Transformative governance of biodiversity: insights for sustainable development IJ Visseren-Hamakers, J Razzaque, P McElwee, E Turnhout, E Kelemen, ... Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 53, 20-28, 2021 | 190 | 2021 |
Role of traditional beliefs of Baima Tibetans in biodiversity conservation in China Y Luo, J Liu, D Zhang Forest ecology and management 257 (10), 1995-2001, 2009 | 115 | 2009 |
Economic globalization, trade and forest transition-the case of nine Asian countries L Li, J Liu, H Long, W de Jong, YC Youn Forest Policy and Economics 76, 7-13, 2017 | 96 | 2017 |
Comparative study of the forest transition pathways of nine Asia-Pacific countries J Liu, M Liang, L Li, H Long, W De Jong Forest Policy and Economics 76, 25-34, 2017 | 73 | 2017 |
Fengshui forest management by the Buyi ethnic minority in China J Yuan, J Liu Forest Ecology and Management 257 (10), 2002-2009, 2009 | 73 | 2009 |
Understanding indigenous knowledge in sustainable management of natural resources in China: Taking two villages from Guizhou Province as a case Y Juanwen, W Quanxin, L Jinlong Forest policy and economics 22, 47-52, 2012 | 72 | 2012 |
Conservation equity for local communities in the process of tourism development in protected areas: A study of Jiuzhaigou Biosphere Reserve, China W Wang, J Liu, JL Innes World Development 124, 104637, 2019 | 57 | 2019 |
The centrality of actors and interfaces in the understanding of new ruralities: A Chinese case study N Long, J Liu Journal of Current Chinese Affairs 38 (4), 63-84, 2009 | 54 | 2009 |
Traditional forest knowledge of the Yi people confronting policy reform and social changes in Yunnan province of China L Jinlong, Z Renhua, Z Qiaoyun Forest policy and economics 22, 9-17, 2012 | 52 | 2012 |
Conditions of forest transition in Asian countries YC Youn, J Choi, W De Jong, J Liu, MS Park, LD Camacho, S Tachibana, ... Forest Policy and Economics 76, 14-24, 2017 | 49 | 2017 |
How do property rights reforms provide incentives for forest landscape restoration? Comparing evidence from Nepal, China and Ethiopia P Cronkleton, Y Artati, H Baral, K Paudyal, MR Banjane, JL Liu, TY Tu, ... International Forestry Review 19 (4), 8-23, 2017 | 48 | 2017 |
Traditional forest-related knowledge and sustainable forest management in Asia JA Parrotta, HL Fui, L Jinlong, PS Ramakrishnan, YC Youn Elsevier, 2009 | 41 | 2009 |
The forest restoration frontier W de Jong, J Liu, H Long Ambio 50 (12), 2224-2237, 2021 | 40 | 2021 |
Village elections, grassroots governance and the restructuring of state power: an empirical study in southern peri-urban China SW Wong, B Tang, J Liu The China Quarterly 241, 22-42, 2020 | 37 | 2020 |
Principal-agent relationships in rural governance and benefit sharing in community forestry: Evidence from a community forest enterprise in China Z Yiwen, S Kant, J Liu Forest Policy and Economics 107, 101924, 2019 | 29 | 2019 |
Participatory forest management in China: key challenges and ways forward J Liu, JL Innes International Forestry Review 17 (4), 477-484, 2015 | 29 | 2015 |
Forest transition in Asia: Trends and some theoretical implications W de Jong, J Liu, MS Park, L Camacho Forest Policy and Economics 76, 1-6, 2017 | 28 | 2017 |
Actor, customary regulation and case study of collective forest tenure reform intervention in China Y Luo, J Liu, D Zhang, J Dong Small-Scale Forestry 14, 155-169, 2015 | 26 | 2015 |
Rethinking China’s rural revitalization from a historical perspective SW Wong, B Tang, J Liu Journal of Urban History 48 (3), 565-577, 2022 | 25 | 2022 |
Village redevelopment and desegregation as a strategy for metropolitan development: some lessons from Guangzhou City SW Wong, BS Tang, J Liu International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 42 (6), 1064-1079, 2018 | 25 | 2018 |