Lely Lusmilasari
Lely Lusmilasari
Faculty of Medicine Universitas Gadjah Mada
Email yang diverifikasi di ugm.ac.id
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Physical activity and sedentary lifestyle towards teenagers’ overweight/obesity status
SV Kurdaningsih, T Sudargo, L Lusmilasari
International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health 3 (3), 630-635, 2016
Change in contraceptive methods following the Yogyakarta earthquake and its association with the prevalence of unplanned pregnancy
ED Hapsari, WA Nisman, L Lusmilasari, R Siswishanto, H Matsuo
Contraception 79 (4), 316-322, 2009
Modified sensory stimulation using breastmilk for reducing pain intensity in neonates in Indonesia: a randomized controlled trial
SYR Fitri, L Lusmilasari, M Juffrie, CV Bellieni
Journal of Pediatric Nursing 53, e199-e203, 2020
Perilaku orang tua dalam pemberian makan dan status gizi anak usia 2-5 tahun
NLA Purnama, L Lusmilasari, M Julia
Jurnal Gizi Klinik Indonesia 11 (3), 97-104, 2015
Effect of health education using video and brochure on maternal health literacy
I Prawesti, F Haryanti, L Lusmilasari
Belitung Nursing Journal 4 (6), 612-618, 2018
Translation, adaptation and psychometric validation of the Indonesian version of the Readiness for Hospital Discharge Scale for parents of low birth weight infants
S Hariati, L McKenna, L Lusmilasari, S Reisenhofer, R Sutomo, ...
Journal of Pediatric Nursing 54, e97-e104, 2020
Indonesian mothers' beliefs on caring practices at home for preterm babies after hospital discharge: A qualitative study
S Hariati, R Sutomo, L McKenna, S Reisenhofer, L Lusmilasari, ...
Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing 26 (3), e12330, 2021
Application of video-based health education in improving mother's knowledge and attitudes about behavioral problems among preschool children
IW Romantika, L Lusmilasari, YS Prabandari, S Syahrul
Enfermería Clínica 30, 172-176, 2020
Complementary feeding self-efficacy: a concept analysis
H Hendriyani, T Sudargo, L Lusmilasari, S Helmyati, S Susetyowati, ...
Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences 8 (F), 11-22, 2020
Self-efficacy related to parental feeding behaviour in toddler besides social support and dependent-care agency
E Lusmilasari, Sudargo
International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health 3 (5), 1247-1254, 2016
Nursing research priorities in Indonesia as perceived by nurses
L Lusmilasari, Y Aungsuroch, W Widyawati, S Sukratul, J Gunawan, ...
Belitung Nursing Journal 6 (2), 41-46, 2020
Discharge readiness of Indonesian mother with preterm infant in NICU
S Hariati, R Sutomo, L Lusmilasari, ADB Febriani, K Kadar
Enfermeria Clinica 30, 234-237, 2020
The Indonesian version of the Premature Infant Pain Profile–Revised: Translation and adaptation of a neonatal pain assessment
SYR Fitri, L Lusmilasari, M Juffrie
International Journal of Nursing Sciences 6 (4), 439-444, 2019
Exploring Indonesian nurses’ perspectives on preparing parents of preterm infants for hospital discharge: A qualitative study
S Hariati, ADB Febriani, R Sutomo, L Lusmilasari, L McKenna
Journal of Neonatal Nursing 28 (1), 59-66, 2022
Pain in Neonates: a concept analysis
SYR Fitri, L Lusmilasari, M Juffrie, W Rakhmawati
Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine 9 (4), 2019
Influence of video modelling to the toileting skill at toddler
I Nurfajriyani, YS Prabandari, L Lusmilasari
International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health 3 (8), 2029-2034, 2016
The Development of The Parental Feeding Behavior Questionnaire (PFBQ) for Indonesian Parents of Toddlers: Preliminary results
L Lusmilasari, W Chaiyawat, B Rodcumdee
International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health 2 (4), 558-565, 2015
Hubungan stres pengasuhan dengan resiliensi orang tua anak penyandang kanker
PN Hasanah, F Haryanti, L Lusmilasari
Jurnal Asuhan Ibu dan Anak 6 (1), 23-30, 2021
Evaluasi program trias usaha kesehatan sekolah dan perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat di sekolah luar biasa Bantul
R Widyaningrum, MN Sitaresmi, L Lusmilasari
Berita Kedokteran Masyarakat 32 (9), 309-316, 2016
Covid-19 preventive behavior practices and determinants: A scoping review
L Lusmilasari, ADM Putra, A Sandhi, AD Saifullah
Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences 10 (F), 23-32, 2022
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