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Cited by
Research trend: Hidden diamonds–The values and risks of online repository documents for forest policy and governance analysis
S Rahayu, D Laraswati, AA Pratama, DB Permadi, MAK Sahide, ...
Forest policy and economics 100, 254-257, 2019
Governance issues related to the management and conservation of mangrove ecosystems to support climate change mitigation actions in Indonesia
H Mursyid, MH Daulay, AA Pratama, D Laraswati, N Novita, A Malik, ...
Forest Policy and Economics 133, 102622, 2021
Bureaucratizing non-government organizations as governmental forest extension services in social forestry policy in Indonesia
S Rahayu, D Laraswati, AA Pratama, MAK Sahide, DB Permadi, ...
Forests, Trees and Livelihoods 29 (2), 119-129, 2020
Challenges facing independent monitoring networks in the Indonesian timber legality assurance system
Z Hasyim, D Laraswati, RH Purwanto, AA Pratama, A Maryudi
Forest Policy and Economics 111, 102025, 2020
Mandatory legality licensing for exports of Indonesian timber products: Balancing the goals of forest governance and timber industries
A Maryudi, D Laraswati, MAK Sahide, L Giessen
Forest Policy and Economics 124, 102384, 2021
Nongovernmental organizations as interest groups and their roles in policy processes: Insights from Indonesian forest and environmental governance
D Laraswati, M Krott, E Soraya, S Rahayu, MR Fisher, L Giessen, ...
Forest and Society 6 (2), 570-589, 2022
Problem-method fit in forest policy analysis: Empirical pre-orientation for selecting tested or innovative social-qualitative methods
D Laraswati, S Rahayu, AA Pratama, E Soraya, MAK Sahide, A Maryudi
MethodsX 7, 100794, 2020
Only a Noise? The Role of Non-governmental Organizations in the Policy Processes of a New Social Forestry Model in Indonesia
S Rahayu, D Laraswati, DB Permadi, MAK Sahide, A Maryudi
Small-Scale Forestry 22 (2), 253-270, 2023
The anachronistic category of non-government organisations: moving from normative to empirical-based definitions for identifying organized interest groups in forest policymaking
D Laraswati, S Rahayu, MAK Sahide, E Soraya, AA Pratama, M Fisher, ...
Forest Policy and Economics 112, 102106, 2020
Problem-method fit in forest policy analysis: Empirical pre-orientation for selecting tested or innovative social-qualitative methods. MethodsX, 7, 100794
D Laraswati, S Rahayu, AA Pratama, E Soraya, MAK Sahide, A Maryudi
Asymmetric power relations in multistakeholder initiatives: Insights from the government-instituted Indonesian National Forestry Council
T Muttaqin, E Soraya, B Dharmawan, D Laraswati, A Maryudi
Trees, Forests and People 12, 100406, 2023
Representation-Influence Framework (RIF) for analyzing the roles of organized interest groups (OIGs) in environmental governance
D Laraswati, M Krott, MAK Sahide, E Soraya, AA Pratama, S Rahayu, ...
MethodsX 8, 101335, 2021
Private forest in facing the timber legality regime in Indonesia: the NGOs’ role
D Laraswati, S Rahayu, AA Pratama, E Soraya, MAK Sahide, A Maryudi
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 449 (1), 012053, 2020
Forest Law Enforcement, Governance, and Trade (FLEGT) implementation in Europe and Indonesia, and the implications of timber legality and deforestation policy changes in the EU …
MG Sotirov, L Berning, J Eckelmann, A Maryudi, AA Pratama, D Laraswati
How NGO fulfill the complex scheme of social forestry: a resume of SF scheme in Indonesia
S Rahayu, D Laraswati, AA Pratama, DB Permadi, MAK Sahide, ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 449 (1), 012051, 2020
New land governance models and management scenarios: Fitting Forest Management Units (FMUs) for forested landscapes outside forest zones in Indonesia
MH Daulay, FD Susanti, D Laraswati, EC Arthalina, A Maryudi
Forest and Society 7 (1), 43-60, 2023
KPH Yogyakarta: Membangun model pengelolaan hutan yang mendiri dan profesional
ASB Nurjaman, AA Nawir, A Maryudi, DB Permadi, AA Pratama, ...
Nusantara: Climate Dilemmas of a" Green" Capital City in Indonesia
M Fisher, RJ Longman, A Maryudi, D Laraswati
Asia-Pacific Issues, 1-10, 2024
Vulnerable Deltas in Transition: Histories, Livelihoods, and Environmental Governance
MH Daulay, D Laraswati, MR Fisher, A Maryudi
AAS-in-Asia 2024, 2024
Jalan pengabdian baru: Penguatan layanan kepada masyarakat
E Soraya, AA Pratama, ASB Nurjaman, AA Nawir
CIFOR, Fakultas Kehutanan, Universitas Gadjah Mada, dan KPH Yogyakarta, 2021
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