Mechanical & Industrial Engineering Gadjah Mada University
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Generation of droplets in slag-metal emulsions through top gas blowing
Subagyo, GA Brooks, KS Coley, GA Irons
ISIJ international 43 (7), 983-989, 2003
Modeling of trajectory and residence time of metal droplets in slag-metal-gas emulsions in oxygen steelmaking
G Brooks, Y Pan, Subagyo, K Coley
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions 36 (4), 525-535, 2005
Spout eyes area correlation in ladle metallurgy
Subagyo, GA Brooks, GA Irons
ISIJ international 43 (2), 262-263, 2003
Modeling of droplet generation in a top blowing steelmaking process
BK Rout, G Brooks, Subagyo, MA Rhamdhani, Z Li
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B 47 (6), 3350-3361, 2016
A new model of velocity distribution of a single-phase fluid flowing in packed beds
Subagyo, N Standish, GA Brooks
Chemical Engineering Science 53 (7), 1375-1385, 1998
Good Criteria for Supply Chain Performance Measurement
E Kusrini, Subagyo, NA Masruroh
Internasional Journal Engineering Business Management 4 (9), 1-7, 2014
Creativity of small firms in creative industry: Initial evidence from Indonesia
R Indriartiningtias, Subagyo, B Hartono
International Journal of Engineering Business Management 11, 1847979019849135, 2019
Subagyo, and Y. Pan
GA Brooks, MA Rhamdhani, KS Coley
Metall. Mater. Trans. B 40 (3), 353-362, 2009
Integration of grey-based Taguchi method and principal component analysis for multi-response decision-making in Kansei engineering
SB Sutono, SH Abdul-Rashid, Z Taha, Subagyo, H Aoyama
European Journal of Industrial Engineering 11 (2), 205-227, 2017
Influence of government and economic drivers on consumers' intentions to participate in a take back program
SM Budijati, Subagyo, MA Wibisono, NA Masruroh
International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management 23 (3), 343-362, 2016
Interfacial area in top blown oxygen steelmaking
Subagyo, G Brooks, K Coley
Ironmaking Conference Proceedings, ISS, Warrendale, PA, 837-850, 2002
Modeling Indonesia's rice supply and demand using system dynamics
SR Sulistyo, BN Alfa, Subagyo
Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM), 2016 IEEE …, 2016
A mathematical model at the detailed design phase in the 3DCE new product development
MA Ilhami, Subagyo, NA Masruroh
Computers & Industrial Engineering 146, 106617, 2020
Application of robust design approach for design parameterization in Kansei engineering
SB Sutono, Z Taha, SH Abdul Rashid, H Aoyama, S Subagyo
Advanced Materials Research 479, 1670-1680, 2012
A Mathematical Model of Factors Driving Product Success in an Indonesian Market using Design of Experiment
R Setyaningrum, Subagyo, AR Wijaya
Transient kinetics of slag metal reactions
GA Brooks, MA Rhamdhani, KS Coley, Subagyo, Y Pan
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B 40 (3), 353-362, 2009
Kerangka kerja perencanaan pengembangan produk sebagai peningkatan daya saing industri kecil menengah
BW Hartanto, S Subagyo
Jurnal Teknosains 8 (1), 26-38, 2019
Trade-Offs Mathematical Modelling of 3DCE in New Product Development; Real Three Dimensions and Directions for Development
MA Ilhami, Subagyo, NA Masruroh
Proceeding of International Conference on Industrial and Systems Engineering …, 2017
Knowledge Creation pada Industri Kecil dan Menengah: Dalam Tinjauan Kajian Pustaka secara Sistematis
R Indriartiningtias, S Subagyo, B Hartono
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Industri 16 (2), 142-149, 2017
A new approach to design supply chain key performance indicator for actors and regulator: a case study in innovative product in Indonesia
E Kusrini, Subagyo, NA Masruroh
International Journal of Business Performance Management 17 (1), 1-29, 2016
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Articles 1–20