MA Marfai (Prof.Dr.rer.nat Muh Aris Marfai)
MA Marfai (Prof.Dr.rer.nat Muh Aris Marfai)
Head of Indonesian Geospasial Information Agency (BIG),Professor in Geography UGM
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Pengantar etika lingkungan dan Kearifan lokal
MA Marfai
Ugm Press, 2019
Monitoring land subsidence in Semarang, Indonesia
MA Marfai, L King
Environmental geology 53, 651-659, 2007
Coastal inundation and damage exposure estimation: a case study for Jakarta
PJ Ward, MA Marfai, F Yulianto, DR Hizbaron, J Aerts
Natural Hazards 56, 899-916, 2011
Community responses and adaptation strategies toward flood hazard in Jakarta, Indonesia
MA Marfai, AB Sekaranom, P Ward
Natural hazards 75, 1127-1144, 2015
Potential vulnerability implications of coastal inundation due to sea level rise for the coastal zone of Semarang city, Indonesia
MA Marfai, L King
Environmental geology 54, 1235-1245, 2008
Coastal dynamic and shoreline mapping: multi-sources spatial data analysis in Semarang Indonesia
MA Marfai, H Almohammad, S Dey, B Susanto, L King
Environmental monitoring and assessment 142, 297-308, 2008
The impact of tidal flooding on a coastal community in Semarang, Indonesia
MA Marfai, L King, J Sartohadi, S Sudrajat, SR Budiani, F Yulianto
The Environmentalist 28, 237-248, 2008
Governance of flood risk management in a time of climate change: the cases of Jakarta and Rotterdam
PJ Ward, WP Pauw, MW Van Buuren, MA Marfai
Environmental Politics 22 (3), 518-536, 2013
Flood risk assessment for delta mega-cities: a case study of Jakarta
Y Budiyono, J Aerts, JJ Brinkman, MA Marfai, P Ward
Natural hazards 75, 389-413, 2015
Coastal flood management in Semarang, Indonesia
MA Marfai, L King
Environmental geology 55, 1507-1518, 2008
Tidal inundation mapping under enhanced land subsidence in Semarang, Central Java Indonesia
MA Marfai, L King
Natural hazards 44, 93-109, 2008
Natural hazards in central Java province, Indonesia: an overview
MA Marfai, L King, LP Singh, D Mardiatno, J Sartohadi, DS Hadmoko, ...
Environmental Geology 56, 335-351, 2008
Rain-triggered lahars following the 2010 eruption of Merapi volcano, Indonesia: A major risk
E De Bélizal, F Lavigne, DS Hadmoko, JP Degeai, GA Dipayana, ...
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 261, 330-347, 2013
Connecting delta cities: coastal cities, flood risk management and adaptation to climate change
J Aerts, DC Major, MJ Bowman, P Dircke, M Aris Marfai
The hazards of coastal erosion in Central Java, Indonesia: An overview
MA Marfai
Geografia-Malaysian Journal of Society and Space 7 (3), 1-9, 2011
Environmental ethics in local knowledge responding to climate change: An understanding of seasonal traditional calendar pranotomongso and its phenology in Karst Area of …
A Retnowati, E Anantasari, MA Marfai, A Dittmann
Procedia Environmental Sciences 20, 785-794, 2014
Impact of sea level rise to coastal ecology: a case study on the northern part of Java Island, Indonesia
MA Marfai
Quaestiones Geographicae 33 (1), 107-114, 2014
Pemodelan Spasial Bahaya Banjir Rob Berdasarkan Skenario Perubahan Iklim dan Dampaknya di Pesisir Pekalongan
A Cahyadi, MA Marfai, D Mardiatno, F Nucifera
INA-Rxiv, 2017
Social capital, interactive governance and coastal protection: The effectiveness of mangrove ecosystem-based strategies in promoting inclusive development in Demak, Indonesia
A Triyanti, M Bavinck, J Gupta, MA Marfai
Ocean & coastal management 150, 3-11, 2017
Impact of coastal inundation on ecology and agricultural land use case study in central Java, Indonesia
M Marfai
Quaestiones Geographicae 30 (3), 19-32, 2011
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Articles 1–20