amru sungkar
amru sungkar
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The effect of Indonesian propolis dosage on vascularization of skin graft in skin wound of white rat's skin graft model: molecular studies of malondialdehyde (MDA), nuclear …
A Sungkar, M Doewes, B Purwanto, B Wasita
The effect of duration of wound skin tissue on MDA, TNF-α, IL-6, Caspase 3, VEGF levels, and granulation tissue thickness in the white rat (Rattus novergicus)
A Sungkar, D Widyatmoko, KY Yarso, B Wasita
Bali Medical Journal 9 (3), 918-923, 2020
Patients’ Satisfaction After Breast Reconstruction Surgery Using Autologous versus Implants: A Meta-Analysis
A Sungkar, KY Yarso, DF Nugroho, DI Wahid, CA Permatasari
Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention: APJCP 25 (4), 1205, 2024
Indonesian propolis extract acts as antioxidant in angiogenesis based on microvascular density and vascular endothelial growth factor assay: An experimental study in skin graft …
B Nindra, A Sungkar, KY Yarsa, B Wasita
Asian Journal of Research in Surgery 5 (3), 14-22, 2021
Pendekatan Deteksi Dini Retinoblastoma pada Anak di RSUD Moewardi Surakarta
S Indrakila, MI Malda, W Soewoto, J Purnomo, A Sungkar, N Agustriani, ...
Jurnal Kreativitas Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) 6 (9), 3514-3521, 2023
Combined local flap and split thickness skin Graft (STSG) as one of reconstructive surgery technique for diffuse ankle contracture management (a case report)
MR Widyaningrum, A Sungkar
Asian Journal of Case Reports in Surgery 8 (4), 11-16, 2021
Propolis from Mount Lawu: Dose-Dependent Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Effects in a Rat Model of Wound Healing
PD Yudatama, A Sungkar, IBBS Adnyana
Bioscientia Medicina: Journal of Biomedicine and Translational Research 9 (3 …, 2025
Clinical outcomes evaluation of congenital megacolon (Hirschsprung disease) short segment type after transanal endorectal pull through at Moewardi Hospital Surakarta
EA Ismail, IBB SA, N Agustriani, A Sungkar, SA Tusarawardaya
International Surgery Journal 10 (11), 1753-1757, 2023
Reverse dorsoradial metacarpal artery flap for reconstruction of large finger skin defect: A case report
DC Hariyono, A Wiramur, A Sungkar, KY Yarso, R Philo
International Journal of Surgery Case Reports 110, 108610, 2023
Moist Exposed Burn Ointment Effectiveness for Capecitabine Associated Grade II and III Hand Foot Syndrome on Stage III Colonic
BI Bagus, N Agustriani, R Ermawan, S Suwardi, A Sungkar, IR Saadhi
Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences 9 (B), 971-974, 2021
IDDF2021-ABS-0023 Effectivity of moist exposed burn ointment (MEBO) and the role on reducing the chemotherapy interruption of capecitabine associated hand foot syndrome on …
IB Budhi, A Nunik, E Rieva, S Suwardi, S Amru, IR Saadhi, MIA Kade, ...
Gut 70 (Suppl 2), A95-A96, 2021
IDDF2021-ABS-0023 Effectivity of moist exposed burn ointment (MEBO) and the role on reducing the chemotherapy interruption of capecitabine associated hand foot syndrome on …
BI Bagus, A Nunik, E Rieva, S Suwardi, S Amru, MIA Kade, MI Bagus, ...
Gut 70 (Suppl 2), A95-A96, 2021
Difference of Propolis Administration as an Antioxidant against Oxidative Stress (Malondialdehyde Level (MDA)) and Apoptosis (Caspase-3 Expression) in Skin Graft Model White …
RDN Tyastono, A Sungkar, KY Yarso, D Haryanti, N Agustrina, IB Budi, ...
Asian Journal of Research in Surgery 5 (3), 1-7, 2021
15. Fraktur Naso-orbito-ethmoid
A Sungkar, M Hutagalung, Y Moenadjat
Prinsip Tata laksana Trauma Muka AO CMF, 146, 2021
Pengaruh Dosis Ekstrak Etanol Propolis Terhadap Vaskularisasi pada Luka Kulit Tikus Putih Model Skin Graft
A Sungkar
UNS (Sebelas Maret University), 2021
Orbital cavity reconstruction using orbital and titanium mesh plates after enucleation of ruptured eyeball due to trauma
N Ananda, A Sungkar, D Ariawan
Clinical Reports in Dentistry, 189-198, 2020
Epithelial Rate Difference on Donor Wound of Split Thickness Skin Graft in the Thigh Area by Applying Leukocrepe® and Medicrepe®
I Rinaldi, A Sungkar, U Alifianto
Indonesian Journal of Medicine 2 (3), 146-153, 2017
Teknik Penanganan Luka Tekanan Negatif/Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT) pada Luka Kronik Pasca-trauma (Laporan Kasus Serial)
N Rohman, I Heru, A Sungkar
The Homodigital Island Flap: A Good Result of Fingertip Injuries Reconstruction on Single Center Hospital
A Wiramur, A Sungkar, MDP Putra, I Saadhi
Comparison of Boey and PULP (Peptic Ulcer Perforation) Score in Assessing Post OP 30-day Mortality in Gastric Perforation Patients at Moewardi Hospital, Surakarta
MS Nugraha, IB Budhi, W Soewoto, A Rahardjo, A Sungkar, N Agustriani
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Articles 1–20