Lilik Eko Widodo
Lilik Eko Widodo
Lecturer of Hydrogeology, Institute Technology of Bandung
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Cited by
Influence of drain hole inclination on drainage effectiveness of coal open pit mine slope
TA Cahyadi, LE Widodo, RA Fajar, A Baiquni
IOP conference series: Earth and environmental science 212 (1), 012060, 2018
Analysis of hydraulic conductivity of fractured groundwater flow media using artificial neural network back propagation
TA Cahyadi, Z Syihab, LE Widodo, S Notosiswoyo, E Widijanto
Neural Computing and Applications 33 (1), 159-179, 2021
Hydraulic Conductivity Modeling of Fractured Rock at Grasberg Surface Mine, Papua-Indonesia.
TA Cahyadi, LE Widodo, Z Syihab, S Notosiswoyo, E Widijanto
Journal of Engineering & Technological Sciences 49 (1), 2017
Hidrologi, Hidrogeologi Serta Penyaliran Tambang
LE Widodo
Bandung: LAPI ITB, 2012
Drill hole spacing optimization of non-stationary data for seam thickness and total sulfur: A case study of coal deposits at Balikpapan Formation, Kutai Basin, East Kalimantan
MN Heriawan, P Pillayati, LE Widodo, AH Widayat
International Journal of Coal Geology 223, 103466, 2020
Development of drain hole design optimisation: a conceptual model for open pit mine slope drainage system with fractured media using a multi-stage genetic algorithm
LE Widodo, TA Cahyadi, Z Syihab, S Notosiswoyo, I Iskandar, ...
Environmental earth sciences 77, 1-16, 2018
Estimation of natural recharge and groundwater build up in the Bandung groundwater basin contributed from rain water infiltration and inter-aquifer transfer
LE Widodo
Procedia Earth and Planetary Science 6, 187-194, 2013
Application of clustering system to analyze geological, geotechnical and hydrogeological data base according to HC-system approach
LE Widodo, TA Cahyadi, S Notosiswoyo, E Widijanto
INA-Rxiv, 2017
Pengaruh Instalasi Drain Hole Terhadap Penurunan Muka Airtanah Pada Media Permeabilitas Yang Berbeda (studi Kasus Model Konseptual)
TA Cahyadi, LE Widodo, Z Syihab, S Notosiswoyo
INA-Rxiv, 2017
Modelling Spatial Distribution of 3D Isotropic Hydraulic Conductivity Based on HC-System for Fractured Groundwater Flow Media using Neural Network Case Study Grassberg Open Pit …
TA Cahyadi, LE Widodo, I Iskandar, Sukaerang, Suyono
International Symposium on Earth Scince and Technology 2015, 59-64, 2015
Underground geological database management system for mapping process improvement, case study of deep ore zone (DOZ) mine, PT Freeport Indonesia
H Setyadi, LE Widodo, H Setiono, L Soebari
Procedia Earth and Planetary Science 6, 70-76, 2013
Potensi Imbuhan dan Imbuhan Airtanah Cekungan Airtanah Bandung
L Nurliana, LE Widodo
Bandung. Institut Teknologi Bandung, 2009
Fuzzy-Based Prediction of Spatio-Temporal Distribution of Wet Muck in Block Cave Mine of PT Freeport Indonesia
LE Widodo, E Widijanto, I Faadhilah, W Sunyoto
Journal of Engineering & Technological Sciences 50 (2), 2018
GIS modeling using fuzzy logic approach in mineral prospecting based on geophysical data
H Setyadi, LE Widodo, S Notosiswoyo, P Saptawati, A Ismanto, I Hardjana
AIP conference proceedings 1711 (1), 2016
A 3D Model of Hydraulic Conductivity Distribution of Fractured Rocks Using Packer Test Result and Geotechnical Log
I Iskandar, A Wibowo, B Casanova, S Notosiswoyo
International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology, University of …, 2014
Karakterisasi derajat kejenuhan tanah berdasarkan pendekatan logaritma potensial kapiler (pF)
A Rinaldi, RA Fajar, LE Widodo
INA-Rxiv, 2017
Analisis Kerapatan Data Eksplorasi dan Estimasi Sumberdaya Dengan Pendekatan Geostatistik Pada Endapan Nikel Laterit di Daerah Halmahera Timur
A Heriawan, M Syafrizal, L Widodo
Jurnal Teknologi Mineral 16 (2), 2009
A review of soft computing application in mineral resources engineering
LE Widodo
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 212 (1), 012067, 2018
Konduktivitas Hidrolik Material Setara Lanau Pada Tanah Tak Jenuh Air
A Rinaldi, LE Widodo, RA Fajar
INA-Rxiv, 2017
Studi Literatur Pendugaan Nilai Konduktivitas Hidraulik Dengan Menggunakan Data Uji Hidraulik Lapangan Dan Data Loging Geoteknik
TA Cahyadi, I Iskandar, S Notosiswoyo, LE Widodo
INA-Rxiv, 2015
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Articles 1–20