Department of Agro-Industrial Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Gadjah
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Cited by
Development of Working Facility to Improve Work Posture at Packaging Section in Organic Vegetable Industry
HA Nusantara, Suharno, GT Mulyati
KnE Life Sciences 4 (2), 65-81, 2018
An Implementation of Lean-ergonomic Approach to Reduce Ergonomic Parameter Waste in the Manufacture of Crackers
GT Mulyati, MA Muharom, Suharno
KnE Life Sciences 3 (3), 21-24, 2016
Development of Nata de Coco with Natural Dyes Using Value Engineering Method
SN Juda, Suharno, DA Nugraha
KnE Life Sciences 4 (2), 96-109, 2018
Effects of Output-Input Values on Factory Productivity
R Gustanto, Suharno, M Maksum
KnE Life Sciences 3 (3), 183-188, 2016
Penerapan Analisis Konjoin Untuk Mengukur Preferensi Konsumen Minyak Goreng (Conjoint Analysis Application To Measure Palm Oil Consumers Preference)
M Herawati, TM Guntarti, Suharno
Agritech 22 (2002), 2002
Analisis Produktivitas Pabrik Gula Madukismo dengan Metode Multi Factor Productivity Measurement Model (MFPMM) Studi di PT Madubaru Yogyakarta
R Gustanto, Suharno, M Maksum
Universitas Gadjah Mada, 2015
Pengelolaan Tanaman Sagu Di Sulawesi Tenggara
S Suharno
Agro Ekonomi 17 (1), 2010
Developing Coffeeshop Improvement Strategy by Considering Voice of Customer
A Pandya, D Ismoyowati, S Suharno
Agroindustrial Journal 7 (2), 475-483, 2020
The Impact of Consumer Behavior and Marketing Mix on the Decision to Buy Coffee at Coffee Shops in the Sleman Region During the Covid-19 Pandemic
AMB Wicaksana, S Suharno, W Supartono
Agroindustrial Journal 8 (1), 520-530, 0
Improving SME's Performance Using Value Chain Analysis: The Case Study of Tapioca Agro-Industry in Indonesia
Suharno, P Saroyo, D Ismoyowati
Case Studies in Agri-Food Supply Chains, 111-131, 2016
pemanfaatan membran nitroselulosa untuk pengiriman antigen uji dalam deteksi tmv dengan diba
S Somowiyarjo, YB Sumardiyono, S Suharno
Microorganisms 3 (1), 1-5-0, 1997
Analysis of Factors Influencing Interest in Purchasing Porang Rice Using The Extended Theory of Planned Behavior (E-TPB)
S Suharno, AW Annisa, IWF Aziz
Agroindustrial Journal 11 (1), 25-33, 0
Productivity Improvement Based on Lean and Green Productivity in Herbal Tea Production Line CV. DM
D Damayanti, S Suharno, M Ainuri
agriTECH 44 (1), 80-89, 0
Development of Sago Analog Rice with The Addition of Glucomannan Flour Using Value Engineering Method
YL Dwiutami, S Suharno, MAF Falah
Agroindustrial Journal 10 (1), 12-24, 0
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Articles 1–14