I Nyoman Eddy Indrayana
I Nyoman Eddy Indrayana
Politeknik Negeri Bali
Email yang diverifikasi di pnb.ac.id
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Data structure comparison between MySql relational database and firebase database NoSql on mobile based tourist tracking application
IKG Sudiartha, INE Indrayana, IW Suasnawa, SA Asri, PW Sunu
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1569 (3), 032092, 2020
Membangun Struktur Realtime Database Firebase Untuk Aplikasi Monitoring Pergerakan Group Wisatawan
IKG Sudiartha, INE Indrayana, IW Suasnawa
Jurnal Ilmu Komputer 11 (2), 96-102, 2018
Implementation of prototyping method on smart village application
SA Asri, I Astawa, I Sunaya, KA Yasa, INE Indrayana, W Setiawan
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1569 (3), 032094, 2020
Design And Implementation of Group Tourist Monitoring Application With Realtime Database Firebase
I Sudiartha, I Indrayana, IW Suasnawa, PI Ciptayani
Design And Implementation of Group Tourist Monitoring Application With …, 2018
Heuristic Query Optimization for Query Multiple Table and Multiple Clause on Mobile Finance Application
INE Indrayana, NM Wirasyanti, IKG Sudiartha
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 953 (1), 012049, 2018
Study of thermal effectiveness in shell and helically coiled tube heat exchanger with addition nanoparticles
PW Sunu, DS Anakottapary, IDM Susila, I Santosa, INE Indrayana
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1569 (3), 032038, 2020
Perancangan Aplikasi Sistem Pengelolaan Arsip Jurusan Teknik Elektro Politeknik Negeri Bali
INE Indrayana
Logic: Jurnal Rancang Bangun Dan Teknologi 16 (2), 75, 2017
Android-based child monitoring application using a smartwatch and geofence service
INE Indrayana, P Sutawinaya, NMWD Pratiwi, PM Prihatini, SA Asri
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1803 (1), 012024, 2021
Monitoring and Tracking Group Traveler Application Using GPS Technology
I Sudiartha, I Indrayana, IW Suasnawa
International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering …, 2021
Design of Children Monitoring Application for Outdoor Activities Using a Smart Watch
INE Indrayana, P Sutawinaya, NM Wirasyanti, IK Swardika, PW Sunu
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1569 (3), 032093, 2020
Migrasi Model Data Relasional Ke Model Data Realtime Database Firebase Untuk Aplikasi Monitoring Wisatawan
I Indrayana, I Sudiartha, IW Suasnawa
Just TI (Jurnal Sains Terapan Teknologi Informasi) 11 (1), 12-15, 2019
Comparing selection method in course scheduling using genetic algorithm
NGAPH Saptarini, PI Ciptayani, NW Wisswani, IW Suasnawa, ...
International Conference on Science and Technology (ICST 2018), 574-578, 2018
Leveraging Knowledge Sharing and Innovation Towards Resilient Competitive Advantage
IWE Arsawan, PA Prayustika, IGK Gede, NM Kariati, PW Sunu, ...
International Conference on Applied Science and Technology on Social Science …, 2021
User Requirement and Use Case Diagram for Traveler Tracking Application in Tourist Destination
I Sudiartha, I Indrayana, IW Suasnawa, I Atmaja, KAT Indah, PW Sunu
User Requirement and Use Case Diagram for Traveler Tracking Application in …, 2021
Radiance threshold of nighttime satellite data for green zone energy mapping
IK Swardika, PAW Santiary, INE Indrayana
2019 International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Information …, 2019
Klastering Perekonomian Mahasiswa Politeknik Negeri Bali Menggunakan K-Means
PI Ciptayani, I Caturbawa, INE Indrayana
Jurnal Sistem dan Informatika (JSI) 10 (1), 32-40, 2015
Feature Extraction Performance on Classified Methods for Text Sentiment Analysis
PM Prihatini, KAT Indah, GNA Sukerti, I Indrayana, I Sudiartha
Twitter Sentiment Analysis on the Implementation of Online Learning during the Pandemic using Naive Bayes and Support Vector Machine
IW Suasnawa, IGNB Caturbawa, IGS Widharma, AANG Sapteka, ...
Aplikasi Pembatasan Area Virtual (Geofence) untuk Pemantauan Aktifitas Anak-Anak Menggunakan Smartphone dan Smart Watch
I Indrayana, IP Sutawinaya, NMWD Pratiwi, KA Yasa
Jurnal Fasilkom 10 (3), 177-183, 2020
Leveraging Knowledge Sharing and Innovation Towards Resilient Competitive Advantage: Insight from the Leaders
I Arsawan, PA Prayustika, I Gede, PW Sunu, I Indrayana
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