Other namesIN Syamsiana
Politeknik Negeri Malang
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Cited by
Designing IoT-based independent pulse oximetry kit as an early detection tool for Covid-19 symptoms
A Hidayat, VA Wardhany, AS Nugroho, S Hakim, M Jhoswanda, ...
2020 3rd international conference on computer and informatics engineering …, 2020
Design of high voltage pulse generator for pasteurization by pulse electric field (PEF)
RI Putri, IN Syamsiana, LC Hawa
International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering 2, 916-923, 2010
High voltage pulse generator design with voltage control for pulse electric field (PEF) pasteurization
IN Syamsiana, RI Putri
Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Electrical Engineering …, 2011
Sensorless speed control of permanent magnet synchronous motors by neural network algorithm
MS Wang, IN Syamsiana, FC Lin
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2014 (1), 321892, 2014
Analisa Perbandingan Pengaturan Suhu Berbasis Logika Fuzzy Interferensi Sugeno dan Mamdani pada Alat Pengering Biji Kopi
N Nafisah, IN Syamsiana, W Kusuma, RI Putri, ADW Sumari
agroteknika 6 (2), 272-288, 2023
Prediction using knowledge growing system: a cognitive Artificial Intelligence approach
ADW Sumari, RA Asmara, DRH Putra, IN Syamsiana
2021 International Conference on Electrical and Information Technology (IEIT …, 2021
Maximum Power Extraction For Hybrid Solar Wind Renewable Energy System Based on Swarm Optimization
RI Putri, F Ronilaya, IN Syamsiana
International Journal of Renewable Energy Research (IJRER) 11 (3), 1215-1222, 2021
Automatic target recognition and identification for military ground-to-air observation tasks using support vector machine and information fusion
ADW Sumari, AS Pranata, IA Mashudi, IN Syamsiana, CO Sereati
2022 International conference on ICT for smart society (ICISS), 01-08, 2022
Control of PMSG stand-alone wind turbine system based on multi-objective PSO
RI Putri, M Rifa'i, IN Syamsiana, F Ronilaya
International Journal of Renewable Energy Research (IJRER) 10 (2), 998-1004, 2020
Cognitive artificial intelligence decision support system based on knowledge growing system
ADW Sumari, CO Sereati, IN Syamsiana, MN Wibisono, R Abdulharis, ...
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology (IJAST) 29 (7s …, 2020
A development of an Arduino pure sine wave inverter for a small scale off-grid solar PV system
F Ronilaya, S Ilmawati, M Huda, W Anistia, IN Syamsiana, MN Hidayat
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1073 (1), 012043, 2021
A Study of Sliding Mode Observer Sensorless of Brushless Motor using Embedded Coder Matlab/Simulink
IN Syamsiana, MS Wang, A Firmansah
2019 International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Information …, 2019
Aplikasi Mikrokontroller Pada Pembangkit Pulsa Tegangan Tinggi dengan Pengaturan Waktu Pengolahan Untuk Pasteurisasi Sari Buah Apel
RI Putri, IN Syamsiana, LC Hawa, D Meilany
INKOM Journal 3 (1-2), 31-40, 2010
A study on sensorless trapezoidal bldc motors based on back-emf zero crossing detection method
IN Syamsiana, MS Wang, ADW Sumari
2019 2nd International Conference on Applied Engineering (ICAE), 1-6, 2019
Fuzzy Maximum Torque per Ampere and Maximum Torque per Voltage Control of Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Drive.
MS Wang, MF Hsieh, IN Syamsiana, WC Fang
Sensors & Materials 29 (4), 2017
Cognitive artificial intelligence application to cyber defense
ADW Sumari, A Setiawan, IN Syamsiana
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 732 (1), 012037, 2020
Design and analysis of a radiant charger using 5 coils and 5 poles of neodymium magnet as a rotor drive
MN Hidayat, R Santoso, IN Syamsiana, A Setiawan, S Djulihenanto
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1402 (3), 033100, 2019
A Grid-connected Inverter with VAr Support Capability for A Small Scale Solar PV Using A Droop Technique
F Ronilaya, W Anistia, IN Syamsiana, I Siradjuddin, M Junus
2019 International Conference on Technologies and Policies in Electric Power …, 2019
Implementation of fuzzy logic control algorithm for temperature control in robusta rotary dryer coffee bean dryer
N Nafisah, IN Syamsiana, RI Putri, W Kusuma, ADW Sumari
MethodsX 12, 102580, 2024
Object recognition using cognitive artificial intelligence’s knowledge growing system: A preliminary study
ADW Sumari, IN Syamsiana, DRH Putra, RA Asmara
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1073 (1), 012071, 2021
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