Sri Setyarini
Cited by
Cited by
Thinking critically while storytelling: Improving children’s HOTS and English oral competence
S Setyarini, AB Muslim, D Rukmini, I Yuliasri, Y Mujianto
Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics 8 (1), 189-197, 2018
Puppet Show”: Inovasi metode pengajaran bahasa inggris dalam upaya meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara siswa SD
S Setyarini
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan 11 (1), 1-6, 2010
Storytelling: An innovative language learning for English young learners
S Setyarini, H Soleimani, M Akbari
Joint Conference UPI-UiTM. Malaysia, 2011
Exploring students’ learning engagement in EFL online classroom
DS Suharti, D Suherdi, S Setyarini
Thirteenth Conference on Applied Linguistics (CONAPLIN 2020), 139-149, 2021
Promoting higher order thinking skills in storytelling for teaching english to young adolescents in 21st century
S Setyarini, MA Ling
KnE Social Sciences, 155–164-155–164, 2019
Portraying Teacher’s Metacognitive Knowledge to Promote EFL Young Leaners’ Critical Thinking in Indonesia
R Riwayatiningsih, S Setyarini, RAA Putra
IJoLE: International Journal of Language Education 5 (1), 552-568, 2021
Indonesian language assistant program in Australian Schools: Recruitment and selection process
TI Hardini, S Setyarini, S Harto
Jurnal Cakrawala Pendidikan 38 (2), 330-342, 2019
" I start learning English through speaking": Social agency demand and inter-school readiness for Indonesian young English learners.
S Setyarini, B Musthafa, AB Muslim
Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics 10 (1), 2020
EFL flipped-classroom: promoting HOTS in speaking skill
Z Riza, S Setyarini
Twelfth Conference on Applied Linguistics (CONAPLIN 2019), 251-255, 2020
In house training (IHT) model to improve the abilities of English teachers in developing teaching materials
NS Lengkanawati, S Setyarini, RDK Sari, NY Moecharam
Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics 5 (1), 37-43, 2015
Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Berbasis Storytelling: Sebuah Terobosan Dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Output Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Anak Usia Dini
S Setyarini
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan 15 (2), 2015
A semiotic analysis of cyber emoticons (a case study of Kaskus emoticons in the lounge forum at Kaskus-the largest Indonesian community)
D Sukyadi, S Setyarini, AI Junida
K@ ta 13 (1), 37-50, 2011
Remote learning implemented by bipa teachers during Covid-19 pandemic
TI Hardini, S Setyarini, S Harto
Jurnal Kependidikan Penelitian Inovasi Pembelajaran 5 (1), 122-136, 2021
Exploring undergraduate students’ experiences in dealing with post-editing of machine translation
S Harto, FA Hamied, B Musthafa, S Setyarini
Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics 11 (3), 696-707, 2022
Indonesian parental perspectives of international school partnerships involving millennial learners
AB Muslim, H Salim, S Setyarini
Journal of Research in International Education 19 (2), 106-119, 2020
Higher Order Thinking (HOTs) in storytelling: An innovative learning model to improve speaking skill of grade seventh students in Bandung
S Setyarini
The 4th Literary Studies Conference 196, 2016
Technology for extensive listening practice: EFL teachers' preferences and views
KD Pamuji, S Setyarini
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Frontiers of Educational …, 2020
Critical literacy strategy and challenges: Voice from a high school EFL teacher
RAU Hidayat, GG Gustine, S Setyarini
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan 20 (3), 315-324, 2020
Channeling multiliteracies in digital era: A case study of EFL student-made video project in vocational high school
NN Fadila, S Setyarini, GG Gustine
Journal of English Language Teaching and Linguistics 6 (1), 73-91, 2021
Higher Order Thinking Skills in Storytelling for Teaching English to Junior High School Students: A shortcut to fulfill learning objectives of 21st century
S Setyarini
Second Conference on Language, Literature, Education, and Culture (ICOLLITE …, 2019
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Articles 1–20