Nanung Danar Dono
Nanung Danar Dono
Email yang diverifikasi di ugm.ac.id
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Modification of digesta pH and intestinal morphology with the use of benzoic acid or phytobiotics and the effects on broiler chicken growth performance and energy and nutrient …
OA Olukosi, ND Dono
Journal of animal science 92 (9), 3945-3953, 2014
Turmeric (Curcuma longa Linn.) supplementation as an alternative to antibiotics in poultry diets
ND Dono
Indonesian Bulletin of Animal and Veterinary Sciences 23 (1), 41-49, 2014
Self-nanoemulsifying drug delivery system (SNEDDS) of Amomum compactum essential oil: design, formulation, and characterization
T Ujilestari, R Martien, B Ariyadi, ND Dono
Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 8 (6), 014-021, 2018
Nutritional strategies to improve enteric health and growth performance of poultry in the post antibiotic era
ND Dono
University of Glasgow, 2012
Performan ayam broiler dengan penambahan tepung daun dalam pakan
AK Wati, Z Zuprizal, K Kustantinah, E Indarto, ND Dono, W Wihandoyo
Sains Peternakan: Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Peternakan 16 (2), 74-79, 2018
Formulation and characterization of self-nano emulsifying drug delivery systems of lemongrass (cymbopogon citratus) essential oil
T Ujilestari, ND Dono, B Ariyadi, R Martien, Z Zuprizal
Malaysian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences 14 (3), 360-363, 2018
Kualitas daging ayam boiler yang mendapatkan tepung bawang putih dan tepung temulawak dalam ransum
ND Dono
Jurnal Ilmu Ternak dan Veteriner 15 (2), 81-87, 2010
Penggunaan protease dalam pakan yang menggunakan limbah pertanian-peternakan untuk meningkatkan kinerja pertumbuhan ayam broiler
AD Anggraini, F Poernama, C Hanim, ND Dono
Buletin Peternakan 41 (3), 243-249, 2017
Association between digesta pH, body weight, and nutrient utilization in chickens of different body weights and at different ages
ND Dono, NH Sparks, OA Olukosi
The Journal of Poultry Science 51 (2), 180-184, 2014
Biosintesis dan karakterisasi nano-enkapsulasi ekstrak buah mengkudu (Morinda citrifolia) dengan kitosan-sodium tripolifosfat sebagai kandidat antioksidan alami
Z Choiri, R Martien, ND Dono, Z Zuprizal
Prosiding Simposium Nasional, Penelitian dan Pengembangan Peternakan Tropik …, 2016
The effects of dietary seaweed inclusion on growth performance of broiler chickens: a systematic review and meta-analysis
F Andri, ND Dono, H Sasongko, Z Zuprizal
F1000Research 9, 2020
Optimization of self-nanoemulsifying drug delivery systems of lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) essential oil
T Ujilestari, B Ariyadi, R Martien, DN Zuprizal, ND Dono
Int J Appl Pharm 11, 144-9, 2019
Cinnamon bark oil and coconut oil emulsions modified small intestinal motility and barrier function in laying hens in an ex vivo experiment
AP Baskara, S Sharma, A Sener-Aydemir, S Koger, B Ariyadi, ND Dono, ...
British Poultry Science 62 (3), 435-442, 2021
Calliandra calothyrsus and Artocarpus heterophyllus as anti-parasite for Bligon goat.
W Setyono, K Kustantinah, E Indarto, ND Dono, Z Zuprizal, IH Zulfa
quality of broiler fed diet supplemented by garlic meal and white turmeric meal
ND Dono
Jurnal Ilmu Ternak dan Veteriner 15 (2), 81-87, 2010
Performance, Microbial Populations, and Jejunal Morphology of Broilers Supplemented with Nano-Encapsulated Graviola Leaf Extract
U Maesaroh, ND Dono
Tropical Animal Science Journal 45 (1), 64-72, 2022
The potential use of essential oil nanoemulsion as a novel alternative to antibiotics in poultry production-a review
AP Baskara, B Ariyadi, ND Dono, R Martien, Z Zuprizal
Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science 10 (2), 203-212, 2020
Antibacterial effects of essential oils of Cymbopogon citratus and Amomum compactum under self-nanoemulsifying drug delivery system (SNEDDS)
T Ujilestari, R Martien, B Ariyadi, ND Dono
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 387 (1), 012071, 2019
The effect of dietary Binahong [Anredera cordifolia (Ten.) Steenis] leaf meal supplementation on total ileal bacteria and jejunal histomorphology in broiler chickens
N Widodo, Z Wihandoyo, ND Dono
International Journal of Poultry Science 17 (10), 473-478, 2018
Soy-milk waste with soybean meal dietary substitution: effects on growth performance and meat quality of broiler chickens
ND Dono, E Indarto
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