Muhammad FAIZAL
Muhammad FAIZAL
Lecturer of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Sriwijaya University
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Cited by
Synthesis and properties of Fe3O4 nanoparticles by co-precipitation method to removal procion dye
PL Hariani, M Faizal, D Setiabudidaya
International Journal of Environmental Science and Development 4 (3), 336, 2013
Pengaruh konsentrasi asam dan waktu pada proses hidrolisis dan fermentasi pembuatan bioetanol dari alang-alang
ZS Osvaldo, P Putra, M Faizal
Jurnal Teknik Kimia 18 (2), 2012
Pengaruh komposisi arang dan perekat terhadap kualitas biobriket dari kayu karet
M Faizal, I Andynapratiwi, PDA Putri
Jurnal Teknik Kimia 20 (2), 2014
Pembuatan etanol dari kulit pisang menggunakan metode hidrolisis enzimatik dan fermentasi
D Seftian, F Antonius, M Faizal
Jurnal Teknik Kimia 18 (1), 2012
Analisis faktor yang berhubungan dengan kejadian diare balita di Kelurahan Karyajaya Kota Palembang
RP Melvani, H Zulkifli, M Faizal
Jumantik (jurnal ilmiah penelitian kesehatan) 4 (1), 57-68, 2019
Polystyrene plastic waste conversion into liquid fuel with catalytic cracking process using Al2O3 as catalyst
N Kholidah, M Faizal, M Said
Science and Technology Indonesia 3 (1), 1-6, 2018
Pembuatan briket bioarang dari campuran batubara dan biomassa sekam padi dan eceng gondok
M Faizal, M Saputra, FA Zainal
Jurnal Teknik Kimia 21 (4), 28-39, 2015
Removal of Procion Red MX-5B from songket's industrial wastewater in South Sumatra Indonesia using activated carbon-Fe3O4 composite
PL Hariani, M Faizal, D Setiabudidaya
Sustainable Environment Research 28 (4), 158-164, 2018
Pengaruh kadar metanol, jumlah katalis, dan waktu reaksi pada pembuatan biodiesel dari lemak sapi melalui proses transesterifikasi
M Faizal, U Maftuchah, WA Auriyani
Jurnal Teknik Kimia 19 (4), 2013
Liquid− liquid equilibria of acetic, formic, and oxalic acids between water and tributyl phosphate+ dodecane
G Malmary, M Faizal, J Albet, J Molinier
Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data 42 (5), 985-987, 1997
Characteristics of composite rice straw and coconut shell as biomass energy resources (Briquette)(Case study: Muara Telang Village, Banyuasin of South Sumatra)
M Yerizam, M Faizal
International Jounal on Advanced Science Engineering Information Technology …, 2013
Pengolahan Air Limbah Rumah Tangga dengan Menggunakan Proses Gabungan Saringan Bertingkat dan Bioremediasi Eceng Gondok (Eichornia crassipes),(Studi Kasus di perumahan Griya …
E Nilasari, MFM Faizal, S Suheryanto
Jurnal Penelitian Sains 18 (1), 8-13, 2016
Pengaruh jenis pelarut, massa biji, ukuran partikel dan jumlah siklus terhadap yield ekstraksi minyak biji ketapang
M Faizal, P Noprianto, R Amelia
Jurnal Teknik Kimia 16 (2), 2009
Utilization biomass and coal mixture to produce alternative solid fuel for reducing emission of green house gas
M Faizal
International Journal on Advanced Science Engineering Information Technology …, 2017
Gasification kinetic and thermodynamic parameters of fine coal using thermogravimetric analysis
N Aprianti, M Faizal, M Said, S Nasir, A Fudholi
Energy 268, 126666, 2023
Partisipasi Masyarakat dalam Pengelolaan Sampah Rumah Tangga: Sebuah Studi di Kecamatan Sukarami Kota Palembang
M Martinawati, I Zahri, MFM Faizal
Jurnal Penelitian Sains 18 (1), 14-21, 2016
Valorization of palm empty fruit bunch waste for syngas production through gasification
N Aprianti, M Faizal, M Said, S Nasir
Journal of Ecological Engineering 21 (7), 2020
Pengolahan limbah logam berat kromium hexavalen menggunakan reagen fenton dan adsorben keramik zeolit
TE Agustina, M Faizal, T Aprianti, D Teguh, AM Rif'at, IG Putra, ...
Jurnal Rekayasa Kimia & Lingkungan 13 (1), 60-69, 2018
Penurunan BOD, TSS, minyak dan lemak pada limbah cair pabrik kelapa sawit menggunakan proses aerasi plat berlubang
S Sisnayati, DS Dewi, R Apriani, M Faizal
Jurnal teknik kimia 27 (2), 38-45, 2021
Catalytic gasification of oil palm empty fruit bunch by using Indonesian bentonite as the catalyst
N Aprianti, M Faizal, M Said, S Nasir
Journal of Applied Engineering Science 19 (2), 334-343, 2021
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Articles 1–20