Dhani Herdiwijaya
Dhani Herdiwijaya
Professor, Astronomy Research Group, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia
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Sky brightness and twilight measurements at Jogyakarta city, Indonesia
D Herdiwijaya
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 771 (1), 012033, 2016
Clear sky fraction above Indonesia: an analysis for astronomical site selection
T Hidayat, P Mahasena, B Dermawan, TW Hadi, PW Premadi, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 427 (3), 1903-1917, 2012
Waktu Subuh: tinjauan pengamatan astronomi
D Herdiwijaya
Jurnal Tarjih 14 (1), 51-64, 2017
The proper motion of individual sunspots
D Herdiwijaya, M Makita, B Anwar
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan 49 (2), 235-248, 1997
Radio frequency interference measurements in Indonesia: A survey to establish a radio astronomy observatory
T Hidayat, A Munir, B Dermawan, AT Jaelani, S Léon, DH Nugroho, ...
Experimental Astronomy 37, 85-108, 2014
On the beginning of the morning twilight based on sky brightness measurements
D Herdiwijaya
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1523 (1), 012007, 2020
Diagnosing low earth orbit satellite anomalies using NOAA-15 electron data associated with geomagnetic perturbations
N Ahmad, D Herdiwijaya, T Djamaluddin, H Usui, Y Miyake
Earth, Planets and Space 70, 1-16, 2018
Developing information system on lunar crescent observations
T Hidayat, P Mahasena, B Dermawan, D Herdiwijaya, H Setyanto, M Irfan, ...
ITB Journal of Sciences 42, 67-80, 2010
Efektivitas perkuliahan ipba terintegrasi berbasis kecerdasan majemuk untuk meningkatkan penguasaan konsep dan menanamkan karakter diri mahasiswa calon guru smp pada tema tata …
W Liliawati, NY Rustaman, D Herdiwijaya, D Rusdiana
Indonesian Journal of Applied Physics 3 (1), 63-71, 2013
Pengukuran kecerlangan langit arah zenith di bandung dan cimahi dengan menggunakan sky quality meter
D Herdiwijaya, EP Arumaningtyas
Prosiding Seminar Himpunan Astronomi Indonesia 2011, 6-8, 2011
Implications of Twilight Sky Brightness Measurements on Fajr Prayer and Young Crescent Observation
D Herdiwijaya
2014 International Conference on Physics and its Applications (ICOPIA-14), 26-29, 2014
Light pollution at bosscha observatory, indonesia
D Herdiwijaya
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1153 (1), 012133, 2019
Data analysis techniques in light pollution: A survey and taxonomy
LS Riza, A Izzuddin, JA Utama, KAFA Samah, D Herdiwijaya, T Hidayat, ...
New Astronomy Reviews 95, 101663, 2022
Measurements of sky brightness at Bosscha Observatory, Indonesia
D Herdiwijaya, R Satyaningsih, HA Prastyo, EP Arumaningtyas, ...
Heliyon 6 (8), 2020
Morning twilight measured at Bandung and Jombang
EP Arumaningtyas, M Raharto, D Herdiwijaya
AIP Conference Proceedings 1454 (1), 29-31, 2012
The Probability of Flare Occurrences Based on Sunspot Group and Magnetic Configurations
D Herdiwijaya, S Imelda
Jurnal Matematika dan Sains 11 (7), 2006
Spatial Analysis of Light Pollution Dynamics Around Bosscha Observatory and Timau National Observatory Based on VIIRS-DNB Satellite Images
HA Prastyo, D Herdiwijaya
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1231 (1), 012002, 2019
Pengukuran Kecerahan Langit Malam Arah Zenit Untuk Penentuan Awal Waktu Fajar
D Herdiwijaya
Prosiding SKF 2016, 95-102, 2016
On the possible relations between solar activities and global seismicity in the solar cycle 20 to 23
D Herdiwijaya, J Arif, MZ Nurzaman, IKD Astuti
AIP Conference Proceedings 1677 (1), 2015
Distribution of solar energetic particles and magnetic field orientations related to strong geomagnetic storms in solar cycle 24
D Herdiwijaya
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1204 (1), 012121, 2019
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