Esther Irawati Setiawan
Esther Irawati Setiawan
Associate Professor of Computer Science, Institut Sains dan Teknologi Terpadu Surabaya
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Cited by
Sentiment analysis twitter bahasa indonesia berbasis word2vec menggunakan deep convolutional neural network
H Juwiantho, EI Setiawan, J Santoso, MH Purnomo
Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer 7 (1), 181-188, 2020
Named entity recognition for extracting concept in ontology building on Indonesian language using end-to-end bidirectional long short term memory
J Santoso, EI Setiawan, CN Purwanto, EM Yuniarno, M Hariadi, ...
Expert Systems with Applications 176, 114856, 2021
Keynote speaker II: biomedical engineering research in the social network analysis era: stance classification for analysis of hoax medical news in social media
MH Purnomo, S Sumpeno, EI Setiawan, D Purwitasari
Procedia computer science 116, 3-9, 2017
Bidirectional GRU for Targeted Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis Based on Character-Enhanced Token-Embedding and Multi-Level Attention.
EI Setiawan, F Ferry, J Santoso, S Sumpeno, K Fujisawa, MH Purnomo
International Journal of Intelligent Engineering & Systems 13 (5), 2020
A novel approach on infant facial pain classification using multi stage classifier and geometrical-textural features combination
Y Kristian, H Takahashi, IKE Purnama, K Yoshimoto, EI Setiawan, ...
IAENG International Journal of Computer Science 44 (1), 112-121, 2017
Hybrid conditional random fields and k-means for named entity recognition on indonesian news documents
J Santoso, EI Setiawan, EM Yuniarno, M Hariadi, MH Purnomo
International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems 13 (3), 233-245, 2020
Aspect Based Sentimen Analysis Opini Publik Pada Instagram dengan Convolutional Neural Network
MA Rahman, H Budianto, EI Setiawan
INSYST: Journal of Intelligent System and Computation 1 (2), 50-57, 2019
Deteksi Aspek Review E-Commerce Menggunakan IndoBERT Embedding dan CNN
S Imron, EI Setiawan, J Santoso
INSYST: Journal of Intelligent System and Computation 5 (1), 10-16, 2023
Stance Classification Post Kesehatan di Media Sosial Dengan FastText Embedding dan Deep Learning
E Lim, EI Setiawan, J Santoso
INSYST: Journal of Intelligent System and Computation 1 (2), 65-73, 2019
Klasifikasi nyeri pada video ekspresi wajah bayi menggunakan DCNN autoencoder dan LSTM
Y Kristian, IKE Purnama, EH Sutanto, L Zaman, EI Setiawan, ...
Jurnal Nasional Teknik Elektro Dan Teknologi Informasi 7 (3), 308-316, 2018
Preliminary study of spam profile detection for social media using Markov clustering: Case study on Javanese people
EI Setiawan, CP Susanto, J Santoso, S Sumpeno, MH Purnomo
2016 International Computer Science and Engineering Conference (ICSEC), 1-4, 2016
Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Repurchase Intention Pada E-Marketplace Dengan Menggunakan Extended Expectation Confirmation Model (ECM)
MF Yusuf, E Pramana, EI Setiawan
Teknika 12 (1), 1-10, 2023
Automatic indonesian image caption generation using cnn-lstm model and feeh-id dataset
E Mulyanto, EI Setiawan, EM Yuniarno, MH Purnomo
2019 IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Virtual …, 2019
Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis Marketplace Product Reviews Using BERT, LSTM, and CNN
S Imron, EI Setiawan, J Santoso, MH Purnomo
Jurnal RESTI (Rekayasa Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi) 7 (3), 586-591, 2023
Aplikasi Mobile Untuk Memantau Body Mass Index Dengan Metodologi Scrum
EI Setiawan, HKB Prakoso, TP Gunawan, E Setyati, J Santoso
Teknika 10 (3), 242-250, 2021
Multiview Sentiment Analysis with Image-Text-Concept Features of Indonesian Social Media Posts.
EI Setiawan, H Juwiantho, J Santoso, S Sumpeno, K Fujisawa, ...
International Journal of Intelligent Engineering & Systems 14 (2), 2021
Deteksi Validitas Berita pada Media Sosial Twitter dengan Algoritma Naive Bayes
EI Setiawan, S Johanes, AT Hermawan, Y Yamasari
INSYST: Journal of Intelligent System and Computation 3 (2), 55-60, 2021
Limitless possibilities of pervasive biomedical engineering: Directing the implementation of affective computing on automatic health monitoring system
MH Purnomo, Y Kristian, E Setyati, UD Rosiani, EI Setiawan
2016 8th International Conference on Information Technology and Electrical …, 2016
Analisis Pendapat Masyarakat terhadap Berita Kesehatan Indonesia menggunakan Pemodelan Kalimat berbasis LSTM (Indonesian Stance Analysis of Healthcare News using Sentence …
EI Setiawan, A Ferdianto, J Santoso, Y Kristian, S Sumpeno, MH Purnomo
J. Nas. Tek. Elektro dan Teknol. Inf 9 (1), 8-17, 2020
Pembelajaran Ikatan Molekul Dalam Pelajaran Kimia Menggunakan Augmented Reality
H Setiahadi, E Setyati, EI Setiawan
Jurnal Ilmiah JICTE Vol 1 (2), 2017
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Articles 1–20