Ria Nova
Ria Nova
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Automated image segmentation for cardiac septal defects based on contour region with convolutional neural networks: A preliminary study
R Nova, S Nurmaini, RU Partan, ST Putra
Informatics in Medicine Unlocked 24, 100601, 2021
Transcatheter closure of perimembranous ventricular septal defect using the lifetech konar-multi functional occluder: early to midterm results of the Indonesian multicenter study
RB Kuswiyanto, E Gunawijaya, MM Djer, MA Rahman, IK Murni, ...
Global Heart 17 (1), 2022
Correlation of heart failure severity and N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide level in children
Y Mahrani, R Nova, MI Saleh, KY Rahadianto
Paediatrica Indonesiana 56 (6), 315-9, 2016
Automatic echocardiographic anomalies interpretation using a stacked residual-dense network model
S Nurmaini, AI Sapitri, B Tutuko, MN Rachmatullah, DP Rini, ...
BMC bioinformatics 24 (1), 365, 2023
Epidemiologic profiles of subclinical rheumatic heart disease in children
DR Syam, DS Yosy, A Bakri, R Nova
Paediatrica Indonesiana 60 (6), 334-40, 2020
Association between size and type of ventricular septal defect and nutritional status in children
R Nova, DS Yosy
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1246 (1), 012029, 2019
Perbandingan efektifitas dan keamanan parasetamol intravena dan ibuprofen oral pada penutupan duktus arteriosus persisten pada bayi kurang bulan
O Sari, R Nova, H Bermawi, E Bahar
Sari Pediatri 17 (4), 279-84, 2016
Risk factors for patent ductus arteriosus in preterm neonates
N Bernati, R Nova, JM Tasli, T Theodorus
Paediatrica Indonesiana 54 (3), 132-6, 2014
Use pattern of insecticides in country bean (Dolichos lablab L.)
R Nova, MM Rahman, KH Kabir, MZ Alam, MM Hossain
BSMRAU, 2012
Relationship between small for gestational age and aortic intima-media thickness in newborns
AB Alfarizi, R Nova, JM Tasli, T Theodorus
Paediatrica Indonesiana 54 (1), 57-61, 2014
The association between NTproBNP biomarker levels and clinical symptoms of cardiac septal defects in children
R Nova, ST Putra, S Nurmaini, RU Partan
Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences 10 (B), 1047-1051, 2022
Cardiac Septal Defects in Children: Hemodynamics, Clinical Manifestations and Detection
R Nova, ST Putra, S Nurmaini, RU Partan
Bioscientia Medicina: Journal of Biomedicine and Translational Research 5 (6 …, 2021
Akurasi Pemeriksaan Auskultasi Jantung dan Elektrokardiografi untuk Deteksi Kelainan Jantung pada Anak
R Nova, DS Yosy, B Bermansyah
Sari Pediatri 22 (3), 164-8, 2020
Infective endocarditis in children: profile in a 6 years experience from Dr. Mohammad Hoesin Hospital, Palembang, Indonesia
DS Yosy, R Nova
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1246 (1), 012069, 2019
NT-proBNP level and left ventricle diameters before and after transcatheter closure of PDA and VSD
D Kusmira, R Nova, A Bakri
Paediatrica Indonesiana 58 (5), 213-20, 2018
Using N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide to diagnose cardiac abnormalities in children with dyspneaen with dyspnea
Z Mukalla, R Nova, L Legiran, Y Yangtjik
Paediatrica Indonesiana 57 (3), 124-8, 2017
Ibuprofen vs. indomethacin for persistent ductus arteriosus closure in preterm infants
DS Yosy, R Nova, JM Tasli, T Theodorus
Paediatrica Indonesiana 53 (3), 138-43, 2013
Insecticides residue analysis of country bean samples from vegetable growing areas of jessore
R Nova, MM Rahman, KH Kabir, MZ Alam, MM Hossain
BSMRAU, 2012
A Real-Time End-to-End Framework with a Stacked Model Using Ultrasound Video for Cardiac Septal Defect Decision-Making
S Nurmaini, R Nova, AI Sapitri, MN Rachmatullah, B Tutuko, F Firdaus, ...
Journal of Imaging 10 (11), 280, 2024
Accuracy of Heart Auscultation Examination by General Practitioners From Various Levels of Competency in Detection of Heart Abnormality in Basic School Children
A Permatasari, DS Yosy, A Bakri, R Nova
Bioscientia Medicina: Journal of Biomedicine and Translational Research 6 (3 …, 2022
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