Bambang Piscesa
Cited by
Cited by
Teknologi Beton Dalam Praktek I
A Subakti, M Irmawan, B Piscesa
ITS Press, Surabaya, 2012
3D Finite element modeling of circular reinforced concrete columns confined with FRP using a plasticity based formulation
B Piscesa, MM Attard, AK Samani
Composite Structures 194, 478-493, 2018
Plasticity Constitutive Model for Stress-Strain Relationship of Confined Concrete.
B Piscesa, MM Attard, AK Samani, S Tangaramvong
ACI Structural Journal 114 (2), 2017
A Lateral Strain Plasticity Model for FRP Confined Concrete
B Piscesa, MM Attard, AK Samani
Composite Structures 158, 160-174, 2016
Modeling cover spalling behavior in high strength reinforced concrete columns using a plasticity-fracture model
B Piscesa, MM Attard, D Prasetya, AK Samani
Engineering Structures 196, 109336, 2019
Three-dimensional Finite Element Analysis of Circular Reinforced Concrete Column Confined with FRP using Plasticity Model
B Piscesa, MM Attard, AK Samani
Procedia Engineering 171, 847-856, 2017
Vibration-based damage identification for ship sandwich plate using finite element method
A Ismail, A Zubaydi, B Piscesa, RC Ariesta, Tuswan
Open engineering 10 (1), 744-752, 2020
Dynamic characteristic of partially debonded sandwich of ferry ro-ro’s car deck: a numerical modeling
T Tuswan, A Zubaydi, B Piscesa, A Ismail
Open Engineering 10 (1), 424-433, 2020
Influence of application of sandwich panel on static and dynamic behavior of ferry ro-ro ramp door
T Tuswan, A Zubaydi, B Piscesa, A Ismail, RC Ariesta, MF Ilham, ...
Journal of Applied Engineering Science 19 (No. 1), 208-216, 2021
Study of sandwich panel application on side hull of crude oil tanker
A Ismail, A Zubaydi, B Piscesa, T Tuswan, RC Ariesta
Journal of Applied Engineering Science, 1-9, 2021
Free vibration analysis of interfacial debonded sandwich of ferry ro-ro’s stern ramp door
T Tuswan, A Zubaydi, B Piscesa, A Ismail, MF Ilham
Procedia Structural Integrity 27, 22-29, 2020
Modeling Confined Concrete Using Plasticity Formulation
B Piscesa
PhD Thesis, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The University of …, 2018
A numerical evaluation on nonlinear dynamic response of sandwich plates with partially rectangular skin/core debonding
T Tuswan, A Zubaydi, B Piscesa, A Ismail, RC Ariesta, AR Prabowo
Curved and Layered Structures 9 (1), 25-39, 2022
Investigation on the fiber based approach to estimate the axial load carrying capacity of the circular concrete filled steel tube (CFST)
B Piscesa, MM Attard, P Suprobo, AK Samani
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 267 (1), 012017, 2017
Material Sandwich Teori, Desain dan Aplikasi
A Zubaydi, B Piscesa, A Ismail
UMSurabaya Publishing, 2024
A comparative study of conventional and sandwich plate side-shell using finite element method
A Ismail, A Zubaydi, B Piscesa, E Panangian, RC Ariesta, T Tuswan
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1034 (1), 012027, 2021
Numerical Investigation on The Behavior of Concrete-Filled-Steel-Tube Column under Eccentric Loading
B Piscesa, MM Attard, AK Samani, P Suprobo
The Third International Conference on Civil Engineering Research (ICCER), 1 …, 2017
A strength analysis of conventional and sandwich plate deck using finite element method
A Ismail, A Zubaydi, B Piscesa, E Panangian, RC Ariesta, T Tuswan
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1034 (1), 012026, 2021
Effect of steel fiber volume fraction to the tensile splitting strength of concrete cylinder
M Maksum, H Alrasyid, M Irmawan, B Piscesa
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 930 (1), 012058, 2020
Non-linear finite element analysis of reinforced concrete deep beam with web opening
F Alius, B Piscesa, F Faimun, H Alrasyid, D Iranata
Journal of Civil Engineering 35 (1), 3-7, 2020
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Articles 1–20