高木良助 (Ryosuke Takagi)
高木良助 (Ryosuke Takagi)
神戸大学(Kobe U.)、夙川学院短大(Shukugawa Gakuin College)、京都大学(Kyoto U.)、上村工業(C. Uyemura Co.)
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Cited by
Simultaneous improvement of the monovalent anion selectivity and antifouling properties of an anion exchange membrane in an electrodialysis process, using polyelectrolyte …
S Mulyati, R Takagi, A Fujii, Y Ohmukai, H Matsuyama
Journal of membrane science 431, 113-120, 2013
Biofouling resistance of reverse osmosis membrane modified with polydopamine
H Karkhanechi, R Takagi, H Matsuyama
Desalination 336, 87-96, 2014
Improved antifouling of anion-exchange membrane by polydopamine coating in electrodialysis process
M Vaselbehagh, H Karkhanechi, S Mulyati, R Takagi, H Matsuyama
Desalination 332 (1), 126-133, 2014
Improvement of the antifouling potential of an anion exchange membrane by surface modification with a polyelectrolyte for an electrodialysis process
S Mulyati, R Takagi, A Fujii, Y Ohmukai, T Maruyama, H Matsuyama
Journal of Membrane Science 417, 137-143, 2012
Surface modification of an anion exchange membrane to improve the selectivity for monovalent anions in electrodialysis–experimental verification of theoretical predictions
M Vaselbehagh, H Karkhanechi, R Takagi, H Matsuyama
Journal of Membrane Science 490, 301, 2015
Enhanced antibiofouling of RO membranes via polydopamine coating and polyzwitterion immobilization
H Karkhanechi, R Takagi, H Matsuyama
Desalination 337, 23-30, 2014
Organic liquid mixture separation using an aliphatic polyketone-supported polyamide organic solvent reverse osmosis (OSRO) membrane
C Liu, R Takagi, T Shintani, L Cheng, KL Tung, H Matsuyama
ACS applied materials & interfaces 12 (6), 7586-7594, 2020
Biofouling phenomena on anion exchange membranes under the reverse electrodialysis process
M Vaselbehagh, H Karkhanechi, R Takagi, H Matsuyama
Journal of Membrane Science 530, 232-239, 2017
The removal of fluoride from water based on applied current and membrane types in electrodialyis
N Arahman, S Mulyati, MR Lubis, R Takagi, H Matsuyama
Journal of Fluorine Chemistry 191, 97-102, 2016
Theoretical study of the permselectivity of an anion exchange membrane in electrodialysis
R Takagi, M Vaselbehagh, H Matsuyama
Journal of membrane science 470, 486-493, 2014
Improvement of antibiofouling performance of a reverse osmosis membrane through biocide release and adhesion resistance
H Karkhanechi, F Razi, I Sawada, R Takagi, Y Ohmukai, H Matsuyama
Separation and Purification Technology 105, 106-113, 2013
Polydopamine‐coated poly (vinylidene fluoride) membranes with high ultraviolet resistance and antifouling properties for a photocatalytic membrane reactor
S Muchtar, MY Wahab, LF Fang, S Jeon, S Rajabzadeh, R Takagi, ...
Journal of Applied Polymer Science 136 (14), 47312, 2019
Enhancing the antibiofouling performance of RO membranes using Cu(OH)2 as an antibacterial agent
H Karkhanechi, R Takagi, Y Ohmukai, H Matsuyama
Desalination 325, 40-47, 2013
Effect of polydopamine coating and direct electric current application on anti-biofouling properties of anion exchange membranes in electrodialysis
M Vaselbehagh, H Karkhanechi, R Takagi, H Matsuyama
Journal of Membrane Science 515, 98-108, 2016
Improved anti-biofouling performance of polyamide reverse osmosis membranes modified with a polyampholyte with effective carboxyl anion and quaternary ammonium cation ratio
Z Yang, D Saeki, R Takagi, H Matsuyama
Journal of Membrane Science 595, 117529, 2020
Engineering a dual-functional sulfonated polyelectrolyte-silver nanoparticle complex on a polyamide reverse osmosis membrane for robust biofouling mitigation
Z Yang, R Takagi, X Zhang, T Yasui, L Zhang, H Matsuyama
Journal of Membrane Science 618, 118757, 2021
Improving water permeability of hydrophilic PVDF membrane prepared via blending with organic and inorganic additives for humic acid separation
N Arahman, S Mulyati, A Fahrina, S Muchtar, M Yusuf, R Takagi, ...
Molecules 24 (22), 4099, 2019
Donnan potential and ζ-potential of cellulose acetate membrane in aqueous sodium chloride solutions
R Takagi, M Hori, K Gotoh, M Tagawa, M Nakagaki
Journal of membrane science 170 (1), 19-25, 2000
Characterization of the membrane charge of Al2O3 membranes
R Takagi, M Nakagaki
Separation and purification technology 25 (1-3), 369-377, 2001
In situ formation of ultrathin polyampholyte layer on porous polyketone membrane via a one-step dopamine co-deposition strategy for oil/water separation with ultralow fouling
L Zhang, R Takagi, S Wang, Y Lin, K Guan, L Cheng, H Matsuyama
Journal of Membrane Science 619, 118789, 2021
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Articles 1–20