Wahyudi Widyatmoko Parnadi
Wahyudi Widyatmoko Parnadi
Geophysical Engineering Department, Institut Teknologi Bandung
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Analisa Resistivitas Batuan dengan Menggunakan Parameter Dar Zarrouk dan Konsep Anisotropi
FW Prameswari, AS Bahri, W Parnadi
Jurnal Sains dan Seni ITS 1 (1), B15-B20, 2012
Gravity structure around Mt. Pandan, Madiun, East Java, Indonesia and its relationship to 2016 seismic activity
D Santoso, EJ Wahyudi, WGA Kadir, S Alawiyah, AD Nugraha, P Supendi, ...
Open Geosciences 10 (1), 882-888, 2018
Automatic hyperbola detection and apex extraction using Convolutional Neural Network on GPR data
D Dewantara, WW Parnadi
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2243 (1), 012027, 2022
Gravity structure around Mt
D Santoso, EJ Wahyudi, WGA Kadir, S Alawiyah, AD Nugraha, P Supendi, ...
Pandan, Madiun, East Java, Indonesia and its relationship to, 882-888, 2016
Magnetotelluric investigations in the way Umpu geothermal prospect area, Lampung province, Indonesia
WW Parnadi, RW Widodo, A Zakarsyi
Int. J. Technol. 1, 227-41, 2014
Multi-dimensional inversion modeling of surface nuclear magnetic resonance (SNMR) data for groundwater exploration
W Warsa, WW Parnadi, D Santoso
Bandung Institute of Technology, 2014
Kennwert-Schätzung aus Georadar-Transmissionsdaten
WW Parnadi
Gravity structure around Mt. Pandan, Madiun, East Java, Indonesia and its relationship to 2016 seismic activity. Open Geosci 10: 882–888
D Santoso, EJ Wahyudi, WGA Kadir, S Alawiyah, AD Nugraha, P Supendi, ...
Multi frequency Ground-Penetrating Radar method for mapping underground pipes and man-made objects
WW Parnadi, W Warsa, A Laesanpura, D Santoso
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 873 (1), 012090, 2021
On the Application of Multi-frequency Ground-Penetrating Radar Method for Mapping Underground Pipe
A Priska, WW Parnadi, RG Parnadi
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 318 (1), 012028, 2019
Vertical electrical sounding method and Dar Zarrouk analysis to identify the distribution of seawater intrusion in Pelauw Village, Maluku.
S Bahri, D Tualepe, YT Batlolona, A Ramadhan, WW Parnadi
Journal of Degraded & Mining Lands Management 11 (4), 2024
Electrical resistivity survey for groundwater investigation in Padalarang, West Java
H Phanjaya, WW Parnadi, D Santoso
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1031 (1), 012006, 2022
Groundwater Recharge Assessment using Geographic Information System APLIS Method in Donorojo Karst Area, Pacitan
PV Hardyani, AS Bahri, T Hariyanto, WW Parnadi, Y Rosandi, EW Alita, ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 936 (1), 012027, 2021
Laboratory-scaled Azimuthal Resistivity Survey for Fracture Detection
R Salam, WW Parnadi
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 873 (1), 012079, 2021
Application of vertical electrical sounding method to identify distribution of hot groundwater around the hotsprings in geothermal prospect area
Mariyanto, H Priahadena, WW Parnadi
ASEG Extended Abstracts 2016 (1), 1-5, 2016
On the application of Transient Electromagnetics (TEM) and DC-resistivity methods for groundwater level detection in the Cipatat karst area
NE Jubaedah, WW Parnadi
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1288 (1), 012022, 2023
Study of Fluid Flow Movement by Using Self Potential Data
NE Jubaedah, WW Parnadi
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 873 (1), 012082, 2021
Study on the use of Ground-Penetrating Radar technique to recognize tin deposits in Bangka Island
WW Parnadi, SS Amin, MN Heriawan, RG Parnadi
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 318 (1), 012027, 2019
Correlating ground-penetrating radar data with geotechnical data
WW Parnadi, W Warsa, A Laesanpura, RG Parnadi, H Asaue
2018 2nd International Conference on Applied Electromagnetic Technology …, 2018
Study of Layered Structure on Contact Boundary Area of Formation Panasogan-Waturanda by Applying Ground Penetrating Radar Method
E Ibrahim, WW Parnadi
Review of Advances in Physics Theories and Applications 2 (2), 10-19, 2015
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Articles 1–20