English Teaching Journal: A Journal of English Literature, Language and Education
English Teaching Journal: A Journal of English Literature, Language and Education
Universitas PGRI Madiun
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Cited by
Students’ attitudes towards collaborative learning through E-Learning during Covid-19: a male and female students
P Dewi, A Muhid
English Teaching Journal: A Journal of English Literature, Language and …, 2021
The implementation of computer-assisted language learning (CALL) in the EFL setting: a case study in a secondary school in Indonesia
R Dwi Laksmita, F Dian, S Slamet
The implementation of computer-assisted language learning (CALL) in the EFL …, 2020
Podcasts: Improving Students’ Extensive Listening Skills
RDA Camelia, MY Aditya, A Ridwan
English Teaching Journal: A Journal of English Literature, Language and …, 2021
Teaching writing recount text by using powtoon video
NA Ningsih
English Teaching Journal: A Journal of English Literature, Language and …, 2021
The mechanics accuracy of students’ writing
L Yuliawati
English Teaching Journal 9 (1), 46-53, 2021
Using a board game †œSnake and Lader†to teach speaking descriptive text at the eight grade students of SMPN 2 Wungu
FT Ratih, NA Ningsih
English Teaching Journal: A Journal of English Literature, Language and …, 2017
Digital Story: An Effective Media to Teach Listening from the Perspective of Students' Schemata
DR Sari
English Teaching Journal: A Journal of English Literature, Language and …, 2013
The use of camtasia video, youtube, and whatsapp in online teaching during pandemic situation
TW Chasanatun, S Lestari
English Teaching Journal: A Journal of English Literature, Language and …, 2021
Critical thinking in ELT: theory and practice
L Irawati
English Teaching Journal: A Journal of English Literature, Language and …, 2014
Using picture series in teaching writing skill for the first semester students of medical record program in Stikes Bhakti Husada Mulia Madiun
L Deviga, YF Diliyana
English Teaching Journal: A Journal of English Literature, Language and …, 2020
Integrating the use of social media for group collaboration in ESP classroom
M Lailiyah, SP Putra
English Teaching Journal: A Journal of English Literature, Language and …, 2022
The implementation of pictures media to improve paragraph writing skill
S Sulastri
English Teaching Journal: A Journal of English Literature, Linguistics, and …, 2019
Mini Fictions for Writing Expository Essays
L Setyowati, S Sukmawan
English Teaching Journal: A Journal of English Literature, Language and …, 2015
Promoting philosophy for Ccildren (P4C) in teaching reading
R Safriyani, A Mustofa
Nglish Teaching Journal: A Journal of English Literature, Linguisfics and …, 2021
VIVOICE: An Effort to Promote EFL Learners’ Self-Regulated Learning during the COVID-19 Outbreak
BDF Mukti, Y Basuki
English Teaching Journal: A journal of English Literature, Linguistics, and …, 2020
Translation analysis of subtitle from English into Indonesian in The Raid 2 Movie
RD Wicaksono, Y Kuswardani
English Teaching Journal 7 (2), 79-85, 2019
The Application of Riddle Game in Teaching Speaking for the Eighth Grade Students of MTsN Kedunggalar Ngawi in the Schooling Year 2014/2015
MT Hapsari, F Pinandhita
English Teaching Journal: A Journal of English Literature, Language and …, 2015
The effect of fantasy movie in writing for junior high school student
DW Agustin, EW Styati, V Vendityaningtyas
English Teaching Journal: A Journal of English Literature, Language and …, 2022
Barriers in EFL online learning experienced by learners during the COVID-19 outbreak
V Aulia
English Teaching Journal: A journal of English Literature, Linguistics, and …, 2022
the Use of Kwl (Know, Want, Learned) Strategy on Students’ Reading Comprehension
DF Heriyawati, L Irawati, ACL Haliwala
English Teach. J. A J. English Lit. Lang. Educ 9 (2), 94, 2021
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Articles 1–20