Slamet Rosyadi
Slamet Rosyadi
Professor Administrasi Pembangunan, Jenderal Soedirman University
Email yang diverifikasi di unsoed.ac.id - Beranda
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Revolusi Industri 4.0
S Rosyadi
Universitas Jenderal Soedirman.[Internet]. Tersedia pada https://www …, 2018
Implementasi Kebijakan Dana Desa
K Chasanah, S Rosyadi, D Kurniasih
The Indonesian Journal of Public Administration (IJPA) 3 (2), 12-32, 2017
The multi-stakeholder’s role in an integrated mentoring model for SMEs in the creative economy sector
S Rosyadi, AS Kusuma, E Fitrah, A Haryanto, W Adawiyah
SAGE Open 10 (4), 2158244020963604, 2020
Creating political capital to promote devolution in the forestry sector—a case study of the forest communities in Banyumas district, Central Java, Indonesia
S Rosyadi, R Birner, M Zeller
Forest Policy and Economics 7 (2), 213-226, 2005
Paradigma Baru Manajemen Pembangunan
S Rosyadi
Gava Media, 2010
Analysis of Indonesian tourism potentials through the sustainable tourism perspective in the new normal era
M Yamin, A Darmawan, S Rosyadi
Jurnal Hubungan Internasional 10 (1), 44-58, 2021
Collaborative governance in corporate social responsibility forum in Banyumas Regency
I Furqoni, S Rosyadi, A Isna
Jurnal Bina Praja 11 (2), 209-217, 2019
Penguatan kapasitas peran sosial BUMDes dalam penanggulangan dampak ekonomi covid-19
S Rosyadi, PI Setyoko, D Kurniasih, W Ramadhanti, AS Kusuma, ZR Atika
Wikrama Parahita: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat 5 (1), 27-32, 2021
The Indonesian government capacity in responding to the COVID-19 impacts on the creative economy sector
S Rosyadi, A Sabiq, AA Ahmad, Nuryanti
Sage Open 12 (2), 21582440221105820, 2022
Barriers of public policy faced by SMEs of creative economy in Indonesia
S Rosyadi, AS Kusuma, E Fitrah, NA Zayzda, T Pimoljinda
International Journal of Law and Management 64 (1), 32-48, 2022
Prospek Pengembangan Aparatur Sipil Negara Berbasis Merit
S Rosyadi
Jurnal Kebijakan dan Manajemen PNS 8 (1 Juni), 2014
The Role of Creative Economy in Promoting Sustainable Rural Development
S Rosyadi, A Haryanto, AS Kusuma, E Fitrah
Third International Conference on Social Transformation, Community and …, 2020
Format Kelembagaan Kerjasama Antar Daerah untuk Pembangunan Ekonomi Kawasan Berkelanjutan
BT Harsanto, S Rosyadi, S Simin
MIMBAR: Jurnal Sosial dan Pembangunan 31 (1), 211-220, 2015
Relasi kuasa antara perhutani dan masyarakat dalam pengelolaan sumberdaya hutan di Banyumas: kepentingan bisnis VS community empowerment
S Rosyadi, KR Sobandi
Komunitas 6 (1), 47-56, 2014
Partisipasi forum anak Banyumas dalam mewujudkan Kabupaten Layak Anak di kabupaten Banyumas ditinjau dari Perspektif multi stakeholder partnerships
I Alviana, S Rosyadi, S Simin, R Idanati
JDKP Jurnal Desentralisasi Dan Kebijakan Publik 2 (2), 277-287, 2021
The Role of Community-Based Tourism in Sustainable Tourism Village In Indonesia
BR Hariyadi, A Rokhman, S Rosyadi, M Yamin, AG Runtiko
Revista de Gestão Social e Ambiental 18 (7), e05466-e05466, 2024
Administrasi Publik New Normal
S Rosyadi, D Indiaho
SIPPublishing Jawa Tengah, 2020
Problem Rekrutmen dan Seleksi Pegawai Negeri Sipil
S Rosyadi
Jurnal kebijakan dan Manajemen PNS 5 (2 November), 2011
Sustainable Traditional Gold-Mining Management in Banyumas, Central Java, Indonesia
M Muslihudin, S Rosyadi, J Santoso
International Journal of Conservation Science 10 (1), 139-148, 2019
Kebijakan pengelolaan transportasi publik di Purwokerto
S Wijaya, P Setyoko, S Rosyadi
Jurnal Litbang Provinsi Jawa Tengah 16 (1), 17-26, 2018
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