suradi tahmir
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TPACK Model Based Instruction in Teaching Writing: An Analysis on TPACK Literacy.
S Ammade, M Mahmud, B Jabu, S Tahmir
International Journal of Language Education 4 (1), 129-140, 2020
The Application of Contextual Approach in Learning Mathematics to Improve Students Motivation at SMPN 1 Kupang.
CK Ekowati, M Darwis, HMD Upa, S Tahmir
International Education Studies 8 (8), 81-86, 2015
Integrating technology in English language teaching: global experiences and lessons for Indonesia
S Ammade, M Mahmud, B Jabu, S Tahmir
International Journal of English Linguistics 8 (6), 107, 2018
Implementasi kurikulum 2013 dalam pembelajaran matematika di sma negeri 1 makassar
D Kusnadi, S Tahmir, I Minggi
MaPan: Jurnal Matematika dan Pembelajaran 2 (1), 123-135, 2014
Blended learning media in biology classroom
H Nurhikmah, S Tahmir, M Junda, BAN Bena
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1028 (1), 012027, 2018
The Influence of the Antecedent Variable on the Teachers' Performance through Achievement Motivation in Senior High School.
ER Dewi, P Bundu, S Tahmir
International Journal of Environmental and Science Education 11 (9), 3161-3166, 2016
The application of realistic mathematics education approach in teaching mathematics in penfui kupang
CK Ekowati, M Ardi, M Darwis, HMD Pua, S Tahmir, GD Dirawan
International Journal of Education and Information Studies 5 (1), 35-43, 2015
Knowledge and attitudes with family role in prevention of pulmonary tuberculosis in Maros, Indonesia
M Ardi, S Tahmir, N Pertiwi
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1028 (1), 012001, 2018
A Disadvantaged Tribe in Bajoe Village, Bone Regency: A Phenomenological Research on Bajo Tribe’s Social Life in Bone Regency, South Sulawesi
A Djalante, A Agustang, S Tahmir, J Sahabuddin
IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS), 1-11, 2018
The effect of emotional intelligence, competence and interpersonal communication on the performance of senior high school teachers through achievement motivation in Makassar …
ER Dewi, P Bundu, S Tahmir
The New Educational Review 44, 176-183, 2016
Problem-Based Learning--Buginese Cultural Knowledge Model--Case Study: Teaching Mathematics at Junior High School.
C Cheriani, A Mahmud, S Tahmir, D Manda, GD Dirawan
International Education Studies 8 (4), 104-110, 2015
Model Pembelajaran Resik Sebagai Strategi Mengubah Paradigma Pembelajaran Matematika di SMP yang Teachers Oriented Menjadi Student Oriented
S Tahmir
Laporan Penelitian. Makasar: UNM Makasar, 2007
Penerapan Pendidikan Lingkungan Hidup Di Perguruan Tinggi Dengan Model Outdoor Learning
M Ali, M Ardi, S Tahmir
UNM Environmental Journals 1 (3), 77-81, 2018
The Development of Maritime English Learning Model Using Authentic Assessment Based Bridge Simulator in Merchant Marine Polytechnic, Makassar.
A Fauzi, P Bundu, S Tahmir
International Journal of Environmental and Science Education 11 (10), 3231-3240, 2016
model pelatihan motivation, innovative, development, achievement (mida) dalam pengelolaan limbah industri pakaian jadi (Model Pelatihan MIDA)
H Suryani, GD Dirawan, S Tahmir, M Yahya
Badan Penerbit Universitas Negeri Makassar, 2017
Role of local institutions “mapalus” as a basis of public service in the field of security and public order in minahasa, Indonesia
T Wawointana, H Akib, S Tahmir, F Kerebungu
The Social Sciences 11 (13), 3370-3374, 2016
Analisis Kesalahan Siswa Dalam Menyelesaikan Soal pada Materi Persamaan Kuadrat
GL Sura, S Tahmir, A Dassa
Issues in Mathematics Education (IMED) 5 (1), 73-81, 2021
Identifiksi Sumber Belajar pada Pembelajaran Berbasis Lingkungan di Jurusan Biologi Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Negeri Makassar
AF Arsal, GD Dirawan, Y Hala, S Tahmir, A Bahri
SAINSMAT" Jurnal Sains, Matematika, dan Pembelajarannya" 6 (2), 73-83, 2017
Teori Grup
S Tahmir
Makassar: Andira Publisher, 2004
Keefektifan penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif dengan pendekatan scientific dalam pembelajaran Matematika di Kelas VIII SMP Negeri 2 Majene
A Al A’raf
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Articles 1–20