hari kusnanto
hari kusnanto
Professor of Medicine, Gadjah Mada University
Email yang diverifikasi di ugm.ac.id
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Dikutip oleh
Biopsychosocial model of illnesses in primary care: A hermeneutic literature review
H Kusnanto, D Agustian, D Hilmanto
Journal of family medicine and primary care 7 (3), 497-500, 2018
Prediction of dengue outbreaks based on disease surveillance and meteorological data
AL Ramadona, L Lazuardi, YL Hii, Å Holmner, H Kusnanto, J Rocklöv
PloS one 11 (3), e0152688, 2016
How is Indonesia coping with its epidemic of chronic noncommunicable diseases? A systematic review with meta-analysis
J Schröders, S Wall, M Hakimi, FST Dewi, L Weinehall, M Nichter, ...
PloS one 12 (6), e0179186, 2017
Analisis kesuksesan implementasi rekam medis elektronik di RS Universitas Gadjah Mada
R Andriani, H Kusnanto, W Istiono
Jurnal Sistem Informasi 13 (2), 90-96, 2017
Dukungan keluarga dan kualitas hidup pasien diabetes mellitus di puskesmas Panjaitan II, Kulon Progo
F Nuraisyah, H Kusnanto, TB Rahayujati
Berita Kedokteran Masyarakat 33 (1), 25-30, 2017
Intelligence system for diagnosis level of coronary heart disease with K-star algorithm
W Wiharto, H Kusnanto, H Herianto
Healthcare informatics research 22 (1), 30-38, 2016
Interpretation of clinical data based on C4. 5 algorithm for the diagnosis of coronary heart disease
W Wiharto, H Kusnanto, H Herianto
Healthcare informatics research 22 (3), 186-195, 2016
The effect of gender and social capital on the dual burden of malnutrition: a multilevel study in Indonesia
M Vaezghasemi, A Öhman, M Eriksson, M Hakimi, L Weinehall, ...
PloS one 9 (8), e103849, 2014
Spatial analysis of Leptospira in rats, water and soil in Bantul District Yogyakarta Indonesia
H Sumanta, T Wibawa, S Hadisusanto, A Nuryati, H Kusnanto
Open Journal of Epidemiology, 2015
Hybrid system of tiered multivariate analysis and artificial neural network for coronary heart disease diagnosis
W Wiharto, H Kusnanto, H Herianto
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 7 (2), 1023, 2017
Metode kualitatif dalam riset kesehatan
H Kusnanto
Program Studi Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat Pascasarjana Universitas Gadjah Mada, 2004
Stunting among children Indonesian urban areas: What is the risk factors
T Siswati, T Hookstra, H Kusnanto
Jurnal Gizi dan Dietetik Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Nutrition and …, 2020
Progress towards malaria elimination in Sabang municipality, Aceh, Indonesia
H Herdiana, A Fuad, PBS Asih, S Zubaedah, RR Arisanti, D Syafruddin, ...
Malaria Journal 12, 1-13, 2013
Spatiotemporal patterns of malaria at cross-boundaries area in Menoreh Hills, Java, Indonesia
DSS Rejeki, A Fuad, BS Widartono, EEH Murhandarwati, H Kusnanto
Malaria Journal 18, 1-12, 2019
Millennium development goal four and child health inequities in Indonesia: A systematic review of the literature
J Schröders, S Wall, H Kusnanto, N Ng
PLoS One 10 (5), e0123629, 2015
Kebiasaan makan pagi, lama tidur dan kelelahan kerja (fatigue) pada dosen
G Yogisutanti, H Kusnanto, L Setyawati, Y Otsuka
Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat 9 (1), 53-57, 2013
Cryptosporidium Infection Increases the Risk for Chronic Diarrhea Among People Living With HIV in Southeast Asia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
WS Utami, EH Murhandarwati, WT Artama, H Kusnanto
Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health 32 (1), 8-18, 2020
A time series analysis: weather factors, human migration and malaria cases in endemic area of Purworejo, Indonesia, 2005–2014
DSS Rejeki, N Nurhayati, AJI Budi, EEH Murhandarwati, H Kusnanto
Iranian journal of public health 47 (4), 499, 2018
Clustered tuberculosis incidence in Bandar Lampung, Indonesia
DWSR Wardani, L Lazuardi, Y Mahendradhata, H Kusnanto
WHO South-East Asia journal of public health 3 (2), 179-185, 2014
Adaptasi terhadap perubahan iklim
H Kusnanto
Pusat Studi Lingkungan Hidup UGM, 2011
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Artikel 1–20