MOCHAMMAD HATTA, Prof, MD, PhD, Clin Microbiologist (Cons)
MOCHAMMAD HATTA, Prof, MD, PhD, Clin Microbiologist (Cons)
Professor of Molecular Biology and Immunology, Faculty of Medicine, Hasanuddin University
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Phylogeographical analysis of the dominant multidrug-resistant H58 clade of Salmonella Typhi identifies inter-and intracontinental transmission events
VK Wong, S Baker, M Hatta, J Parkhill, AJ Page, NA Feasey, RA Kingsley, ...
Nature genetics 47 (6), 632-639, 2015
Neural cadherin: role in selective cell-cell adhesion
MT S Miyatani, K Shimamura, M Hatta, A Nagafuchi, A Nose, M Matsunaga, K Hatta
Science 245 (4918,), 631-635, 1989
Patient contact is the major determinant in incident leprosy : Implications for future control
SM van Beers, M Hatta, PR Klatser
International J. Leprosy 67 (2), 119-128, 1999
Penilaian portofolio implementasi kurikulum 2004
S Surapranata, M Hatta
Bandung: PT. Remaja Rosdakarya, 2004
Risk factors for developing leprosy – a population based cohort study in Indonesia
MI Bakker, M Hatta, A Kwenang, P van Mosseveld, WR Faber, PR Klatser, ...
Leprosy Review 77, 48-61, 2006
Detection of Salmonella typhi by nested Polymerase Chain Reaction in blood, urine and stool samples
M Hatta, HL Smits
American J. Tropical Medicine Hygiene 76, 139-143, 2007
An extended genotyping framework for Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi, the cause of human typhoid
VK Wong, S Baker, TR Connor, D Pickard, AJ Page, J Dave, N Murphy, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 12827, 2016
Risk factors of typhoid infection in the Indonesian archipelago
S Alba, MI Bakker, M Hatta, PFD Scheelbeek, R Dwiyanti, R Usman, ...
PLOS One, 2016
A randomized trial of prolonged co-trimoxazole in HIV-infected children in Africa
M Bwakura-Dangarembizi, L Kendall, S Bakeera-Kitaka, P Nahirya-Ntege, ...
New England Journal of Medicine 370 (1), 41-53, 2014
Mycobacterium leprae–millennium resistant! Leprosy control on the threshold of a new era
E Jan, Visschedijk Broek, Jacques Henk, ...
Tropical Medicine & International Health 5 (6), 388-399, 2000
Pattern of cytokine (IL-6 and IL-10) level as inflammation and anti-inflammation mediator of multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) in polytrauma
HB Sapan, I Paturusi, I Jusuf, I Patellongi, MN Massi, Aryono, SK Arief, ...
International J Burn Trauma 6 (2), 37-43, 2016
Severe malaria in children in areas with low, moderate and high transmission intensity in Uganda
R Idro, J Aloyo, L Mayende, M Hatta, E Bitarakwate, CC John, ...
Tropical Medicine & International Health 11 (1), 115-124, 2006
Prevention of leprosy using rifampicin as chemoprophylaxis
MI Bakker, M Hatta, A Kwenang, BHB van Benthem, SM van Beers, ...
American J. Trop Med.& Hyg 73 (4), 443-448, 2005
Pengaruh gaya kepemimpinan, kerjasama tim dan kompensasi terhadap kepuasan kerja serta dampaknya pada kinerja karyawan PT. PLN (persero) wilayah Aceh
M Hatta, S Musnadi
Jurnal magister manajemen 1 (1), 70-80, 2017
Distribution and persistence of Mycobacterium leprae nasal carriage among a population in which leprosy is endemic in Indonesia
M Hatta, S van Beers, B Madjid, A Djumadi, MYL de Wit, PR Klatser
Transaction Royal Society Tropical Medicine & Hygiene. (London) 89, 381-385, 1995
Clinical relevance is associated with allergen‐specific wheal size in skin prick testing
T Haahtela, GJ Burbach, C Bachert, C Bindslev‐Jensen, S Bonini, ...
Clinical & Experimental Allergy 44 (3), 407-416, 2014
A population survey to determine risk factors for leprosy transmission and infection
MI Bakker, M Hatta, A Kwenang, WR Faber, SM van Beers, PR Klatser, ...
International Journal of Epidemiology (London,UK) 33, 1329-1336, 2004
Rapid diagnosis of typhoid fever by PCR assay using one pair of primers from flagellin gene of Salmonella typhi
MN Massi, T Shirakawa, A Gotoh, A Bishnu, M Hatta, M Kawabata
Journal Infection and Chemotherapy 9 (3), 233-237, 2003
Simple dipstick assay for the detection of Salmonellla typhi-specific immunoglobulin M antibodies and the evolution of the immune response in patients with typhoid fever
M Hatta, MDA Goris, E Heerkens, GC Gussenhoven, J Goosken, HL Smits
American J. Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 66 (4), 416-421, 2002
Body mass, total body fat percentage, and visceral fat level predict insulin resistance better than waist circumference and body mass index in healthy young male adults in …
LB Kurniawan, U Bahrun, M Hatta, M Arif
Journal of clinical medicine 7 (5), 96, 2018
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