Dian Sandi Pratama
Dian Sandi Pratama
Department of Physics, University of Indonesia
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Hubungan antara adversity quotient dan self efficacy dengan menggunakan model pbl terhadap hasil belajar fisika siswa SMA
DS Pratama, IR Ermawaty, TI Hartini
JIPFRI (Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan Fisika dan Riset Ilmiah) 1 (2), 88-93, 2017
Analisis Pengaruh Fraksi Berat Pengisi Komposit PANi/n-SiO2 terhadap Sifat Elektrokimia dengan Metode Polarisasi Potensiodinamik
DS Pratama, LA Islami, D Mardiyana, DM Lestari
Jurnal Perancangan, Manufaktur, Material, dan Energi 3 (3), 129-137, 2021
Effect of TM (TM= Fe, Ni) doping on the structure and morphology of La0. 825Sr0. 175Mn0. 9 (Fe1-xNix) 0.1 O3 perovskite manganite
DS Pratama, B Kurniawan, DR Munazat
AIP Conference Proceedings 2374 (1), 2021
Examining the determine of self efficacy, social conditions, and scientific literacy based on PISA Test like: An in-vitro study
DS Pratama, TI Hartini, A Kusdiwelirawan
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education of Universitas …, 2018
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