Journal of Islamic Law
Journal of Islamic Law
Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Pontianak
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Kritik Pemikiran Feminis Terhadap Hak dan Kewajiban Suami Isteri Perspektif Hukum Keluarga Islam
A Hermanto, H Ismail
Journal of Islamic Law 1 (2), 182-199, 2020
Iddah dan Ihdad bagi Wanita Karir Perspektif Hukum Islam
A Khoiri, A Muala
Journal of Islamic Law 1 (2), 256, 2020
Reposisi Ekonomi Islam di Era Globalisasi Perspektif Maqashid Syari’ah
A Muala
Journal of Islamic Law 1 (1), 45-63, 2020
Tafsir Kontekstual dan Eksistensi Perempuan serta Implikasinya terhadap Penyetaraan Bagian Waris Laki-Laki dan Perempuan
M Mahsus
Journal of Islamic Law 1 (1), 25-44, 2020
Moderasi Fiqh pada Penentuan Arah Kiblat: Akurasi yang Fleksibel
Journal of Islamic Law 1 (1), 83-99, 2020
Restorative Justice for Juvenile Offenders in Indonesia: A Study of Psychological Perspective and Islamic Law
S Sriwiyanti, W Saefudin, S Aminah
Journal of Islamic Law 2 (2), 168-196, 2021
Dinamika Konstitusi Islam: Dari Periode Kekhilafahan hingga Nation-State
A Sodiqin, AM Radiamoda
Journal of Islamic Law 2 (2), 138-167, 2021
Between State Law and Islamic Law: The Practice of Divorce Outside the Situbondo Religious Courts, Indonesia
AK Faiz, Z AR, A Izzuddin
Journal of Islamic Law 3 (2), 176-192, 2022
Strategi Pengumpulan dan Pendistribusian Zakat, Infak dan Sedekah untuk Kesejahteraan Umat: Studi Komperatif antara LAZ-UQ dengan LAZISNU Jombang
R Pramiswari, AA Amarudin, M Mustamim
Journal of Islamic Law 2 (2), 224-246, 2021
Dinamika Batasan Usia Perkawinan di Indonesia: Kajian Psikologi dan Hukum Islam
Y Yusuf
Journal of Islamic Law 1 (2), 200-217, 2020
The'Double-Faced'Legal Expression: Dynamics and Legal Loopholes in Interfaith Marriages in Indonesia
A Rajafi, A Sugitanata
J. Islamic L. 5, 19, 2024
Genealogy and Reform of Islamic Family Law: Study of Islamic Marriage Law Products in Malaysia
AS Siti Aminah
Journal of Islamic Law 3 (1), 94-110, 2022
Konsepsi Fikih Dakwah Jamā’ah Tablīgh pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19: Telaah Gerakan Dakwah Jamā’ah Tablīgh Gorontalo
A Zaenuri
Journal of Islamic Law 1 (2), 135-157, 2020
Women's Rights and Gender Equality: An Analysis of Jasser Auda's Thoughts and His Contribution to Renewal of Islamic Family Law in Indonesia
R Utsany, A Tw, K Khamim
Journal of Islamic Law 3 (1), 54-73, 2022
Challenging Traditional Islamic Authority: Indonesian Female Ulama and the Fatwa Against Forced Marriages
AM Agustina, N Ismah
Journal of Islamic Law 5 (1), 125-146, 2024
Violation of Women’s Rights: The Kawin Magrib Tradition of the Sasak Muslim Community in Lombok, Indonesia
A Sugitanata, S Aminah, H Sunardi, SK Sholikhah
Journal of Islamic Law 4 (2), 197-217, 2023
Preventing Violations of Religious and Social Norms: Judicial Interpretation of 'Urgent Reasons' in Marriage Dispensation at the Wonosari Religious Court, Indonesia
T Rohman, M Mahsus, M Abduh, G Arnone
Journal of Islamic Law 4 (2), 218-236, 2023
Reasons for Polygamy and Its Impact on Muslim Family Life: Experiences of Polygamous Perpetrators in Babat, Lamongan, Indonesia
A Hakim
Journal of Islamic Law 3 (1), 34-53, 2022
Ketahanan Keluarga dan Implementasi Fikih Keluarga pada Keluarga Muslim Milenial di Gresik, Indonesia
A Fathoni
Journal of Islamic Law 2 (2), 247-267, 2021
Penalaran Rasional dan Maslahah: Ijtihad Umar ibn al-Khattab pada Kasus-Kasus Kewarisan Islam
M Yusron
Journal of Islamic Law 2 (2), 197-223, 2021
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Articles 1–20