Tingkat Pengetahuan Masyarakat Terhadap Praktik Gigi Ilegal SRP Dewi, P Handayani, AP Beumaputra, M Mozartha Jurnal Kesehatan Gigi dan Mulut (JKGM) 2 (1), 1-5, 2020 | 6 | 2020 |
Evaluation of the effect of gambier (Uncaria gambier) extract for treatment of recurrent aphthous stomatitis SR Puspa Dewi, MP Karina Ginting, NR Anggraini, N Parisa, ... International Research Journal of Pharmacy 11 (1), 27-31, 2020 | 5 | 2020 |
Knowledge of Human Papilloma Virus among Female Dentists in Jakarta, Indonesia P Handayani, HS Yudoyono, II Wardhany, YS Wimardhani Journal of International Dental and Medical Research 10, 663-667, 2017 | 4 | 2017 |
A Combination of 10% Gambier Extract and 0.0048% Fluoride Toothpaste as An Alternative Antifungal Therapy P Handayani, MND Aflah, SRP Dewi Cerdika: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia 2 (7), 671-676, 2022 | 3 | 2022 |
In vitro study of antifungal effect of Carica papaya peel var. california extract against Candida albicans K Trisnawaty, AE Rauna, SRP Dewi, P Handayani Jurnal Kedokteran dan Kesehatan: Publikasi Ilmiah Fakultas Kedokteran …, 2021 | 3 | 2021 |
Relationship Between Work Stress and Temporomandibular Disorders Risk in Productive Age (Study on Dental Clinical Students of Sriwijaya University) R Purba, AD Mutiara, P Handayani Sriwijaya Journal of Dentistry 1 (2), 76-83, 2020 | 2 | 2020 |
Detection of Human Papillomavirus 16 and 18 in the Saliva of Indonesian Dental Residents in Jakarta P Handayani, HS Yudoyono, II Wardhany, YS Wimardhani Journal of International Dental and Medical Research 12, 1139-42, 2019 | 1 | 2019 |
EFFECTIVENESS OF MOUTHWASHES BANANA AND PINEAPPLE PEEL EXTRACT AGAINST PLAQUE INDEX OF FIXED ORTHODONTIC PATIENT AP Beumaputra, P Handayani, SHR Syehrun, BA Wulansari Jurnal Kedokteran dan Kesehatan: Publikasi Ilmiah Fakultas Kedokteran …, 2023 | | 2023 |
Antimicrobial effect of catfish (Pangasius sp.) meat extract P Handayani, SRP Dewi, T Hestiningsih, NK Dhuha, PD Aprilianne, ... Makassar Dental Journal 12 (2), 242-246, 2023 | | 2023 |
DIFFERENCES OF SHORT-TERM CONSUMPTION OF SEMENDO ROBUSTA AND ARABICA COFFEE TOWARDS SWEET TASTE SENSITIVITY P Handayani, I Irfannuddin, A Salsabila, S Chairani, N Nasution Jurnal Kedokteran dan Kesehatan: Publikasi Ilmiah Fakultas Kedokteran …, 2023 | | 2023 |
POTENSI MUKOBIOADHESIF EKSTRAK GAMBIR (Uncaria gambir) TERHADAP PENURUNAN RASA NYERI DAN DURASI PENYEMBUHAN LESI ULSERASI RONGGA MULUT SRP Dewi, P Handayani, T Hestiningsih, D Destriarum, AP Sari Cakradonya Dental Journal 13 (2), 129-136, 2021 | | 2021 |
Anti-Fungal Properties of the Extract of Carica papaya var. California’s Peel against Candida Albicans: In Vitro Study PH Trisnawaty K, Anin Esta Rauna, Siti Rusdiana Puspa Dewi Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences, Supp 7 15, 74, 2019 | | 2019 |
Anti-Fungal Properties of the Extract of Carica papaya var. California's Peel against Candida Albicans: In Vitro Study. AE Rauna, SRP Dewi, P Handayani Malaysian Journal of Medicine & Health Sciences 15, 2019 | | 2019 |
Lymphangiogenesis as an alternative pathway for cancer metastasis P Handayani, TA Jasrin, S Widyaputra | | |