygen consumption method based on the arch type of the students at the sports science faculty of universitas Negeri Jakarta
W Djaali, S Kusumaningtyas, E Ibrahim, A Sukur, BA Mighra
ICER-PH 2018: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on …, 2019
& Wahyudin Pratama, K.(2021). The Effect of Knowledge Level (IQ) and Physical Conditions (Power, Flexibility and Coordination) on Smash Technique Learning Skill in Sepak Takraw
J Jufrianis, R Henjilito, H Hernawan, S Sukiri, A Sukur, D Abidin
Physical Education Theory and Methodology 21 (3), 264-272, 0
Nutritional status and adequacy of disabled athletes from Indonesia
A Sukur, J Lubis, EJ Fitrianto, FV Hartono, M Jauhari, R Nurulfa, ...
Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2939-2946, 2022
The effect of online learning and student motivation during the COVID-19 pandemic
F Dliss, A Sukur
Gladi: Jurnal Ilmu Keolahragaan 12 (01), 62-72, 2021
The Influence of Teaching Inclusion Style on Destination Swimming Learning
P Mardesia, F Dlis, A Sukur
1st International Conference on Sport Sciences, Health and Tourism (ICSSHT …, 2021
Edukasi olahraga dan kesehatan masyarakat di masa pandemi covid-19
A Sukur, BF Amin, M Arif
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 1, SNPPM2020P-134 …, 2020
Model Technique on Grabstart Swimming Branch using Video Media for Deaf-Children
AD Nata, AS Hanif, A Sukur
PENDIPA Journal of Science Education 4 (1), 54-58, 2020
Development learning model of unplugged coding-based basic movements for 4–6 year-old children
TR Prasetyo, A Sukur, AS Hanif, F Dlis, J Tangkudung, MN Fadlan, ...
Journal of Physical Education and Sport 22 (12), 3143-3148, 2022
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