Dea Indraini Astuti
Dea Indraini Astuti
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Laboratory simulation of microbial enhanced oil recovery using Geobacillus toebii R-32639 isolated from the Handil reservoir
M Fulazzaky, DI Astuti, MA Fulazzaky
Rsc Advances 5 (5), 3908-3916, 2015
Biotechnology carbon capture and storage (CCS) by mix-culture green microalgae to enhancing carbon uptake rate and carbon dioxide removal efficiency with variation aeration …
A Rinanti, K Dewi, E Kardena, DI Astuti
Jurnal Teknologi 69 (6), 2014
Microbial enhanced oil recovery: an investigation of bacteria ability to live and alter crude oil physical characteristics in high pressure condition
AY Halim, UD Fauzi, S Siregar, E Soewono, AY Gunawan, DI Astuti, N Juli
SPE Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, SPE-123506-MS, 2009
Improvement of carbon dioxide removal through artificial light intensity and temperature by constructed green microalgae consortium in a vertical bubble column photobioreactor
A Rinanti, E Kardena, DI Astuti, K Dewi
Growth response and chlorophyll content of Scenedesmus obliquus cultivated in different artificial media
A Rinanti, E Kardena, DI Astuti, K Dewi
Asian Journal of Environment Biology 1 (1), 1-9, 2013
Endophytic fungi from surian (Toona sinensis roem) and antioxidant potency from its culture
N Rahmawati, AR Isfandito, DI Astuti, P Aditiawati
Asian Journal of Plant Sciences 15 (1/2), 8, 2016
Integrated vertical photobioreactor system for carbon dioxide removal using phototrophic microalgae
A Rinanti, E Kardena, DI Astuti, K Dewi
Nigerian Journal of Technology 32 (2), 225-232, 2013
Pengaruh kepadatan awal inokulum terhadap kualitas kultur Chaetoceros gracilis (Schütt) pada sistem batch
G Suantika, P Adityawati, DI Astuti, Y Sofyan
Jurnal Matematika & Sains 14 (1), 1-8, 2009
Sequential Isolation of Saturated, Aromatic, Resinic, and Asphaltic Fractions Degrading Bacteria from Oil Contaminated Soil in South Sumatera
M Munawar, P Aditiawati, DI Astuti
Makara Journal of Science 16 (1), 10, 2012
Biodesulfurization of subbituminous coal by mixed culture bacteria isolated from coal mine soil of South Sumatera
P Aditiawati, DI Astuti, MR Pikoli
Asian Network for Scientific Information, 2013
Isolasi bertahap dan identifikasi isolat bakteri termofilik pendegradasi minyak bumi dari sumur bangko
MR Pikoli, P Aditiawati, DI Astuti
Jurusan Biologi. ITB. Bandung, 2000
Screening of potential photosynthetic microalgae from wastewater treatment plant for carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS)
A Rinanti, E Kardena, DI Astuti, K Dewi
Asian Transactions on Science & Technology Journal 3 (1), 1-8, 2013
Use of Zero Water Discharge Technology through the Application of Nitrifying Bacteria and Textile Vertical Substrate in Grow-Out Phase of Macrobrachium rosenbergii De Man.
G Suantika, DI Astuti, RR Arief, M Rusni, OR Turendro
Journal of Aquaculture & Research Development 3 (5), 2012
Preliminary study on biomitigation green house gas carbon dioxide in closed system bubble photobioreactor: relationship among the mass transfer rate and CO2 removal efficiency …
A Rinanti, K Dewi, DI Astuti, N Halomoan
Jurnal Teknologi 69 (6), 2014
Development of zero-water discharge technology and nitrifying bacteria application in nursery phase of the giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii de Man)
G Suantika, DI Astuti, P Aditiawati, PG Sasmita
World Aquaculture Meeting Abstract Book 208, 2009
Comparison of gamma irradiated and raw lignite in bioliquefaction process by fungus T5
I Sugoro, DI Astuti, D Sasongko, P Aditiawati
Atom Indonesia 38 (2), 51-56, 2012
Kultur Campuran Isolât Mikroba Lokal yang Mampu Mendegradasi Minyak Burnì dan Memproduksì Biosurfàktan
DI Astuti
Disertasi Doktor Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, 2002
Preliminary Study on Climate Change Biomitigation by Improving CO2 Removal and CO2 Utilization Efficiency Using Microalgae Culture in Photobioreactor
A Nugroho, E Kardena, DI Astuti, K Dewi
Applied Mechanics and Materials 747, 261-264, 2015
Investigation of Optimized Bacterial EOR System in X Field, Kepulauan Seribu
L Perkasa, F Pratama, S Primeia, N Juli, DI Astuti, S Siregar
Indonesian Petroleum Association, 2011
Identification and Optimization of Indigenous Probiotic Bacteria Against Vibriosis Syndrome Isolated from Litopenaneus vannamei Hatchery in Situbondo, East Java, Indonesia
G Suantika, P Aditiawati, DI Astuti, J Anggraenia, RF Khoirunnas, ...
Proceeding of the 3rd ICMNS, 2010
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Articles 1–20