Muhammad Irfan
Muhammad Irfan
Email yang diverifikasi di uny.ac.id - Beranda
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Challenges during the pandemic: use of e-learning in mathematics learning in higher education
M Irfan, B Kusumaningrum, Y Yulia, SA Widodo
Infinity Journal 9 (2), 147-158, 2020
Analisis kesalahan siswa dalam pemecahan masalah berdasarkan kecemasan belajar matematika
M Irfan
Kreano, Jurnal Matematika Kreatif-Inovatif 8 (2), 143-149, 2017
Semiotic Reasoning Emerges in Constructing Properties of a Rectangle: A Study of Adversity Quotient.
CW Suryaningrum, H Susanto, YDWK Ningtyas, M Irfan
Journal on Mathematics Education 11 (1), 95-110, 2020
Peningkatan literasi digital guru guna mengatasi permasalahan pembelajaran di era pandemi COVID-19
KS Kuncoro, S Sukiyanto, M Irfan, AF Amalia, W Pusporini, A Wijayanti, ...
Abdi Wiralodra: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 4 (1), 17-34, 2022
Traditional ceremony ki ageng wonolelo as mathematics learning media
M Irfan, DS Setiana, EF Ningsih, W Kusumaningtyas, SA Widodo
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1175 (1), 012140, 2019
Studi etnomatematika: aktivitas petani padi dusun Panggang
BA Firdaus, SA Widodo, I Taufiq, M Irfan
Jurnal Derivat: jurnal matematika dan pendidikan matematika 7 (2), 85-92, 2020
Why do pre-service teachers use the two-variable linear equation system concept to solve the proportion problem?
M Irfan, T Nusantara, Z Wijayanto, SA Widodo
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1188 (1), 012013, 2019
Process of algebra problem-solving in formal student
SA Widodo, M Irfan, T Trisniawati, W Hidayat, KS Perbowo, MS Noto, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1657 (1), 012092, 2020
Challenges during the pandemic: use of e-learning in mathematics learning in higher education. Infinity Journal, 9 (2), 147-158
M Irfan, B Kusumaningrum, Y Yulia, SA Widodo
Designing e-worksheet based on problem-based learning to improve critical thinking
S Sujatmika, M Irfan, T Ernawati, A Wijayanti, S Widodo, H Nurdiyanto, ...
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Science and Technology …, 2019
Interactive Math Path: Permainan Ular Tangga Berbasis Etnomatematika
R Puspita, E Yani, K Dinnisa, B Kusumaningrum, KS Kuncoro, ...
UNION: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Matematika 10 (1), 93-102, 2022
Etnomathematics: Batik activities in tancep batik
H Wahyudi, SA Widodo, DS Setiana, M Irfan
Journal of Medives: Journal of Mathematics Education IKIP Veteran Semarang 5 …, 2021
An investigation of Indonesian in-service mathematics teachers’ perception and attitude toward STEAM education
N Ishartono, HJ Prayitno, M Irfan, M Waluyo, SFB Sufahani
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1776 (1), 012021, 2021
Role of learning mathematics in the character building
M Irfan
International Conference on Education (ICE2) 2018: Education and Innovation …, 2016
Online survey: Evaluation of Indonesian higher education curriculum
S Rochmiyati, M Irfan, I Ghozali
Pegem Journal of Education and Instruction 12 (4), 235-240, 2022
Visual media in team accelerated instruction to improve mathematical problem-solving skill
S Widodo, M Irfan, L Leonard, H Fitriyani, K Perbowo, T Trisniawati
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Science and Technology …, 2019
Implementasi Asah-Asih-Asuh Dalam Pengelolaan Kegiatan Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (Mbkm)
S Rochmiyati, D Supriadi, M Irfan, DP Lestari, NHI Sari, V Kusumadewi, ...
Jurnal Education And Development 11 (1), 290-296, 2023
Pemanfaatan gadget dalam pembelajaran matematika serta pengaruhnya pada mahasiswa yang mengalami math-anxiety di universitas sarjanawiyata tamansiswa pada mata kuliah persamaan …
M Irfan
Jurnal Pembelajaran Matematika, Tahun III, Nomor 1, 54-59, 2016
Effects of Worksheets on Problem-Solving Skills: Meta-Analytic Studies.
SA Widodo, A Wijayanti, M Irfan, W Pusporini, S Mariah, S Rochmiyati
International Journal of Educational Methodology 9 (1), 151-167, 2023
Why did the students make mistakes in solving direct and inverse proportion problem
M Irfan, T Nusantara, S Subanji, S Sisworo
International Journal of Insights for Mathematics Teaching (IJOIMT) 1 (1), 25-34, 2018
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