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Factors associated with food insecurity among older homeless adults: results from the HOPE HOME study
M Tong, L Tieu, CT Lee, C Ponath, D Guzman, M Kushel
Journal of public health 41 (2), 240-249, 2019
Pengaruh penggunaan daun indigofera segar sebagai suplemen pakan terhadap produksi dan warna yolk itik
T Akbarillah, K Kususiyah, H Hidayat
Jurnal Sain Peternakan Indonesia 5 (1), 27-33, 2010
Hidayat. 2008. Kajian tepung daun indigofera sebagai suplemen pakan terhadap produksi dan kualitas telur puyuh
T Akbarillah, DK Kususiyah
Jurnal Peternakan Indonesia 3 (1), 20-23, 2008
Challenges for understanding lacewings: how to deal with the incomplete data from extant and fossil larvae of Nevrorthidae?(Neuroptera)
JT Haug, V Baranov, M Schädel, P Müller, C Gröhn, C Haug
Fragmenta entomologica 52 (2), 137-168, 2020
Uji kualitas semen kambing nubian dan peranakannya (Kambing Nubian X PE) serta kambing Boer berdasarkan lama penyimpanan
N Husin, T Suteky, K Kususiyah
Jurnal Sain Peternakan Indonesia 2 (2), 57-64, 2007
Kusisiyah. 2002
T Akbarillah, D Kaharuddin
Kajian tepung daun Indigofera sebagai suplemen pakan terhadap produksi dan …, 0
Distribution and importance of wheat and barley diseases in Tunisia, 1989 to 1991.
M Cherif, M Harrabi, H Morjane
The effect of medicinal herb on fat deposition, meat composition, amino acid and fatty acid composition of broiler meats.
U Santoso, Y Fenita, K Kususiyah, O Widiantoro, S Kadarsih
Effect of fermented Sauropus androgynus leaves on meat composition, amino acid and fatty acid compositions in broiler chickens
U Santoso, Y Fenita, IGNG Bidura
Pakistan journal of nutrition 14 (11), 799, 2015
Performans keturunan ayam arras dengan ayam arab (ayam ketarras) umur 2-12 minggu
E Gunawan, D Kaharuddin, K Kususiyah
Jurnal Sain Peternakan Indonesia 13 (1), 89-100, 2018
Kususiyah and Y. Fenita. 2010a. The effect of Sauropus androgynus extract and lemuru oil on fat deposition and fatty acid composition of meat in broiler chickens
U Santoso
J. Indonesian Trop. Anim. Agric 35 (1), 48-54, 0
The Effect of medicinal herb inclusion on hematologic status and blood lipid profiles in broiler chickens
U Santoso, Y Fenita, K Kususiyah
International Journal of Poultry Science 16 (10), 415-423, 2017
Effect of Sauropus androgynus leaves extract (sale) on fat deposition in broiler fed low protein diets
U Santoso, K Kususiyah, Y Fenita
Journal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture 38 (3), 176-184, 2013
The effect of Sauropus androgynus leaves extract plus turmeric powder on fat deposition, carcass quality and blood profile in broilers fed low protein diets
U Santoso, K Kususiyah, S Suharyanto
Journal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture 40 (2), 121-130, 2015
The collection of type specimens of the families Dytiscidae, Histeridae, Hydraenidae and Staphylinidae (Coleoptera) hosted in the Natural History Museum of Barcelona, Spain
A Viñolas, B Caballero-López, G Masó
Arxius de Miscel· lània Zoològica 12, 130-161, 2014
Kususiyah., D. Kaharuddin, dan Hidayat. 2010. Tepung daun indigofera sebagai suplementasi pakan terhadap produksi dan war Pengaruh Penggunaan Daun Indigofera Segar Sebagai …
T Akbarillah
Jurnal Sain Peternakan Indonesia 5 (1), 27-33, 0
Effect of fermented Sauropus androgynus leaves on blood lipid fraction and haematological profile in broiler chickens.
U Santoso, Y Fenita
Journal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture 40 (4), 2015
Calliphoridae (Diptera) en parches de Selva Pedemontana con distinto grado de intervención antrópica en Tucumán (Argentina)
SM Olea, MJ Dantur Juri, PR Mulieri, LD Patitucci, N Centeno, JC Mariluis
Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina 71 (3-4), 249-256, 2012
Tepung daun indigofera sebagai suplementasi pakan terhadap produksi dan warna yolk puyuh (Coturnix coturnix japonica)
T Akbarillah, K Kususiyah, D Kaharuddin, H Hidayat
Jurnal Sain Peternakan Indonesia 3 (1), 20-23, 2008
Pemberian Tepung Katuk dan Dampaknya Terhadap Parameter Mutu Karkas Ayam Kampung Betina
HD Putranto, U Santoso, K Kususiyah, E Soetrisno
Buletin Peternakan Tropis 2 (2), 140-148, 2021
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