Prof. Dr. Mohamad Fazli Sabri
Prof. Dr. Mohamad Fazli Sabri
Universiti Putra Malaysia, AACIM, IAFICO, MFPC, MACFEA
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Cited by
Savings behavior and financial problems among college students: The role of financial literacy in Malaysia
MF Sabri, M MacDonald
Cross-Cultural Communication 6 (3), 103-110, 2010
Determinants that influence green product purchase intention and behavior: A literature review and guiding framework
R Wijekoon, MF Sabri
Sustainability 13 (11), 6219, 2021
Assessment a model of financial satisfaction predictors: Examining the mediate effect of financial behaviour and financial strain
L Falahati, MF Sabri, LHJ Paim
World Applied Sciences Journal 20 (2), 190-197, 2012
Childhood consumer experience and the financial literacy of college students in Malaysia
MF Sabri, M MacDonald, TK Hira, J Masud
Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal 38 (4), 455-467, 2010
Financial well‐being of Malaysian college students
M Fazli Sabri, CC Cook, CG Gudmunson
Asian education and development studies 1 (2), 153-170, 2012
The influence of money attitude, financial practices, self-efficacy and emotion coping on employees’ financial well-being
M Sabri, R Wijekoon, H Rahim
Management Science Letters 10 (4), 889-900, 2020
Financial behavior and problems among college students in Malaysia: Research and education implication
MF Sabri, M MacDonald, J Masud, L Paim, TK Hira, MA Othman
Consumer Interests Annual 54 (5), 2008
The influence of financial literacy, saving behaviour, and financial management on retirement confidence among women working in the Malaysian public sector
MF Sabri, TT Juen
Asian Social Science 10 (14), 40, 2014
The relationship between attitude towards money, financial literacy and debt management with young worker’s financial well-being
N Abdullah, SM Fazli, AMM Arif
Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 27 (1), 361-387, 2019
The Influence of Financial Literacy, Money Attitude, Financial Strain and Financial Capability on Young Employees' Financial Well-being.
MF Sabri, NF Zakaria
Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities 23 (4), 2015
Financial socialization's impact on investment orientation and household net worth
TK Hira, MF Sabri, C Loibl
International Journal of Consumer Studies 37 (1), 29-35, 2013
Pathways to financial success: Determinants of financial literacy and financial well-being among young adults
MF Sabri
Iowa State University, 2011
The effects of financial literacy, self-efficacy and self-coping on financial behavior of emerging adults
KF CHONG, MF SABRI, AS Magli, H Abd Rahim, N Mokhtar, MA Othman
The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business 8 (3), 905-915, 2021
Financial literacy and related outcomes: The role of financial information sources
MF Sabri, ECX Aw
International journal of business and society 20 (1), 286-298, 2019
Estimating a model of subjective financial well-being among college students
MF Sabri, L Falahati
International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 2 (18), 191-199, 2012
An exploratory study of personal financial wellbeing determinants: Examining the moderating effect of gender
L Falahati, MF Sabri
Asian Social Science 11 (4), 33, 2015
Enhancing customer retention using customer relationship management approach in car loan bussiness
M Simanjuntak, NE Putri, LN Yuliati, MF Sabri
Cogent Business & Management 7 (1), 1738200, 2020
Financial well-being among public employees in Malaysia: A preliminary study
N Mokhtar, AR Husniyah, MF Sabri, MA Talib
Asian Social Science 11 (18), 49, 2015
Go loud or go home? How power distance belief influences the effect of brand prominence on luxury goods purchase intention
ECX Aw, SHW Chuah, MF Sabri, NK Basha
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 58, 102288, 2021
Predictors of financial well-being among Malaysian employees: examining the mediate effect of financial stress
MF Sabri, LF Falahati
Journal of Emerging Economies and Islamic Research 1 (3), 61-76, 2013
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Articles 1–20